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Things About Disciplinary Actions


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I think the game lacks a bit in this department.

* We should have automatic instructions options for red cards, poor performance, unprofessional behviours etc.

We should be able to set auto instructions if we want to. Like warning in the first incident and then automatic 1 week wage fine when repeats. 2 week wage fine if it happens again...

* History of these actions is not kept and we can't see the disciplinary actions history of a player.

I mean how many times i warned or fined him. I don't see and remember what happened in the past. I would like to see the history for each player and set some auto fines for repetative cases.

* Reactions to disciplinary actions seem so random.

I saved and tried a few times. For example, a player had a 5.7 rating and i warn him for poor performance. Sometimes he accepts without comment, sometimes he is shocked, sometimes he feels it is harsh and blames teammates and the best scenario is he accepts and apologises which improves his work rate and sometimes determination. It feels weird when he had a very poor game and he still feels it is harsh.


I started the topic in general discussions forum and then headed to this forum as mods advise.

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