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Penalty 12-11??

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I played the game using the 3d match thingy and it went great until the penalty shootout. Everyone scored and i mean EVERYONE. Keepers doesnt save, just stood there. Only when hreidarsson missed that the game ended. Does this have anything to do with the 3d match engine because from wad i realise is that the keepers dont really make an effort to save the penalties and even if they do they cant actually reach when a player places it at the sides of the goal. a flaw maybe???

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Makes a change from 08 where no-one seemed to score penalties...

But I've had a few saved as well. And a few hit the post. It's not quite right though, the keepers are not able to dive far enough to reach it and they never try to anticipate and guess the direction of a kick. It's been like that since the introduction of 2D.

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Is this happening to everyone? If so - absolute disaster!!

I haven't had a penalty shoot-out so I can't confirm, but I've had 3 in-game penalties so far and all were scored.

But 3 penalties in about 18 games means nothing.

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The same way the other bugs did. Nobody really knows how.

not tested at all or people who test it clearly don't have a clue on how to test software, testing something for bugs is not just randomly choose options and see what happens, and wtf every year we get the same bugs, why the hell don't they check if those bugs are still there??? injuries new bug in FM?? hell no, fixed in fm09??? hell no.

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