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[Suggestions] A Handful of Small Suggestions


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Nothing major, just a few ideas I've been meaning to post up.

Built-In Save Upload for Bugs

Saw someone mention this in another thread awhile back and don't know if it ever got posted. I've hesitated on posting possible bugs a few times just because it can be a pain to post a proper bug post with enough detail, then upload the save. If the game could have an integrated save upload feature, that might make it easier on the gamer end. Obviously you don't want people uploading their saves with no information, so there would need to be some limits and some information attached to the upload.


Good Players Make Decent Coaches

There should be some randomness to this, but it seems totally random. Obviously not all good players become good coaches if they choose to pursue that post-career. But it seems like most good (for the level of play) players who I've had retire and become coaches end up being quite dire, without much potential to improve. At the very least, maybe they have low-ish CA but the potential to become good coaches. Its really fun (and rather realistic) to keep a club legend around to be part of the coaching setup. But when they go from being a really good player to a dreadful coach, you can't really do that without wasting a coaching spot.


Walk Out Calmly

Rather than the only option to end a press conference being to Storm Out, it would be nice to see an option to calmly end it. Ran into this recently where I had a journalist ask me the same question three times. Don't recall the question, but it was daft and none of the options were ones I wanted, so I kept taking the answer that wasn't an answer. The third time, I hit the Storm Out option. And the news story that followed was about me blowing up in a rage. But realistically, I imagined my manager simply staying calm, but calling an end to proceedings. Not flipping desks and throwing chairs.


Variety to Questions

Regarding interactions, with the media and with players, would be nice to have more variety. Not just different types of questions from the journalists, but even just different ways of having the same questioned asked. After a few seasons of doing press conferences yourself, its monotony. Realistic monotony in some ways, but in reality, different journalists will not phrase the same questions the exact same way. Would also be cool to see more questions


Player Logic

I realize this sometimes comes down to how the game can represent something, rather than the situation itself being wrong or illogical. But it can be frustrating when the player is upset about something that is not logical. And that's even realizing that emotional beings are always going to get upset rationally and logically. Recent example - at the biggest club in Colombia, I turned down an offer from a mid-level club in Argentina for one of my players. He is irate. Now Argentina is a bigger league but the clubs aren't really comparable - the current club is a full 1000 rep point above the club that made the offer. Other offers from some of Europe's biggest clubs came in, mostly negotiated up rather than outright rejected. But it was that one that made him want to leave. And he wants to leave to play at a bigger club. Yet the club he seems determined to join isn't bigger. They are notably smaller, and don't have continental football like we do. If the statement on why the player wanted to leave had a bit more clarity and said he wants to go to a bigger league, it wouldn't seem annoying IMO.

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5 hours ago, Bigpapa42 said:

Built-In Save Upload for Bugs

Saw someone mention this in another thread awhile back and don't know if it ever got posted. I've hesitated on posting possible bugs a few times just because it can be a pain to post a proper bug post with enough detail, then upload the save. If the game could have an integrated save upload feature, that might make it easier on the gamer end. Obviously you don't want people uploading their saves with no information, so there would need to be some limits and some information attached to the upload.

The problem with this is that most of the time it needs to be an earlier save. A save from before the promise a couple of months ago or a day before a bid was made etc. 

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1 hour ago, HUNT3R said:

The problem with this is that most of the time it needs to be an earlier save. A save from before the promise a couple of months ago or a day before a bid was made etc. 

If you run with rolling saves it may be ok.  If not, the option is greyed-out.


It's a great idea.  I'm sure it should be doable

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10 hours ago, Bigpapa42 said:

Built-In Save Upload for Bugs

Saw someone mention this in another thread awhile back and don't know if it ever got posted. I've hesitated on posting possible bugs a few times just because it can be a pain to post a proper bug post with enough detail, then upload the save. If the game could have an integrated save upload feature, that might make it easier on the gamer end. Obviously you don't want people uploading their saves with no information, so there would need to be some limits and some information attached to the upload.


4 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

The problem with this is that most of the time it needs to be an earlier save. A save from before the promise a couple of months ago or a day before a bid was made etc. 

I've mentioned it in the past in passing, as I find the whole bug uploading process quite tedious.

But what HUNT3R says is correct - it's not quite as simple as putting in a save upload feature (although that would be a good feature to have).  What I'd like to see is something going a lot further, and to be honest something that no user would ever really "see".  Currently, like HUNT3R says, you've got to provide a save prior to something going wrong.  This isn't always possible, and plenty of people still don't use rolling saves or backups, or have a save that is dated quite right.  How many bugs have been missed because people didn't have a save that showed it?

I have no knowledge of what is possible within the save file framework they're using, but if there was a way to be able to package within each save the ability for SI to recreate time within a set period, and they supplemented it with a seamless way of uploading the save, they should start getting far more bug good-quality bug reports.  That'll help everyone.

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It'll be more realistically possible for ME bugs, where a PKM is needed. As for saves, I can't see that happening, but that's SI's headache. The suggestion is out there, so they can evaluate whether this is possible or not. 

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