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Breno & Djouru or Gallas & Toure?


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Ok, so ive recently started a game with Arsenal and by common sense you would put Toure and Gallas at CB. Toure being one of the best in the game, and Gallas the captain.

But...they both got injured and are out for 3 weeks and 1 month. Lucky for me, the next game is at Chelsea, were we are both equal on points. At first I questioned how the young pairing of Breno and Djouru would cope with Drogba and Van Perise (I sold Van Persie to buy Breno and Aguero).

I won the game 2-0 and have been on an impressive run of 6 straight wins also including a 1-0 win at Juventus in CL, only conceding 1 goal. Breno has been chipping in with the headers from corners as well.

Should Kolo and Gallas be automatically shipped back in when they return? And no way is Gallas being slotted in at right back because Sagna is my favourite player on the team.

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If Breno and Djorou are doing well for you then maybe wait a bit longer. Although remember they are young, and won't be as physically or mentally fit as Gallas or Toure. I would slot one of Gallas and Toure in for one of Breno and Djorou, most likely Toure in for Djorou as Toure is a better defender than Gallas. Even, knowing that you have excellent back-up, sell Gallas(his stats decline quickly) for good money and rotate Breno and Djorou alongside Toure.

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Well I think you should ask for advice on the Arsenal team thread to get a better response. The guys out there are very helpful. And to answer you I think you could sell off Gallas and slot Breno straight in with Djourou being given a few games in his place.

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i would sell gallas, play toure with breno and keep djourou as back-up. Gallas is not a great partner for toure and Breno will be the perfect partner one day so if you keep playing Breno he will be immense.

still shouldn't have sold van persie. he is awesome! mind you, you got aguero and he is class. how much did you sell RVP for?

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Why don't you just rotate them and see who's doing better? ffs it's a manager game, you're supposed to MANAGE your team, not ask others what you should do.

Because it's a Community Forum. Forums are meant for asking advice, so he can ask whatever he likes. As long as it is in the right place:)

Hardly a great 2nd post for you, ey?

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