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Adding Real Fixtures in Advanced Rules


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I just wanted to know if it is possible to add real fixtures in "advanced rules"? i know how to do it in "basic rules" you need to go in General >> Use Specified Fixtures >> Import .txt file
but i can't find this option with "avanced rules" 

Thank you for your help

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You can't import once your in the advanced rules but there is a workaround using the famous .xml editing.

1. Basically what you want to do is create a new file and add new nation rules (stay in basic). Now import your .txt file like you always would.
2. Next you want to export this as .xml so that you can open it in notepad. Go to "Settings", in the drop down menu you'll see "Compress Editor Data Files" and make sure that it is unticked.
3. Next go to "File" and select "Export" from the drop down menu and save.
4. Now you can open this file using notepad.
5. Load the database again and load your file that you want the fixtures rules implemented.
6. Do the exact same steps as 2 - 4 (export as .xml).
7. Now browse to both xml files on your computer and open both with notepad.
8. In the one with the imported .txt files search for: <list id="league_fixtures"> of the competition (check the unique ID) and copy everything until you come to <list id="opening_league_fixtures"/>.
9. Now open your file that you want the league fixtures in, search for <list id="league_fixtures"> of the competition (check the unique ID) and paste everything.
10. Save and close your xml file.
11. In the editor, load database again.
12. Go to "File" and select "Import", select the edited file.
13. Now it is done and select "Settings", tick "Compress Editor Data Files" again.
14. Now you can save it as a normal file again.

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