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team short passing style with few exceptions

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I wish to play a short passing style for my team and that could be easily done with TI, but I can't change one or more players (more creative/technical)  to play on mixed passing, the only solution is short or direct.

Is there a workaround ?

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9 hours ago, MaxRMG said:

I wish to play a short passing style for my team and that could be easily done with TI, but I can't change one or more players (more creative/technical)  to play on mixed passing, the only solution is short or direct.

Is there a workaround ?

Depends on the roles, some roles are hardcoded to play direct

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Directness depends on the roles you play, and the mentality you play. The higher the mentality, the more direct you will be.

The key to a short passing game is knowing when to be direct, I think. You are not easily going to create short passes up the pitch and walk the wall into the net. Most of the teams who use possession as an integral part of their tactic do so as a defensive measure. This is typified in Barcelona, who keep the ball for long periods just to deny it to the other team. Whilst they are always trying to probe the defense, they do not really do much with the ball for long periods of the game (which, incidentally, I find to be tremendously dull). What sets them apart is the way they can be explosively direct when it calls for it. Once they have a chance to get the ball forward quickly to open a defense, they will take it, and not worry about the possession any more. This usually happens quickly after they have recovered the ball, when the defense is not in place and there are spaces to exploit. If they cannot do such an attack, they put the ball in the endless cycle of passes. These, for me, are the two key features of a short passing tactic.

How to do this in FM? Well, it is not very easy, and you will probably need to have excellent players in the correct positions in order to pull it off. I play similarly to this, but I do not care for the possession and keeping the ball that much, I prefer to be more direct by fault. So I cannot give you an exact blueprint here. The first thing you probably need is a setup where you are able to press heavily,  high up the pitch, and win the ball back as quickly as possible. You can do this  with TIs and PIs, or you can do it with OIs targeting specific positions on the pitch which you want to close down, tackle, mark, etc. You also need to ensure that when you win the ball back, you have enough players forward who are going to get forward quickly to support an attacking transition with the opposition out of their positions. Further, you need to have the correct supporting roles behind the transition, who are going to be available to pass the ball to if there is no quick direct option available. These players will be your pivots, who are there to start the short passing sequences you want to have. There are many systems that can do this. I would use a 433, with a DMC and one of the two CMs on an attacking role (I actually use a CM(A) and BBM(S) in front of a DM(D) currently, so when I lose the ball I have 5 advanced players who can pressure the other side high up the pitch. You will also need great defenders, because if your press fails, you are going to be exposed at the back.

For the possession side of things, and the short passing sequences, you need to make triangles of players, who are close to each other, and always give your players as many passing options as possible. This is usually easy in the centre, but less so on the flanks. If you play with wing backs, you need to absolutely make sure they are adequately supported by the wide attacker on that side. Otherwise you will likely see a lot of balls played to the wide channels for the wingbacks, who will then usually cross because they have no other passing options. I use a FB(A) behind a W(S) in my current tactic, and they support each other very well like this. They also are very good at creating overloads on the flanks, which can be very useful for creating space inside as defenders have to come across to deal with the threat. You will also need to think about how high up the pitch you are, since you do not want to compress your attackers against the back line. Also, how much creative freedom you are using for the team as a whole. Many people assume a short passing tactic requires very fluid, which may not always be the case. Very fluid causes your players to be closer together, but it also encourages your players as a unit to deviate more from the instructions you give them. This is not always desirable, since they may try risky passes that give the ball away cheaply. I prefer to use a structured shape, and then give the players I want to be making risky passes (I play without a designated playmaker) instructions to do so. I usually chose the midfielder who is not on attack duty to do this (the CM(A) is a central runner who creates and exploits space for/made by the forwards). This can change, depending on if I see us struggle to break sides down. I am then happy to give the side more creative freedom to carve out their own chances.

Anyway, I hope that you can find this useful as a starting point to create an idea of how to generate the style you want. Or at least as the starting point for a longer discussion.

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Trying to avoid relegation with Cagliari, a low league Serie A team. I developed a tactic based on patient short passing with low tempo keeping the line high. Thanks to @Rashidi tips I'm trying to overload one flank (right) to attack space with my WB on the left. Is vital for my trequartista to move the ball also on the left, but it didn't happened often. he's on short passing, changing to direct cause too much wrong pass in the space.

Anyway I'm having a good season

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I'm happy with the season so far but it is too much different from the real things. I've almost the same team.

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Just a comparison with real life, I was there, no way to block a perfect talented team. 

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