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FM Touch: Manager´s interaction needed


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I am pretty much let down here and wont be buying the FM Touch 2018 version and here is why.


FM Touch 2017, incredibly, didnt have any “man to man” feature in it for managers to have a chat with players, coaches or even have a control of when I thought it was the right moment for me to have a team meeting for whatever reason.  This is very poor. This is the bread and butter of every manager out there; to communicate with staff, players.  It´s like buying a new car without an engine. So ludicrous.  

Before you guys start throwing abuse at me for moaning have a think how many times your season has turned sour and you wished you could have been able to: 

a) not let morale drop

b) keep players happy  and not turning against you

c) motivate certain players that werent doing their jobs

d) have a team meeting when YOU wanted it to happen and not when your assistant bothered suggesting so  

For that simple reason I feel the Touch game will benefit greatly from it. I mean, you are hauling in £20 for the game from players like me who dont have the time to sit for hours in front of the desktop PC and instead give us the chance of a quick game play on the tablet when able. In few years time it will take over. 

Until this changes, I will play last year´s version. Please change this. 



I posted in the forum elsewhere September 29 where I got a reply and it was about the same topic. 


I know it cant be as the full version but I fail to accept that leaving out the possibility of talking privately to players cant be added without blowing up an iPad Pro tablet. Take thst away from the game and you got a poor game. 


HUNT3R (moderator) replied:

It's not just that - there's also their vision of what FMT is and what separates it from FM. The game is meant to be streamlined, so they won't just add everything to it. That said, there's always the feature requests section to ask for a feature and it would go a long way if you motivate decent reasoning for it to be included.


If the game is meant to be streamlined and all fun taken out of it then they got that game already priced at £8.99 in app store now in FM Mobile 2018. FMT is supposed to be hitting the tablet market to get those back who dont have time to sit and play the game like we used to or wanted and 80% similar to the PC version. They are missing the trick here by going too streamlined and not adding value to the FMT version, especially when tablets are getting bigger and bigger.  This year it seems like knowing more about how injury prone players are seems more important than being able to click on a player and tell him he did well in last game just to keep his morale up, or having the chance to assemble the squad together and let them know that they have been playing well but soon the results will start turning into points. It is bread and butter stuff.  This concludes my moaning and I belief this is decent reasoning as it can get ;)


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I have played FMT for the past few seasons and I really don't think we need more interactions. There are a few questions here and there by the press about individual players and team performances for you to boost your team morale up. At times, your AM will also ask you if you want a team meeting about the recent team performance be it good or bad. That's more than enough for the streamlined FMT.

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