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Debunking the "Head of Youth Development" youth intake role

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I posted a bug here: 



And was informed a HOYD prefered formation plays no significance in the regens you get each year.

So what exactly does affect your regens and what doesn't?

I know personality of the HOYD matters but what about things like media handling style?

How do his personal attributes make a difference such as JPA and JCA to the outcome of a player?

Despite this being in the games for years now I am still not sure what to make of this, especially when I hear something like this which I thought made a difference, didn't at all!


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those 2 threads contradict each other. first says a hoyd DOES NOT effect a players position

the second states that he can, as well as the type of player. i dont think it is wrong for him to ask for clarification, considering no one seems to agree. its almost as if no one really knows how this game works, and it has just had new bits added with no consideration of what was already there...

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Seb is on holiday atm so I'll drop Stu a PM in the meantime.

There does appear to be some contradiction here.  I carried out work last year with Seb regarding Training and his thoughts there and above are consistent in that the HoYD's favoured formation can indeed influence newgen positions.  If Stu can clarify his comments then great, otherwise it'll have to wait until Seb returns in a week or two.

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So, just to bring together the revelations from these various threads, is it the case that the only HOYD characteristic  with any relevance for the nature of your youth intake is personality? And that this itself only affects up to 5 of the newgens?

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Indeed, would like to know exactly how it works. Personality of course being part of various hidden attributes+determination.

Also, what about media handling style?

Seems like my HOYD just dishes out players with similar but not always the same personality and generic positions in a 4-5-1 formation including an AM/DM. I don't play with wingers but every year receive about 7 youngsters who are wingers who I then can't really use as a striker or wingback...as they lack finishing or defensive attributes.

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