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Add Commentary like FIFA


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I fear it would become repetetive pretty fast, but then again, so was the 3-D match animation when it first arrived.

I don't like to play with sounds on, so it wouldn't affect me, other than the added demands of processing for the computer, hopefully that wouldn't be too high.

But I'm not expecting this to be a feature for at least a couple of years, should they decide to add it now.

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SI tried this once, about 20 years ago. It was rubbish. They never went back, and they should never go back.

As Maaka said, the commentary would get very repetitive very quickly. There's also the issue of recording the names of goodness knows how many clubs and players from the database, which is obviously not viable. (And commentary without player names just isn't all that.)

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To elaborate a little on what CFuller said, FIFA has a set number of teams, yes it's quite many, but FM has way, way, WAY more teams, whose names have to be recorded. And I haven't even gotten to the fact that FM now is being translated into several (15-20) different languages, meaning all teams (and the names in the db) have to be recorded just as many times (remember, although the name would be "the same" in both English and Russian, or Chinese or Norwegian, they're probably spoken in different ways in each language.

Thus, just the "background" recording for this would be immensely huge, and that's before the different phrases has even begun (which we really don't want to be repetetive).

I'm not against spoken commentary, even though I (probably) won't use it myself (I actually make my own live commentary when I watch the matches - yes, I'm weird, but ain't we all?), I just don't think it's feasible right now.

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