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I think we can all agree that training in FM hasn't evolved that much, or as much as we would have liked. Therefore:

Part 1-General Training, Match Training, Match Preparation, Tactic Familiarity Levels and Intensity.

Training should be split into 3 areas:

  • General Training: focuses on attribute development.
  • Match Training: focuses on getting our players familiar with our tactics.
  • Match Preparation: focuses on preparing our players for the next match and getting our players familiar with our tactics.

1) General Training:
The categories will stay the same as they are now, with the same effects.

2) Match Training:
Same categories here as well, but some will have different effects from now on. For example, match training of "Teamwork" will now have a cumulative effect towards "Match Cohesion" in the Dynamics panel.
(see Example below to understand what I mean with "cumulative effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels")

3) Match Preparation:
Match Preparation should be more flexible, allowing us to choose more than one focus for the next match. Because this is what happens irl. No manager goes "For our next match we can only prepare in Attacking Movement"...
Same categories here, but some will have different effects from now on.
(see Example below to understand what I mean with "cumulative effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels")

4) Tactic Familiarity Levels:
The four categories (Defensive Positioning, Attacking Movement, Defending Set Pieces, Attacking Set Pieces) will be added to our Tactic Familiarity Levels.
Under the hood, the coders can add different scenarios for the four different areas and what we can do then by raising familiarity levels, is to make our team more competitive. For example, a full bar of Attacking Set Pieces will mean that we have an increased chance (%) of scoring from a set piece. Similar for the other 3 categories, a full bar of Defensive Positioning will mean that we have less chance (%) of conceding, etc.

This can be a platform to build upon as the years go by and tactics and the AI improves.

An example of training:
As you can see, this week I chose "Balanced" training for General Training, and "Teamwork" for Match Training. Two days of Match Preparation with focuses on Attacking Movement(on the 26th) and Defensive Positioning (on the 27th).
Now, 50% of Attacking Movement match preparation is because I want to prepare my team against Monaco in attacking abilities. But the other 50% of this type of training will also have an effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels as well.
Same goes for Defensive Positioning on the 27th. 50%=preparation for Monaco, 50%=a cumulative effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels.

And the same goes for the other 2 categories (Attacking/Defending Set Pieces), with the exception of "Teamwork". If Teamwork is chosen as Match Preparation, more percentage(%) will count towards Match Cohesion, than choosing it only in the weekly Match Training.

5) Intensity:
You might have noticed the "Very Low Balanced training" in the example above. This is because Intensity has to be spread equally. Something like this:
For example, setting General Training to "Very High", locks our Match Training to "Very Low" and vice-versa.

We could adjust intensity via the classic options:

Or we could even have a slider for it:


An example of how pre-season training could look like:

An example of how training throughout the season could look like:


Part 2-Daily Training Progress.
The way it is now, our coaches give reports about our players on a monthly basis. But that doesn't really help us, does it? Do you know when should you warn your player for bad performance in training? When did the "collapse" begin? If should you drop him from the next match?

A new panel should be added, either as a new view on our "Squad" panel, or in the "Individual Training" panel. This is how it can look like at the start of the game:

And this is how it can look like after some weeks in-game:

With this addition, we can monitor our player's progress and make decisions based on it. We can warn/praise, choose who to play in the next match, etc. Also, a new dialog could be added, "I'm considering dropping your for the next match, because your progress in training throughout the week was not good".
Also, it would be really helpful if we can always have the previous two weeks in the panel, so to check how our players performed.
New text could also be added in the Progress report on the right of the screen.

Training progress will of course be linked with some of the important Mental attributes(Ambition, Determination, Professionalism, etc.), ratings in the previous match and other factors under the hood.


Please tell me what you think. And thank you for reading this far.

P.S.1: I would argue that we should have been able to change focuses in General and Match Training daily and not weekly (because that's what rl managers do), but...
P.S.2: I would also argue that the way it is with coaches at the moment is very unrealistic. In FM, we have to hire 10 coaches and then assign ourselves and the assman to every category in order to have a "Light Workload", therefore maximum quality of training. But this thing doesn't happen irl. The categories could change to this:

And our "Coaches" panel could look like this:

Also, to avoid cheating by making our manager have, for example, 5* at Shooting, the game should lock our manager in the 3 areas (Physical, Technical, Mental) and leave it optional only for Goalkeeping. Because that's what real life managers do. They train in all areas, not just Shooting...

But of course, this whole idea requires a lot of time and work (so to change coaches attributes, etc.) so I don't expect something. In fact, I expect the opposite. New categories, like GK-Distribution! Yeah, hire more coaches...

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4 hours ago, Maaka said:

I like this one. It would require a bit more work from the manager, but it would make it more realistic.

Thank you.
Yes, it will require more work from us, but the way I see it, training (and everything that is included in it, be it general training, match training, etc.), justifies it 100%. It's one of the most important areas in football and has to become more realistic in FM.

Adding the 4 areas (Def.Pos.,Att.Mov.,Att/Def Set Pieces) in Tactic Familiarity Levels, would make them useful. I mean, let's be honest, how many of us here ever used "Defending Set Pieces" as match preparation? Less than 10%. What about "Teamwork"? I believe the same percentage. Utilising them somehow will provide a bit more variety. Also, a "Balanced" focus could also be introduced, including all the 4 focuses, but with less percentage(%) of effectiveness than choosing one focus alone.
I remember I came across a club philosophy, "makes the most out of set pieces", or something like that. Here's a way that will help towards that, even if not much users choose clubs with such philosophies (personally, I don't).

I believe this is a really good platform for the coders to build upon. In combination with suggestions such as this, the game will be improved.

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i think that you should also be able to talk to the player about some of his attributes. specifically you might tell him to play more\less aggressively,put more effort into games (work rate and determination), be more concentrated (concentration and decision making) or play with more\less flair. your approaches towards him will be "i think it will improve your game" "i think you must improve it in order to reach your potential" "if you won't i'll drop you off the team. the player's personality,reputation (related to yours and as a stand alone, as some wonderkids won't care even if ferguson himself told them they should drop those fancy backheel passes), satisfaction of current performance (considered against ambition) and general relationship with you will determine if they are willing to listen to you. their current attributes (players with high levels of flair will be uncomfortable with request to lower their flair levels),motivation,understanding of the game,role models in the team and staff (favored pressing and passing styles),their new performances after trying to change their game and randomness will determine the outcome. don't get me wrong, i'd hate to see spaming every second player to 18 aggression,but a player that develops strength and tackling from 8 to 15 should be (sometimes,somewhat) more combative as a 25 year old than as a 16 year old.

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On 11/20/2017 at 22:52, ilkork said:

I think we can all agree that training in FM hasn't evolved that much, or as much as we would have liked. Therefore:

Part 1-General Training, Match Training, Match Preparation, Tactic Familiarity Levels and Intensity.

Training should be split into 3 areas:

  • General Training: focuses on attribute development.
  • Match Training: focuses on getting our players familiar with our tactics.
  • Match Preparation: focuses on preparing our players for the next match and getting our players familiar with our tactics.

1) General Training:
The categories will stay the same as they are now, with the same effects.

2) Match Training:
Same categories here as well, but some will have different effects from now on. For example, match training of "Teamwork" will now have a cumulative effect towards "Match Cohesion" in the Dynamics panel.
(see Example below to understand what I mean with "cumulative effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels")

3) Match Preparation:
Match Preparation should be more flexible, allowing us to choose more than one focus for the next match. Because this is what happens irl. No manager goes "For our next match we can only prepare in Attacking Movement"...
Same categories here, but some will have different effects from now on.
(see Example below to understand what I mean with "cumulative effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels")

4) Tactic Familiarity Levels:
The four categories (Defensive Positioning, Attacking Movement, Defending Set Pieces, Attacking Set Pieces) will be added to our Tactic Familiarity Levels.
Under the hood, the coders can add different scenarios for the four different areas and what we can do then by raising familiarity levels, is to make our team more competitive. For example, a full bar of Attacking Set Pieces will mean that we have an increased chance (%) of scoring from a set piece. Similar for the other 3 categories, a full bar of Defensive Positioning will mean that we have less chance (%) of conceding, etc.

This can be a platform to build upon as the years go by and tactics and the AI improves.

An example of training:
As you can see, this week I chose "Balanced" training for General Training, and "Teamwork" for Match Training. Two days of Match Preparation with focuses on Attacking Movement(on the 26th) and Defensive Positioning (on the 27th).
Now, 50% of Attacking Movement match preparation is because I want to prepare my team against Monaco in attacking abilities. But the other 50% of this type of training will also have an effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels as well.
Same goes for Defensive Positioning on the 27th. 50%=preparation for Monaco, 50%=a cumulative effect towards Tactic Familiarity Levels.

And the same goes for the other 2 categories (Attacking/Defending Set Pieces), with the exception of "Teamwork". If Teamwork is chosen as Match Preparation, more percentage(%) will count towards Match Cohesion, than choosing it only in the weekly Match Training.

5) Intensity:
You might have noticed the "Very Low Balanced training" in the example above. This is because Intensity has to be spread equally. Something like this:
For example, setting General Training to "Very High", locks our Match Training to "Very Low" and vice-versa.

We could adjust intensity via the classic options:

Or we could even have a slider for it:


An example of how pre-season training could look like:

An example of how training throughout the season could look like:


Part 2-Daily Training Progress.
The way it is now, our coaches give reports about our players on a monthly basis. But that doesn't really help us, does it? Do you know when should you warn your player for bad performance in training? When did the "collapse" begin? If should you drop him from the next match?

A new panel should be added, either as a new view on our "Squad" panel, or in the "Individual Training" panel. This is how it can look like at the start of the game:

And this is how it can look like after some weeks in-game:

With this addition, we can monitor our player's progress and make decisions based on it. We can warn/praise, choose who to play in the next match, etc. Also, a new dialog could be added, "I'm considering dropping your for the next match, because your progress in training throughout the week was not good".
Also, it would be really helpful if we can always have the previous two weeks in the panel, so to check how our players performed.
New text could also be added in the Progress report on the right of the screen.

Training progress will of course be linked with some of the important Mental attributes(Ambition, Determination, Professionalism, etc.), ratings in the previous match and other factors under the hood.


Please tell me what you think. And thank you for reading this far.

P.S.1: I would argue that we should have been able to change focuses in General and Match Training daily and not weekly (because that's what rl managers do), but...
P.S.2: I would also argue that the way it is with coaches at the moment is very unrealistic. In FM, we have to hire 10 coaches and then assign ourselves and the assman to every category in order to have a "Light Workload", therefore maximum quality of training. But this thing doesn't happen irl. The categories could change to this:

And our "Coaches" panel could look like this:

Also, to avoid cheating by making our manager have, for example, 5* at Shooting, the game should lock our manager in the 3 areas (Physical, Technical, Mental) and leave it optional only for Goalkeeping. Because that's what real life managers do. They train in all areas, not just Shooting...

But of course, this whole idea requires a lot of time and work (so to change coaches attributes, etc.) so I don't expect something. In fact, I expect the opposite. New categories, like GK-Distribution! Yeah, hire more coaches...

Nice. This's big!

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