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Help with defending crosses

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Firstly sorry if this isn't for this but I'm just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. My team play really well for the most part but I continually concede from crosses.

As for my main tactic I play a 4-3-3 on counter and fluid The roles are as followed;
GK - GKs
DR - FBa
DCL - BPDstopper
DL - FBs
MC - CMd
MCL - CMat
ST - F9s

From what I've noticed most of the crosses come from my opponents Left Wing which if what confuses me the most because if they came down the left I could attribute it to my attacking full back being out of position but that just doesn't seem to be the case. If the information is a little vague I appologise I'm not 100% sure on how to add screenshots onto the forum :')

Thanks for any advice in advance :)

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Sorry I probably should have just refered to one wing istead of talking about both mine and my opponents wings. The issue is with my left flank. My right flank the more offensive side which is why I could understand if thats where the crosses where coming from but they're coming from my left. Hope that clears it up

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