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[FM18] The tale of the Pentagon shaped Trophy Cabinet


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Hello and welcome to my thread :)

I have decided to take on the 'Pentagon Challenge' for my main FM18 save - lets hope it goes better then all my Beta saves!

Details of the challenge:

For those not familiar with the challenge, its dead easy..

I will be starting off as an ex-Sunday League Footballer and i will afford myself 0 coaching badges. 

I am starting off unemployed with the aim to win each version of the Champions League from 5 different continents;

  • UEFA Champions League
  • Asian Champions League
  • African Champions League 
  • CONCACAF (North American) Champions League
  • Cope Libertadores (South American) Champions League

I wont be tackling them in any particular order. The icing on the cake would be a Club World Club Cup and the absolute creme dela creme would be the FIFA World Cup.

Leagues Loaded:


Europe and South America are currently set to 'view only' to aid my game speed - ive never attempted a save of this magnitude so i'll add/remove as required - currently have 4 stars.

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