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A slight fix to help solve one of the main criticisms


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Ok first off sorry about the clickbait title, I just wasnt sure how to properly title this. 

So after looking through the forum since the release ive seen a lot of complaints regarding certain aspects of the game people dont like to focus to much on, weather that be media, dealing with players etc etc theres conflicting complains regarding most aspects of the game aside from the actual football matches. Its mostly a case of each to their own I know and while I was using the word "criticism" its certainly not, the devs cant create a game that every single person who buys it gets the features they want. 

So it got me thinking, could the current ability to delegate tasks to the club staff be open to more and more of the features. I mean sure at a real club the manager has to do something but for those who dont agree they cant stick to doing it themselves. I already personally delegate a lot to my assistant (my system is pretty old and the game doesnt run too fast so im try to pick best what I spend my time on). Ive seen some people who say they really like to just focus on training/player development, great maybe more features could be expanded to be delegated to the staff so their sole focus can be on the training and vice versa.


Now I know most of what I just mentioned is already in the game, but my though was perhaps to keep as many people happy as possible make the staff delegation more like a feature in which we can turn on or off certain features in the game we dont to spend time on while those of us who do can happily keep them in.



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