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In need of Counter Formation

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That's a difficult question to answer. As I said in the other counter thread going on at the moment you have to understand what a counter is.

A counter attack is when you break on the opposition with a numerical advantage

In the FM match engine counters are launched in certain situations. When that happens all of your settings are disregarded and the ME takes over. It will throw your players forward.

That means that the instructions that you set for your team have only a small part to play on your counter-attacks.

A lower mentality will make your team slightly more likely to launch one.

A bottom heavy  formation will suit counters because you'll have more players behind the ball to launch forward, you'll also be more likely to draw the opposition out.

That said, you should think carefully about whether you want to play pure counter-attacking football (which in reality is very negative and boring to watch) or a different style that is compatible with counter-attacking.

As discussed in the other thread pure counter-attacking can lead to a lot of clean sheets but it can also lead to a failure to create chances and score goals.

You need to decide what your normal strategy is when you're not counter-attacking because that will be the majority of the time.

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