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(FM16) World Capital League, league update day crash


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As part of a project to help me learn all the countries of the world and their capitols, I created a League format featuring Promotion and Relegation and one team from every nation of the world (that had players)


For some reason, the game crashes on the league update day, I believe this is to do with the Promotion and Relegation calculations for 2 reasons) the first season I effectively removed it and went to season 2 fine. and 2) disabling the league and renabling it from preferences after a seasons break does work, but usually 1-3 teams across the 200+ go missing each time and are replaced by random clubs.


I have linked both the FMF and bak files of the last version I have that I can even verify in the tiny slither of hope someone can help me. I have put many hours into this project and don't want to kill it off :(.


world league fix.bak

world league fix_00901664-3B37-4EF5-B710-7D1139B81679.fmf

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