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i've been reading a few of these 'The Demo/Game is Crap' threads, and they all seem to be started by people with less than 50 posts and/or those who have only joined recently. Yet, they all say 'I've been playing this game since 1743, I design computers that talk to me and i'm a living god so I'm right'

In my opinion I think they are the problem, not the game. If you don't like it, then go away, CM is always looking for fans (god knows they need them). So bye bye, hope the door hits you on the way out.

one of the best posts that i've ever seen on GQ, you tell them :thup:

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ive cancelled my order for now im going to wait a while to make sure any bugs have been ironed out.

its only a demo but ive reallty found it poor the match engine seems like a step backwards , is it that hard that they cant use fm08 match engine. every year it seems they start from scratch ???

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The 3d seems poorly implemented (not suprising), but SI can't make it so it'll work on every system and with every video card, thats why PC games have loads of bugs and patches whereas console gamnes rarely do. The injury issue is a game wrecker though which is just poor programming/clever anti-piracy policy.

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Its unfair just to slate this guy for giving his opinion. i think alot of people agree with some of SHEDDYS points, i know i do and if you read half of the other threads/posts in the forum i think the general consensus is that of disappointment.

I personally like the game and can't wait for it (but i've always made the best of the games) but i think they need to sort alot out with it though i.e injuries which seems to be the main problem with the demo.

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The demo is the finished product C-Mon. The disc has gone for production.

They've probably left a few things out of the demo otherwise the download size would have been a lot more than it was. For example the demo only has a small database and the game will have a lot more leagues to play in and I haven't seen the thing about the performance of the ref that was mentioned in a blog or podcast unless I wasn't paying attention and missed it.

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I have a couple of issues with FM '09 and what has been written on this thread.

Like the silent majority of FM players, I'm older than a teenager, not particularily into computers or playing computer games in general but have played CM & FM since my teenage days. I don't have a uber sophisticated PC or laptop, although my laptop is a decent spec, because I don't need one and FM has never required me to have one (a big selling point). I think those that are slandering those without are missing a key point behind the games previous success.

As with FM '08, this game has been release with a game spoiling amounts of bugs. In FM '08 I suffered continued problems with the Manager contract bug amongst others and '09 is no different. The game is unplayable until a patch is released. It has taken me only a few hours to come to the point where I've turned it off, after a couple of saves with the same problems.

For the record, I believed FM '08 to be the best ever. The assistant manager was an excellent addition and the scouting system was refined to perfection. My only gripe with the transfer system was the lack of flexibility (eg. no 2 player transfer deals, no buy and loan back or buy in x years). I feel that SI are relying on players of the game to do testing after we have paid for a complete game and that for the first time the customer is being taken for granted.

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They've probably left a few things out of the demo otherwise the download size would have been a lot more than it was. For example the demo only has a small database and the game will have a lot more leagues to play in and I haven't seen the thing about the performance of the ref that was mentioned in a blog or podcast unless I wasn't paying attention and missed it.

Hes right, the demo is the gold code, any bugs in there will be in the retail version.

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i like the speculation, as it's actually led me to players which i would not had previous knowledge of. guess it's no difference to searching through player search screen, but playing lower league, i prefer to limit to scouts and now assman reports and the speculation.

there is some optimisation on the 3d engine though. built a new desktop in the last few weeks with a E8500 chip, and HD4850 gpu, and4Gb ram so it's high spec components throughout, and it's choppy and laggy. so it's no use blaming it on old cards, or low-entry cards, as that's not correct (though I'm sure it might be even worse on their machines)

True!!!. I read that Seville was interested in Srna... I checked him and whohhh what a player!! I bought him! :D

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Agree with BUcket , from what ive seen it looks very impressive.....cant wait to play the Aussie league.

Do you think that there is any young talent in the aussie league?? FM is kindda accurate about young talents.

I'm looking for wonderkids in the demo, so when i get the real game i'll know where they are :D

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Simply put if I can work it on my PC I'll get it, but I'm not upgrading my PC for it. I know a few people in this situation. FM's always been a game simple to play on pretty much any computer and now I can't get the new one to work because of the graphics issue. I can work round other issues as long as the game actually works, that doesn't bother me. I too have played the game since the old Amiga days and it'll be sad if I can't play it this year. But with my silly amount of debts I can'tn afford to upgrade my computer etc and the game was to be a late birthday present.

Some may say SI won't care, but this issue affects quite a lot of people and if these people don't buy the game then they will care when sales drop ultimately. I love the game, but not enough to spend money on a new graphics card etc. I'm not a gamer, I have no other games on the PC. I'm a simple 21 year old football fan who enjoys football manager. But I aint willing to upgrade for the sake of one game and ultimately it'll be the loss of my 20 odd quid to the producers.

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The fact that there is a need for a "release day" patch just says it all really.

I can fully understand fans frustrations here on the condition of the gold demo. As an example, its incredible that a bug like the double-lettering typing bug exists - it certainly makes you wonder what on Earth is going on at SI if no one notices such an obvious thing, and what other more serious bugs there are yet to be discovered.

Considering they've had more time than usual spent on this years installment (the last few versions were released a month earlier), you'd think SI would manage to get it more right than wrong.

I'm holding back on purchasing FM 2009 for now.

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The fact that there is a need for a "release day" patch just says it all really.

I can fully understand fans frustrations here on the condition of the gold demo. As an example, its incredible that a bug like the double-lettering typing bug exists - it certainly makes you wonder what on Earth is going on at SI if no one notices such an obvious thing, and what other more serious bugs there are yet to be discovered.

Not everyone has the bug.

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The fact that there is a need for a "release day" patch just says it all really.

Yes, it says that SI is actually responding to fans' concerns. That's what makes that other thread asking if SI is losing touch with fans so laughable.

By the way, I haven't experienced any of the bugs or injury concerns that other posters have found. Mind you, I always make sure that my players' training regiment is not too harsh, so that might have been the reason why I haven't found that problem.

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fanboys are everywere on this forum like locusts.. anyhow i will be buying fm no doubt but i can understand why people aint the game could be good but to be honest at the moment it smells very average and if the original post points 1,2,3 are not sorted it will be a very poor game. To be honest you must ask the question is it worth 30 POUNDS it could be but it a bit off yet

go fanboys bash me

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Yeah, I've seen it, but I've seen it for years in the 2D too, it's just not as obvious in a blob as it is in a 3D man. I also understand that both 2D and 3D engines are simply visual representations of much deeper calculations within the match engine overall, and so can live with it.

CM/FM's always been about what you make it. It was much easier to do this when it was text commentary only. I'm not saying this is the be all and end all, just that we should remember this when looking at the graphical engines and focus on the whole rather than the smaller issues.

I agree it's not ideal, but ranting and raving, as some are doing, is helping noone, least of all SI. It would be much more productive if we could try and understand the issues and the fact that they don't necessarily affect everyone, and try to help in the analysis and fixing of problems. This is what this place used to be about.

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The players standing still is purely a 3D issue. The lack of animations makes it look really stupid when a player stops and stands there hands on hips with the ball right in front of him staring his feet. In reality he'd be looking around for options, signaling for runs, asking for others to show for a pass etc. The 3D just isn't good enough to translate this into animations. I have no problem with players doing the same thing in 2D because I actually know what they're up to.

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The players standing still is purely a 3D issue. The lack of animations makes it look really stupid when a player stops and stands there hands on hips with the ball right in front of him staring his feet. In reality he'd be looking around for options, signaling for runs, asking for others to show for a pass etc. The 3D just isn't good enough to translate this into animations. I have no problem with players doing the same thing in 2D because I actually know what they're up to.

Completely agree. It really doesn't annoy me as much as it appears to some others though. I certainly wouldn't think that this could be reason for cancelling a preorder!

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To be personally honest, I like the changes made for FM 09, yes i will admit to being mildly perplexed at the injuries, but mainly because it was my newest signing, and i wanted him to play dammit. There are bugs, always will be in early releases, which is why there are patches. Id like anyone to name one recent game which there hasnt been any patches for, however minor. Christ valve still regularly update Half Life 2!! And im sure there was a patch for the release of 07...

Theres no need to cancel pre-orders, round up the lads and start a witch hunt or burn SI at the stake for their heretical sins. The game is the best in its genre out there. SI are one of the best at actually listening to the people on their forums and implementing community ideas. They're listening to the complaints and creating a patch to remedy the situation as best they can.

The 3D engine is never going to look the best, one reason im sure is for the licensing, another is for the simple fact that under its not so shiny exterior, are undoubdtedly hundreds upon hundreds of mathematical equations a lot more complicated than player + ball + kick= ball over there. There are different levels of player skill, the implementation of the different tactical sliders, what the players mood is, hows hes reacted to recent press comments, etc etc The list could grow ad infinitum!!

The press conferences are really smart, i was recently badgered relentlessly by some reporters wanting to know who i thought was the best player in my squad, and which area of my squad i thought was best. And which football fan doesnt love a juicy piece of transfer gossip?? Christ on a bike i know i do, Its what the summers are for!!

And for all those fanboy haters out there, Yes i am a fanboy, always will be!!

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