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A few thoughts to the release on android and ios

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Now I remember double dipping last December - February for both games. I remember certain issues that cropped up on the touch version that was brought up in feb. that were not addressed. 

1) Board override refused to work in a specific situation (Re-sodding grass for the next season)

2) Board expectations changing the day after you change clubs mid season (this is the most damning of issues that remain on FMT17 Android)


Now we are one day away from the new version's release. I remember telling myself that i wouldn't buy this years version due to the fact that the 2 bugs above were brought up before the January update dropped in march and went ignored. Yet here i am again contemplating buying the new version after I get paid next week.


Now you may ask yourself, why is he posting this??? IF i do decide to get this version you can be damn sure I am checking to see if this issue still remains from the previous portable FMT. 



Poking around the forums also jogged my memory about this bug from FMT 17 


If you hired players to become coaches only and they retire, they weren't on a coach's rolling contract


Seph D


@Alex Pitt @Lucas Weatherby


PS Has the option to increase font size been added to FMT on the tablets? as the current text size is still very tiny.

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  • SI Staff

The second and third issues should be fixed. The board override one may not be - apologies if that is the case. Did the board ever actually turn down a request to relay the pitch if you didn't use a board override? I think that would be a bigger bug because they're generally not supposed to turn it down if the pitch is in a poor state.

No option to change the font size in Tablet I'm afraid - getting all the text in the game to fit on smaller Tablet screens is hard enough as it is!

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i havent bought the new version yet so i cant check but from what i remember, for that particular stockport season the board was really stingy and they denied the request multiple times before i even considered board override at all and i had money in hand on that relay pitch save 

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  • SI Staff

Thanks again for the info, we'll do what we can to investigate and get that sorted for a patch if it's still an issue. Hoping you decide to buy the game this year, especially as you gave us really useful info last year - if you do and you run into it again another save would be much appreciated! 

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