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Same old chat

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Player "I want to leave" 

Me "ok, sure, if i get reasonable bid" (not other option to say yes sure lets end this stupid convo)

Player "we need to discuss what a reasonable bid is"

Me "one that reflect's bla bla bla" (two options, reflect's valuation or change my mind)

This and several other conversations I have to repeatedly have make me zzzzzzzzz

Not a rant, just had to get it off my chest :D

Loving the new game, thanks SI! 

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Yeah. Mine is "want a new contract to reflect my value blah blah blah"  or "want to go to *insert rich team here* because they can offer more wages" 

"How much more?"

"Another 10k a week should do it.." 

Alright big shot. I thought it was double your money time, I can do 10k no probs.


They always  come back a year later though. I think Can has asked for like 3 contract upgrades now.

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