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[DISCUSSION] Difficulty


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This is an easy request. For some people the game may be too easy but for me it's simply imposible to enjoy. 9 of 10 saves I start end in a complete disaster and when I'm successful I'm too successful, I win everything too easily (in the rare case my team don't collapse).

I can't have an enjoyable long term save. Most of the times too difficult, in my lucky strike, too easy.

Sure it's me not understanding what's going on and there is a reason but asking for help is part of the past already. I honestly think nobody can't help me with this. It's just this is the best I can do. And the best I can do doesn't allow me to enjoy the game.

In all my failure saves I have a very good run, which can last even 2-3 seasons, it feels it's just time to win and it doesn't matter the players or the tactic I use. And when it's time to lose, the same. Whatever I do I win or lose, depending on what the dice said. It seems scripted (I know it is not). I suspect my succesful saves are successful because the turmoil didn't come yet, so it's just a matter of time. Not sure about that, perhaps perception bias.

I'll say it again. I'm sure it's my fault because I can't identify what I'm doing right or wrong, but, again, this is the best I can do and I can't find the game enjoyable.

What I'd like is not the game being easier, I don't want to win everything with an average team. I'm not saying that. But I don't want to be sacked 90% of my saves ad 10% become too easy. What I don't want is to have the feeling now it's time to lose/win and whatever I do won't change it.

I don't want to win everything, I know there are good and bad runs. Nothing against it. It's just I'd like to have aceptable results, just aceptable most of the times. To illustrate:

let's say I manage Arsenal. Good  means win the league +20 points. Bad means out of european football. Yes I know this can happen (I stress the Word can) but when happens in every save, is the moment when I can't enjoy the game.  I find it happens too often to me. Sure it's my fault, but I can't do it better but I still want to play the game.

Another exemple. Let's say I manage Newcastle. Good means, top 4 in the first and second season. Third season, for some reason which I can't identify, my team drops to 14th position. Yes, I know this can happen, again, but I like to build long term saves and being sackd in the third season there is no long term.

Before fm 16, all my saves were progressively better, starting with a midtable team and in some years becoming a CL contender. That's what I'd like to do and I can't anymore. I win too easy or I'm sacked before (most of the times).

To sum up, I don't know what you did in the last iterations of the game that killed the way I want to play it and the only way I can enjoy it.

I know there are people who find it too easy. That's ok, but, the same we have FMTouch, we could have versión to play the game like it was played 5 or 10 years ago. That's my point. How to do it, I have no specific idea and I hope you know better.

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The average seasons for a manager in a job are less than two. What you describe is just what happens ins real football too. After one or two successful campaigns it does not work anymore and a new manager is hired. If you want to build up a dynasty even when you are struggling in a season, use the ingame editor feature to become unsackable as manager. It gives you the time to turnaround.

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I have had super seasons and rly bad ones, you need lot of skill, experience and luck to have good seasons (or a top team in a medium league).

You can't have a easy/medium/hard difficulty, because then people won't learn from their mistakes and just go for the easy version.

Frustration is part of the game, and you need to embrace it :D

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You are completely missing the point. I don't want the game easier. What I'm trying to say is all my saves go:

a) Unrealistically overachieving

b) Dramatically underachieving

My teams don't behave according to the quality of my players. They do much better or much worse  for reasons I'll never reach to understand.

If you think this is ok, then fine. but I really think something needs to be fixed.

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7 hours ago, FrazT said:

Since this forum is for feature requests for future versions, what exact feature are you requesting?

I feel results are like a rollercoaster: from too easy to insanely difficult, no intermediate point. My teams rarely behave according to the quality of my players, they do much better or much worse. At some point, my saves:

A option) My team simply crashes and I lose against almost ANY opponent.

B option) My team beats easily almost ANY team, winning consecutive titles.

In any case, results are disadjusted to the quality of my players.

It really doesn't matter the players, tactic, team talks or whatever. It seems to me something clicks and the save takes one direction. Not only I try to win. I tried to lose too and I can't.

The feature requested is teams behaving most of the time (not always, there are accidents and/or teams under/overperforming, but that's the exception, not the rule) according to the quality of their players. If my team is expected 4ht, most of the times my team should finish arround that position, unless terribly mismanaged or wonderfuly managed, which is not the case. Nor of the cases.

No intermediate success/failure, it's all or nothing. This is what I think should be addressed because makes the game not enjoyable for me.

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9 hours ago, Remez said:

Seen lot of bugs in this version, but that one (:rolleyes:) i havent. 

It's not this versión, it's every fm. From winning almost every match and a rock solid defense to concede an average of 2 goals per game and losing against any opponent.

I really can't understand how people don't see this as often as me. It happens in every single save, it's part of the game for me already. I know the save will take one direction at some point and whatever I do, the same happens.

This needs adressment, it's completely wrong at any level and makes the game unplayable.

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  • FrazT locked this topic

I really can't see the developers changing the game code to reflect how you want the game to proceed.  You have said it all in your reply- nobody else sees it, just you.

I have never come across a user who has gone through so much angst and heartache about trying to understand a game.  You have opened multiple thread over many months, have had hundreds of replies with advice and you admit that you still dont get it. That is fine as not everyone can understand the depth of the game,  but for the health and sanity of yourself and other forum users, please just either accept the game as it is, or use an editor to make the adjustments to enable you to enjoy the game or stop playing altogether and find another game for you to play as you clearly are not ever going to enjoy this one.

This once again is going nowhere so I will close it.

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