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tactics familiarity is it an advantage or not ?

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I spend a lot of time in preseason to make my tactic familiar for the upcoming season.  Generally I use one or two similar tactics with specific team instruction on how I wish to play the majority of the matches.

I think this is the strategy of real football teams, to give a play style and an identity based on players attributes and roles.

Now imagine I play a familiar 3-5-2 with counter attacking mentality,  direct pass etc. Generally your assistant manager gives you advice on best the formation to use and mentality for the upcoming match and often this is totally different from your prepared tactic.

If I change mentality, passing style or roles in my tactics obviously I loose familiarity, how this impact on the next match ?  Is it better to make those changes before or during the match ?

I don't see any reason to modify drastically (lees or more)  my tactic if this is a disadvantage.

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1. Tactical familiarity helps a lot.


2. Your ass man is just that, an ass. Pay no attention to him.


3. Speaking for my own lower league squad, they lack 'football intelligence' so I feel that chucking too many changes at them will just confuse them, so I have one tactic and stick to it, maybe altering 1, max 2 TIs depending on the opposition. Maybe higher-level footballers can manage more permutations, but I suspect even at those levels too much tinkering is detrimental.


4. If you have one tactic that has maximum familiarity, and in one game you use a different tactic but after that go back to your main tactic, there will still be maximum familiarity. It takes a while to 'forget' it, although that happens in the close season (coming back after a couple of pre-season friendlies).

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