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Communicating contract issues to the player


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I don't know if speaking to the player about his contract is legal, or if it has to be done through the agent. But there should be a way to communicate to the party that they are causing a contractual problem.

For instance, I have a wonderkid that is happy at the club but he has a youth salary. I want to sign a new contract as much as he does to fix his salary and add a couple years to his contract. But when I try to negotiate the first thing the agent does is lock the release clause to a number I'm not willing to accept. Seems like the player feels that I won't give him a new contract, and that's not the issue. I should be able to communicate to the party that I vehemently reject their release clause and until they drop that I won't negotiate, and that's my final position.

If they don't know that's the issue, how are we ever going to come to terms? I'm willing to pay him well, give him a bonus, shower the agent with money, just no release clause or at least one that I'm comfortably with. If the agent keeps showing up with the locked release clause we are not even speaking the same language. They remain upset that I won't negotiate but when the agent shows up he is the one blocking all negotiations.

2 Suggestions:
On the contract page, along the locks, provide a feature that lets me mark a line item as a deal breaker. It could be a dropdown menu on the lock itself. So when the agent shows up with the demand locked, I click on it and mark it as a deal breaker. The agent has a chance to reconsider or end the negotiation himself if he wants to. But now he knows why there's no new deal, and we have a chance of reconciliation down the road. At least let me make him an offer without the locked release clause.

Alternative suggestion: let me unlock it. This is not counter intuitive, the AI does it already to my offers. If a locked item is a deal breaker, let me unlock it to make a counter offer. Then the lock acts as a marker of a critical line item, but it doesn't block negotiations from at least having a chance.



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This is kind of in the way of something I wanted to register.

I have a star player asking for a new contract. He is currently at 4M NOK/year. He asks for 15M, a low release clause (non-negotiable) etc, and one more year to his contract.

I promised him to start contract negotiations in one of these news tickets.

So what do I do now? I went to the new contract screen, and left the negotiations. Still, he is angry at me for breaking my promise. My only two options of respons is basically to say that I forgot it, and I will make it good. But that's not the case. I want to tell him to shut up, and that with his unrealistic requirements, he will not get a new contract. If he wants a new contract, he will have to understand the club's financial situation.

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27 minutes ago, oddspam said:

Still, he is angry at me for breaking my promise.

Yeah, with the promise part it turns into a nightmare. You promised him you'd start negotiations, but the game treats it like you promised you'd give him the contract of his dreams and give in to all his demands. That wasn't the promise.

So now you can't negotiate because the demands are ridiculous and are locked, and if you don't give him the contract he wants the game treats it like you backed out on your promise to treat him like a king, which you never did. Then the rest of the dressing room gets involved and there's no way to simply say: the contract requests are ridiculous and frankly an insult to the club and the leadership, and there will be no further negotiation until you review your position.

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