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Playoff / Playout


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Hello to all

I am practicing with the advanced rules,
with whom I am creating a championship with a new structure

the highest division has two groups of 20 teams each

Regarding the relegation, the lasts will go down directly
while the 18th and 19th of each group would cross to the playout

However, despite my many attempts, verified within the game,
I can not impose that teams in the 18th place, meet those at the 19th place of the other group

I'm going so crazy, but everytime there is a problem

someone could help me, please?

thanks in advance!

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On 29/9/2017 at 01:45, Dave Fairbairn said:

Have you made sure it is a fixed draw?


I think I've tried in every way possible!

(I am Italian, it is right to specify it)
I set that the system prevents the teams from the same group, they challenge;
I set that team No. 18 of Group A, meet No. 19 of Group B and vice versa
in any case, every chance of draw has taken place

In addition, despite my settings, in most cases, the worst ranked teams,
pass the turn after a double draw:seagull:
What can I do?

Below, I show some screens, but the version is Italian, I hope it's not a big deal.


Thank you in advance

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MAYBE, I've succeeded in this.
I thank you!

Nonetheless, teams from the same group often get drawn to each other.
This also happened to me with the previous settings...

p.s. In the first screenshot I showed, what's the difference between the three options of choice?

Thanks again in advance

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Finally I solved it
much patience was needed!
thank you so much


However, I can not use a setting:

I wish that during Playout / Playoff,
in the event that a match (no matter if it is only single, or single + return match) without taking into account the goals scored away to home, the team that ranked during the regular season was higher in the standings, would pass the turn,
in cases of further parity after the supplement times

I think I've tried every possible solution, but in each of these cases,
the result is always exactly the opposite of what I want!

How to solve it?  :mad:

thanks in advance to someone who will help me

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