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Tutors to Tutor More than 1 Player + Staff Tutors


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Currently, it is possible to carry out one-to-one player-to-player tutoring sessions, for an undefined period of time, which is great for developing a young player. However, I feel this can be improved even further.


First of all, I feel that it should be possible for a senior player to be able to tutor more than just one youngster, and as an avid follower of real-life Liverpool FC and the Youth sides, I'm aware that in real life, several youngsters will follow a single player. I believe each senior player should be able to tutor up to a certain amount of individuals based on several attributes, including leadership, pressure, teamwork & temperament. Let's say that the best possible tutor can tutor up to five youngsters at any one time, if he's tutoring 5 players, each will have the same effect as if only one were being tutored. However, if you try and set six tutees to that player, then the positive effect on the youngsters will slightly decrease. Somebody like Balotelli should only be able to tutor just the one youngster.


Second suggestion is that somewhere there should be an indicator of how long a tutoring session has gone on for, and indeed how much time is left. At the moment, it seems to end at random. There should also be some form of indicator as to how long a senior player needs to wait before tutoring again. I don't even understand why a tutor can't tutor one youngster straight after finishing another, and it seems you have to wait months.


There should also be a staff responsibility option of allowing a staff member to automatically assign tutors/tutees the same way you can get your assistant manager to automatically assign focus training to all your players with a single click. This shouldn't be too difficult to implement, seeing as your staff already advises you on potential tutor assignments.


And lastly, whilst it's great that you can have [player tutors, why not also staff tutors as well? Somebody who isn't necessarily a coach or anything similar, but a person who is able to assist with that player's off-field behaviour? This person can help with that player's mostly-hidden off-field mental attributes (e.g. adaptability, professionalism, temperament, etc). I think this type of staff should be introduced into the next FM, and each tutor have different personalities which improves certain attributes more than others.

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