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Will the DRM on FM 09 stop you from buying the game?

Will the DRM on FM 09 stop you from buying the game?  

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  1. 1. Will the DRM on FM 09 stop you from buying the game?

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Not an issue. It's there in Spore as mentioned before, and it'll be in Empire Total War too.

It's not about limiting installs, you get a license back when you uninstall one. (I've yet to establish whether this'll cause me issues with Acronis True Image)

I'll be parking a copy on both laptop and desktop, but preordered 2 copies expecting to need a disk.... still one of me mates will have neglected to preorder, so at least I'll have one spare on the morning of release.

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Right... so we won't be able to play the game without registering online. Niiiice.

That's me out. thanks lads, it's been a fun ride, but the PC I use for FM isn't online and because certain things on it are a pain in the arse, probably won't ever be again.

Still, if there are any tech heads here who can tell me how th hell I can make Windows XP understand that I have four HDDs in RAID configuration so I can format and reinstall the damn thing, I'm all ears. Because XP is telling me it doesn't recognize my hard drive.

So, in a nutshell, unless I format my pc and reinstall windows from scratch, I won't be able to play FM09 - very disappointing since I'm one of the few SI loyalists who played (and still own a copy of) CM1 :(

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the name of protection is UNILOC , i have check the file on repertory and i have found a dll , i search on google and i founde this website...

i'm wrong ? lol

Miles mentioned earlier that SI didn't want to announce the name of the DRM being used. I found it quite easy to find the name after installing the demo too, but I do feel that we should respect their wish and not publish the name.

Oh, and you're not completely right in guessing that the DRM is called "UNILOC".

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Right... so we won't be able to play the game without registering online. Niiiice.

That's me out. thanks lads, it's been a fun ride, but the PC I use for FM isn't online and because certain things on it are a pain in the arse, probably won't ever be again.

Still, if there are any tech heads here who can tell me how th hell I can make Windows XP understand that I have four HDDs in RAID configuration so I can format and reinstall the damn thing, I'm all ears. Because XP is telling me it doesn't recognize my hard drive.

So, in a nutshell, unless I format my pc and reinstall windows from scratch, I won't be able to play FM09 - very disappointing since I'm one of the few SI loyalists who played (and still own a copy of) CM1 :(

Phone... do you own one?

And dave the demo doesn't count for it..... only the final version.

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Miles mentioned earlier that SI didn't want to announce the name of the DRM being used. I found it quite easy to find the name after installing the demo too, but I do feel that we should respect their wish and not publish the name.

Oh, and you're not completely right in guessing that the DRM is called "UNILOC".

sorry, but it easy to find the name of protection ... so

Once installed the demo I do not see how this problem, everyone can know now.

is a new protection so everyone wants to have information ...

ps:sorry if this is a problem ...

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Stardock one of the worlds biggest software developers have written 10 commandments they believe every person purchasing a game SHOULD be entitled to...

Gamers shall have the right to return games that don't work with their computers for a full refund.

Gamers shall have the right to demand that games be released in a finished state.

Gamers shall have the right to expect meaningful updates after a game's release.

Gamers shall have the right to demand that download managers and updaters not force themselves to run or be forced to load in order to play a game.

Gamers shall have the right to expect that the minimum requirements for a game will mean that the game will play adequately on that computer.

Gamers shall have the right to expect that games won't install hidden drivers or other potentially harmful software without their consent.

Gamers shall have the right to re-download the latest versions of the games they own at any time.

Gamers shall have the right to not be treated as potential criminals by developers or publishers.

Gamers shall have the right to demand that a single-player game not force them to be connected to the Internet every time they wish to play.

Gamers shall have the right that games which are installed to the hard drive shall not require a CD/DVD to remain in the drive to play.

For more information about Stardock's games and software, please visit www.stardock.com.

About Stardock

Stardock is one of the world's leading developers and publishers of PC games and desktop software. Its PC games include the upcoming strategy/RPG combo, Demigod as well as Sins of a Solar Empire, the highest rated and best selling PC strategy game of 2008 as well as the critically acclaimed Galactic Civilizations series. Its desktop software includes Object Desktop, WindowBlinds, and a host of other programs for customizing the Windows experience. Learn more about Stardock by visiting www.stardock.com.

Bit of bad luck their second point was disproved by their own Gal Civ 2 being released in a totally unbalanced and virtually unplayable state.

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I have gone with the Digital Download for the past 3 years here in the US and have no problem playing w/out a disk. I don't see what the big deal is about the DRM, you authenticate once and your done. You can put it on 5 computers for gods sake.

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I really don't understand what the problem is with DRM. :confused: It's not my favourite thing ever (and I have argued consistently that game companies need to look at alternative revenue streams to combat the problems of piracy), but this method of DRM is really not that intrusive. It's nowhere near as bad as the DRM on BioShock, or some of the measures imposed by EA.

And we've put up with similar versions of DRM on Windows XP and Office for years without complaining, and now a games company has the "audacity" to do it? So you're limited to installs on 5 separate machines? That's generous no? Why would you need it on more than, say, 2 machines anyway?

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I'm no fan of DRM of any kind, no matter how simple it may be. But it probably won't stop me from buying this game as it's more or less the only game I bother to play these days. Though I haven't pre-ordered it, but will likely buy it a little later when prices start to drop as I'm not looking forward to FM as much as I used to, so prices are too high for my liking. Before the demo I was looking for a pre-order, but my view has changed as the press is just as repetative as before and the game seems as sluggish on my PC as FM08 did before the patch, having to click on things 4-5 times for things to happen. Don't wanna know how it becomes with more than English leagues loaded! So I will probably look to have money priority for upgrades first anyway.

However I hope one day (never gonna happen :( ) that we will see the end of the DRM. There is NO proof that a game sells more because of it, in fact games that didn't use DRM has gone on and done well. It's the same with all media (games, movies, music). They will all be cracked no matter what, or if not it may turn the legit buyer away depending what protection is used. Now this DRM SI uses doesn't seem to be as extreme as some of the systems used out there, but still what will SI do if this gets cracked too? Put something even worse and more extreme on their game? If that happens you won't see me bother picking this up anymore. It's sort of like iTunes, as long as they used their DRM I never bought anything from them even though prices for a CD were much lower than in the stores. Same goes for STEAM now as prices isn't lower, which is the whole point really with buying digital downloads.

I'm just glad there usually isn't anything really about piracy text when you start the game. What annoys me the most is on DVDs you have all these videos and text about piracy and stuff. Eh, I can't skip that junk but the one that downloaded the exact same movie doesn't have to look at these pointless ads! I really hope one day the buyer will have 100% control of their own product and we will not see any kind of DRM ever again...but like I said, likely will never happen.

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Paid for this game every year since SI/EIDOS split, and I aint doing that this year. I will wait til december and download the cracked version and burn it on disc. I will never ever have to put up with this kind of nonsense, as for you guys who are going to pay SI's wages this year I feel for you. All DRM will do is punish legitimate customers AKA you.

I thought CM had dropped the ball with an april 09 release (Muhahahahah I still cant believe the balls they got), but this DRM will alienate some of your fanbase. You'll see.

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My 1st exprience with DRM was with ZMud (a telnet client for playing MUDs, the predecessors to Everquest and just as as addictive as any online game).

He had an answer to the "But what if my computer crashes" argument. And that argument is valid. I reinstall windows about 4x a year and sometimes because the system goes to complete crap in a partition operation or from a virus. Yea, 95% of the time I can uninstall. However it would be a HUGE pain in the ass to uninstall all of my games everytime I want to reinstall windows.

So, yes, there are people who redo windows several times a year.

Zugg's answer for zmud was that if a license doesn't check in with the servers in 30 days, that license is released and available to you to install again.

Yes, it would require an internet connection or a phone call to reregister.

The other solution here that noone seems to be speaking of is to just wait for an anti-drm crack to come out from the smart people and save it and install it. Then, DRM is removed and disabled AND you still bought the game.

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Paid for this game every year since SI/EIDOS split, and I aint doing that this year. I will wait til december and download the cracked version and burn it on disc. I will never ever have to put up with this kind of nonsense, as for you guys who are going to pay SI's wages this year I feel for you. All DRM will do is punish legitimate customers AKA you.

I thought CM had dropped the ball with an april 09 release (Muhahahahah I still cant believe the balls they got), but this DRM will alienate some of your fanbase. You'll see.

I'm confused Brother. If DRM stops piracy how can you download a cracked version? The whole point of DRM is for the existence of pirate copies to cease existing.

I'm confused, If DRM doesnt stop the pirates what it is it for?

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I'm confused Brother. If DRM stops piracy how can you download a cracked version? The whole point of DRM is for the existence of pirate copies to cease existing.

I'm confused, If DRM doesnt stop the pirates what it is it for?

Quite clearly an alias. Are you bored or something?

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The other solution here that noone seems to be speaking of is to just wait for an anti-drm crack to come out from the smart people and save it and install it. Then, DRM is removed and disabled AND you still bought the game.

That would be because it's against the rules to talk about or advocate the use of any cracks etc on these forums.

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Endology is IP banned, I was just mocking him. No need to get offensive.

So someone called ENDology is banned. Someone else signs up after ENDolgoy is banned, calls themself STARTology and continues a debate with ENDology and isn't an alias. Call me suspicious but that's quite a few coincidences in there.

Meh, I'm bored of all this.

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Can someone please explain what DRM is for if a cracked game is still going to show up? I'm really confused about this whole protection stick.

Oh - you're banned I see. What a sad little man this fella must be. :(

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I'm confused Brother. If DRM stops piracy how can you download a cracked version? The whole point of DRM is for the existence of pirate copies to cease existing.

I'm confused, If DRM doesnt stop the pirates what it is it for?

It will stop the same number as a CD requirement. The real benefit is that legitimate users don't have to use the CD every time they play. Where it hurts though is the very real problem of what if SI or Sega dies or some executive there decides to just do away with the servers supporting the DRM. Dumber decisions have been made and no corporation with more than 20 employees can be trusted to make intelligent decisions.

I personally will just wait to see if they do away with the DRM and if not, well, there's 100 other games out there to waste my weekends on.

That would be because it's against the rules to talk about or advocate the use of any cracks etc on these forums.

Well, of course. I'm not advocating it. But unless the developers are bone stupid (unlikely), they have to be aware that there will be anti-drm cracks made available. Now, if the executives are stupid (very likely) they will not allow anyone to even suggest that it's possible to pirate a game. 2+2=5

DRM will stop the same number of people as requiring the CD will. Not one person more..

I actually feel for the developers because PC piracy is very, very rampant. I'd be very angry if people were pirating my hard work too. And I don't know how to tell them what to do to fix it.

One company, Ubisoft, intentionally put a bug into one of their Settlers games that only reared its head if you were using a pirated copy. It was a resource management game. If you had a pirated copy and it detected it, it would have trees never grow and iron mines produce (get this) pigs instead of iron! It was brilliant.

A good healthy rumor, confirmed by ubisoft, that pirated copies of the game will make the player lose at a higher rate than normal would put a death nail in the piracy campaign. Think about it -- your team is all of a sudden losing badly... You post on the forums, nothing seems to work, you give up and delete the game. No lost love from the developers towards the pirate and no more piracy.

Hell, even if it wasn't a rumor it would make sense to code something like that into the game and put the public on notice that it was in there.

Of course then people like me who are on a perpetual relegation tour will wonder if the anti-piracy component has been activated.

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The only way we can stand up to these bullys is to NOT BUY THE GAME.

I have not bought many games this year over DRM issues. I disagree with it morally, I worry about my equioment and I DO NOT LIKE BEING TREATED LIKE A THIEF.

Although it should, FM will get away with it for me as I must own every FM/CM game ever. However, I am extremely worried as to the direction SI has taken in recent years. This year is 1 nail in FM's coffin. DRM must be fought against my us, the consumer.

Don't let you voice go unheard.

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The only way we can stand up to these bullys is to NOT BUY THE GAME.

Do what you like mate. I'm buying the game. :thup:

I don't have a problem with DRM. I don't think it's that effective, but meh it doesn't bother me. I'm presuming you use Windows? Office? Then you're used to authenticating software?

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Do what you like mate. I'm buying the game. :thup:

I don't have a problem with DRM. I don't think it's that effective, but meh it doesn't bother me. I'm presuming you use Windows? Office? Then you're used to authenticating software?

and you can play the game with out a disc i think i read right now thats got to be a good point

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and you can play the game with out a disc i think i read right now thats got to be a good point

Tis true - I have two drives so the disk just sits in one of those drives all the time, but if I only had one drive, this would definitely be a good thing for me!

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I said I was still buying FM.

I don't use an Office you have to Authenticate, my Office was free.

I have never had to authenticate windows, it was pre installed.

Well, rest assured, hundreds of millions of people do and have had no problem with Mircrosoft's authentication demands.

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Hundreds of Millions of people that don't know what is really going on with their PC. Rest assured my friend, rest assured.

Ah, this old chestnut, eh? Well, you're clearly not going to change your beliefs, so I can't be bothered to argue against you and explain the facts, so I'll leave at that I think.

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Ah, this old chestnut, eh? Well, you're clearly not going to change your beliefs, so I can't be bothered to argue against you and explain the facts, so I'll leave at that I think.

I too can't be fussed to explain the facts to you. Funny though, I suspect our 'facts' differ. Can't enlighten everyone I suppose. Thanks.

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I have a DRM Question, sorry if its already been covered.

At the moment with FM08, its installed on the two PC's in my house. I move the disk between them, depending which one FM is running on. Every so often, its on both PC's at the same time, if my brother is playing for example.

Will I be able to install the game on two PC's, or along with the 5 install thing, can I only install on one PC configuration?

Hope someone can answer this, as it will effect if I buy the game or not.


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DRM will stop the same number of people as requiring the CD will. Not one person more.

This years sales figures will be absolute proof of the effect, my money is on a big increase.

One company, Ubisoft, intentionally put a bug into one of their Settlers games that only reared its head if you were using a pirated copy. It was a resource management game. If you had a pirated copy and it detected it, it would have trees never grow and iron mines produce (get this) pigs instead of iron! It was brilliant.

A good healthy rumor, confirmed by ubisoft, that pirated copies of the game will make the player lose at a higher rate than normal would put a death nail in the piracy campaign. Think about it -- your team is all of a sudden losing badly... You post on the forums, nothing seems to work, you give up and delete the game. No lost love from the developers towards the pirate and no more piracy.

Hell, even if it wasn't a rumor it would make sense to code something like that into the game and put the public on notice that it was in there.

Of course then people like me who are on a perpetual relegation tour will wonder if the anti-piracy component has been activated.

It was done on FM08 and appeared to be totally ineffective, caused a lot of vitriol on here too, mind you even changing the colour of the match ball would do that:(

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Well looking at the site of the company that has a folder in the demo in the activation bit, I like how they offer to get a lot of info on my PC and its usage.

How can it target me on the advertising hoardings without delving quite deep into my PC, and if it can I would think it would be the first time so much porn has been advertised at football.

Don't use FM 2009 while connected to the internet, try telling my wife and daughter I am turning the wireless modem off while I go play for a few hours

Suppose I can configure my firewall to block all traffic to and from S..T.....R

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Well looking at the site of the company that has a folder in the demo in the activation bit, I like how they offer to get a lot of info on my PC and its usage.

So at least I'm not the only one who doesn't like the fact that this DRM system offers to monitor user behavior and report back exactly what the users do inside the game. Not even SecuROM does that (as far as I know), and the only name I know for software behaving like this is spyware.

To be fair though, just because the DRM supports this feature it doesn't mean SI will decide to use it. Only time will tell, but personally I wouldn't recommend using the game while connected to the internet. If nothing else it will get rid of the ingame advertisements.

So I guess FM09 will potentially contain not only adware but also spyware - I wonder how learning the name of the DRM was supposed to calm people down. What has happened to the SI that I knew and loved?

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In answer to original post, no it will not stop me from buying the game.

I'll buy a boxed copy, manually download updates (as previously) and complete a non-arduous 10-second authorisation process online. No problem really, I can't see how this is causing an issue for people, especially if they have already gone to the trouble of downloading the demo.

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What has happened to the SI that I knew and loved?

I suspect this desicion comes from that other company...

They, whoever is behind the idea, did the same thing with EHM. I had some severe computer crashes that forced me to reinstall Windows. That costed med all five licenses, and I am no longer able to play the game I once bought despite the fact I still have the CD. I suppose there´s a way to get them back, but I don´t have the time nor the will to **** about. I am a customer, not a crook.

DRM is Satan. I have bought every single installation of CM/FM since the dawn of time, but this time I think I´ll skip and spend my money elsewhere.

Why would you do this?

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To be fair though, just because the DRM supports this feature it doesn't mean SI will decide to use it. Only time will tell, but personally I wouldn't recommend using the game while connected to the internet. If nothing else it will get rid of the ingame advertisements.

I haven't read too much about this, but how will I be ''targeted'' by the in game advertisements. I can think of only 2 ways,

1. Mapping of my software and targeting the adverts towards, Music, I have winamp. DVD's etc etc.

2. Something is watching my internet browsing habits and relaying the info to ??? and replacing the hoardings with selected adverts.

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I will never buy anything with any form of DRM. I buy something, it is mine to do as I please and use in any manner I see fit. If i'm not able to do this then I wont buy it. Once again people who pirate the game will have a better experience than legitimate users... it's just ridiculous and plain stupidity. I refuse to buy any other kind of media now like DVDs just because of those frigging anti-piracy adverts at the start. (I rent stuff now before anyone starts)

The only saving grace this year is the game is being released on steam so it's not going to be a problem for me personally... although i'm not happy with these ad board things on FM09 either.

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DRM is Satan.

That's a nice simple way of expressing it :D

I haven't read too much about this, but how will I be ''targeted'' by the in game advertisements. I can think of only 2 ways,

1. Mapping of my software and targeting the adverts towards, Music, I have winamp. DVD's etc etc.

2. Something is watching my internet browsing habits and relaying the info to ??? and replacing the hoardings with selected adverts.

According to the EULA the advertisements will do the following:

This technology will automatically deliver location-based advertising and log and transmit certain information about your interaction with the advertising.

So, I don’t think they will search your computer and target advertisements directly at you.

The DRM has an "insight" feature that, if used, will monitor your actions inside the game and report them back. This is meant as a way to find out which parts of a game the users spend the most time on, and other statistical information. Personally I just don't like anyone monitoring me, no matter what the purpose might be. But again I don't know if SI will even activate this feature.

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That's a nice simple way of expressing it :D

According to the EULA the advertisements will do the following:

So, I don’t think they will search your computer and target advertisements directly at you.

The DRM has an "insight" feature that, if used, will monitor your actions inside the game and report them back. This is meant as a way to find out which parts of a game the users spend the most time on, and other statistical information. Personally I just don't like anyone monitoring me, no matter what the purpose might be. But again I don't know if SI will even activate this feature.

No game should ever monitor the gamers playing habits or anything else to do with a users pc , having it in the EULA is a cop out , if they want to install software on a persons PC that used or unused , has the potential to monitor user behaviour....... print it on the box and lets see how many copies of the game are sold.

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