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Fantasy league and cup group sign up

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Hi all

I have created a fantasy draft group for FM18. The idea is to gather a group of like minded people to play in leagues and cups with custom team building rules and budgets that will differ each time.
Leagues will be played over a long time so only require a small amount of time for 1-2 games each week as I know what it can be like trying to arrange multiple players to be online at the same time.

Cups will be played either over a week, weekend or side by side a league once the group is in full flow.

This is still a work in progress so I am open to any advice, ideas and suggestions. 

For now it would be nice just to have players join the group so we can move forward with regards to growing and setting up drafts. 
So please take a look and see if it is something you want to be part of!


Thank you for your time and interest.


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