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Ive recently been developing my own custom database to reform the Republic of Ireland to sort of mimic our GAA format with over 400 new towns and villages added, 400 new clubs (every village in Ireland has a GAA club] in reformed league pyramid that would more accurately represent our GAA structure with:

All Ireland being tier 1

Provincial championships being tier 2

and tier 3 being local region (county level) which is the part I’m most interested in..


ive slowly been trial and erroring my way to making it work but I have a few questions that someone might be able to help me with


1. Ive not added stadiums for all clubs yet, just the bigger ones I’m familiar with and the ones in my county - Ive noticed during simulations that a number of clubs with stadiums left blank have taken up residency in existing empty stadiums around Ireland but the issue is one club in particular in the south of Ireland has begun the season playing in Donegal (the very north) - Will these clubs eventually “build” there own stadiums in there own local regions if I just leave it or if I create a number of empty stadiums in a given local region (using lat / long coordinates will these clubs settle into those stadiums rather than just finding vacant stadiums in random parts of the country?


2. What is the best way to ensure clubs relegate to their correct regions? So for example if a club from Leinster is relegated from the All Ireland premiership, how do I ensure they enter the Leinster championship regional league? Is this best done by setting boundaries in the competition database or is it best done by setting the correct regions and tiers in the individual clubs database? 

I have set exact coordinates for each city and have a clear idea of “overlapping” particular local regions that can technically fall into two / three of four provincial championships. Like a Venn diagram with clubs near provincial boundaries that can participate in either regional championship for the reason of balancing out the league tables


lastly, is there a glossary of terms or explanations for some of the inputs in the editor? For example, in some of the databases I see the default value being ‘-1’ or ‘-2’ and in the Transfer preferences it explains the purpose of these values but in other areas it doesn’t. Is there a general rule for the “-1” value? 

Thanks! Sorry for the long post it’s my first time asking a question here. I really enjoy editing and creating my own databases for maximum immersion

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Posted (edited)
On 03/07/2024 at 12:26, rusty217 said:

Fixed rules replace the default rules completely and use only your new rules. 

This is where I'm struggling. I have reworked the AFC Cup. The finals play out at the beginning of January 2024. With qualifications happening between March and October 2023. I want this to play every 4 years. Yet in testing in the editor there is always a 2nd tournament starting in 2024 with the qualifyting rounds taking place around September time. I just cannot fathom where the instructions to start the qualifying is coming from. Obviously it is struggling to find all the teams to play because I have not set this up to play. Why isn't the fixed rule instruction overriding this? 

Edited by \'Appy \'Ammer
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1 hour ago, \'Appy \'Ammer said:

This is where I'm struggling. I have reworked the AFC Cup. The finals play out at the beginning of January 2024. With qualifications happening between March and October 2023. I want this to play every 4 years. Yet in testing in the editor there is always a 2nd tournament starting in 2024 with the qualifyting rounds taking place around September time. I just cannot fathom where the instructions to start the qualifying is coming from. Obviously it is struggling to find all the teams to play because I have not set this up to play. Why isn't the fixed rule instruction overriding this? 

The club continental cup? You probably need to completely override the coefficients etc. for Asia too.

Or you mean the AFC Asian Cup international tournament? What are your settings on the tournament, and have you edited Asian WC qualifiers too? WC qualifiers double up as qualifiers for the Asian Cup so if they're still left as the default rules they'd qualify teams for it.

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Yes sorry AFC Nations Cup. I have changed the WC qualifiers as well. I've reintroduced the Challenge Cup and the teams that don't get past the qualification round of the Nations Cup drop into the Challenge Cup. I'll revisit the WC qualifiers, maybe there is a setting I have overlooked. I did remove the reference to the Nations Cup in the Other Stage Actions. 

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Anyway to set a nation to inactive in the game? I tried moving all players, competitions, local regions, cities pretty much everything to another nation. I also uncheck this nation to be part of fifa but from time to time, there will be one or two newgens from the nation I want to remove.

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Posted (edited)

Instead of editing a club in the FM24 game editor, I accidentally added a club to a comp. I have deleted the club, but when I go to test the rules I get the below error message.


I can understand why I got that message as I added a club to the comp, and now I must also reduce the number of dates back to down to 38 as there are 20 teams in the comp.  I've been searching for a couple of hours now in various areas, and I just can't work out where I am meant to go to change this.

Can anyone throw me a bone and tell me where within the editor I am meant to go to correct this?



Edited by Taipan
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I'm doing this from memory but will hopefully point you in the right direction.... Look at fixture dates for the division you're in. It'll be under the fixture rules tab. There's a few ways these can be set up but if it's like the default leagues then make sure your last entry is 37 (and then the date). Then in league settings (that's under the Teams tab area) you can see if you have the teams set to 20 and number of rounds to 2. Also underneath that tab there will be another section called league schedule. Here is where you should have all your dates set. For a league the first date is likely to be 0 (date), and the last date will be 37 (date). 

Hope that helps. I'm afraid I'm in my work van trying to picture the editor in my head!

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9 hours ago, phantom1998 said:

Anyway to set a nation to inactive in the game? I tried moving all players, competitions, local regions, cities pretty much everything to another nation. I also uncheck this nation to be part of fifa but from time to time, there will be one or two newgens from the nation I want to remove.

Have a look for a guide on how to use the resource archiver. Use that to make the continent editable. Then remove the continent of the nation you want gone. Be aware that in can cause issues if things haven't been done to account for their absence though.

Edited by rusty217
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Hope that helps. I'm afraid I'm in my work van trying to picture the editor in my head!


After flipping back and forth between backed-up data files , I worked out I am an idiot. Yes, I had removed that rogue team, but in the process, I had also deleted a valid team as well, so I was actually down a team in the division, hence giving me the error....That's four hours of my life I won't be getting back :p


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Does anyone know if you reactivate Ireland pre-1922, and add UK teams, and have a league rule against foreign players, why do all players then count as foreign to their own team (i.e. Welsh players count as foreign to Welsh team, Eng players fgn to Eng teams).

I imagine it might have something to do with the region (UK&I), as no other team brought from any other country behaves similarly. Though having switched it to another region, the Fgn thing still happens.

Later edit: moved all db changes and rules to Andorra, instead. Same problem for the UK teams. Is it something Brexit related, I wonder?


Later later edit: Expanded teams, and Ireland and Gibraltar teams are not affected by this (they appear as non-foreign to themselves). Only UK countries...

Edited by aemud
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On 06/07/2024 at 10:29, rusty217 said:

Have a look for a guide on how to use the resource archiver. Use that to make the continent editable. Then remove the continent of the nation you want gone. Be aware that in can cause issues if things haven't been done to account for their absence though.

Thanks let me try that out, I know already all the nation leagues stuff is going to be a pain once I remove the nations.

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Is it possible to edit over 100k players at once? Even when putting "Maximum Records For Search" to "Unlimited" and my Filter retrieving way above 100k players, only the first 100k are shown and using Ctrl + A will also only select those 100k players.

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Is there a way to have an MLS style system in full, but in a different nation? Wouldn't be an issue replacing the US if that's what it took.  Mainly interested on whether the whole draft system would ever work elsewhere or if it's hard-coded in such a way that you either use it as is or weird **** starts happening.

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Not sure if this is a "simple" question but I can't make this work:

Higher division 

Lower division with 3 regional divisions

Each regional division promotes1 team, and the higher division relegates 3 teams, places 18-20. So far, easy peasy, everything works fine.

But now I also want a 4 team relegation /promotion playoff. The 17rh placed team from the higher division, and the three 2nd place teams from the lower divisions. A 4 team playoff, with the winner going to the top division.

Anyone have a guide or walkthrough? 

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When teams share a stadium, is there a setting that will force them to play home league games on alternate match days? It's frustrating seeing Saturday fixtures pushed to Sunday so both can play at home.

I might be able to use offset dates to make one of the teams play earlier on the same day but would prefer to have them alternating.

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On 11/04/2023 at 01:55, Supermercado99 said:

For a long time I've had it working that teams promoted from my 9th tier to 8th tier turn semi-professional. I've made a change somewhere that has stuffed this up and they're now instantly turning professional on promotion - usually destroying their financial position while the clubs that started as semi-pros are staying that way.

Can anyone tell me what setting I might have messed with to cause sides to jump directly from amateur to professional without going via semi-pro. The contract types for both divisions are unchanged from my last game. The only alteration I've made is slightly improving division and team reputation - but I still don't see why this would only affect promoted teams.

If it's any clue this file was created on the 20.3 database but is being played on the 20.4 patch.

EDIT: I think it's because a couple of the starting teams in tier 8 were set as professional rather than all being semi-pro. Running a test season to find out.

EDIT 2: I was right, I don't know how many teams will trigger it to change but if everyone is set as semi-pro that's what promoted teams will change to. Leaving this up for the benefit of somebody who might Google for an answer later.

I tried this solution and it appears to have worked

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