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Best Way to Give Created Players Random but Meaningful Positional Stats


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Hi, Guys. 

Basically, I want to create a club with created players, all at the same current ability, but I want to give them random but meaningful positional stats i.e strikers best stat would be for finishing/midfielder passing etc.

Is there a way to do this? 

If I leave all blank, is this the best way for a random stat or does the editor automatically give stats randomly based on current ability you have entered?

Also, can physical stats be random or do they have to be entered?

I have created players before, obviously, but not in this way.

Would greatly appreciate any advice on this.

Thank you. 

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On 1/9/2018 at 20:51, Slabbekoorn said:

The editor does give stats accordingly to position and role when entered in the editor. If you want to amp it up quickly than enter a 1 for stats players barely need (or 2 or 3)like finishing for a wing back etc.

Thanks for the advice. I wish going to try that to see if that would work. :)

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