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FM Fantasy draft

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Now I'm just back to the saga after a good few years and it's the first time I find myself pondering around the draft. I'm trying to join any random draft but none seem to show up, is it still early days and only a small number of leagues being made hence still hard to find games or do you need to play only with friends the draft? 

Much obliged. 

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Ups that clears it, saw the online leagues working thought they launched the draft to (main reason why I bought it this year). Guess we need to wait a Lil while longer for it. 

You saved me a good few hours of wondering what am I doing wrong. Cheers 

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Anyone know a forum or topic in this forum where we can band together to find and keep friends close in real time? Would be a good addition a live chat to find the required players to fill a 8 teams or more draft fairly quick and with dedicated managers. 

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I'm sure that at any given time were at least 20 people thinking of joining a game, we try and fail so we move on, then the another tries the same, fail again with a live chat we could find each other in real time and get the ball rolling much faster and in somewhat of a community if the idea sticks 

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