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Does anyone actually like the 3D?

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Yes, I think its excellent. If you expected anything more then I guess you were expecting too much. The 3D match engine runs smooth as silk for me, I haven't experienced any problems with it. Also I'm afraid your post is yet another post that complains but doesn't go into specifics. In order to be able to respond to you SI will need to know what is wrong with your experience and as important what hardware you are using. You say you could list 100 errors, I seriously doubt that but again it would be helpful to SI to give more details if you want any of these issues looking at by them.

If your 3D is running slow or jerky have you tried lowering the detail level in the preferences ? By default it auto detects but you can lower the settings if you choose

Are uyou serious???3D is terrible...they stand with ball on one place for 6-7 seconds time to time without moving,players like sliding not runing,animation is terrible and graphic the same.I didn't expected too much but this is letdown.

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you may "seriouslythink" that... but you'd be wrong - either you're vastly exaggerating on purpose, or you never played sensi on the snes.

It's not supposed to compete with FIFA or PES - it's simply the next step up from the 2D - merely a representation of what's going on on the pitch. Don't get me wrong, it has its problems, but your criticism is completely overblown.

Really guys...are you all talking about the same game? He is not exagerating....do you have the same demo or you playing something else? Come on.....

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Really guys...are you all talking about the same game? He is not exagerating....do you have the same demo or you playing something else? Come on.....

I could just as easily ask the same question of you... The 3D is ok to me - the graphics of course are a work in progress, but SI is not a graphics-oriented dev studio.

I have only found a few minor glitches, nothing major...

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That's my problem as well, it shouldn't need 'super computer' specs but it seems like it does. I have a 512Mb Nvidia GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS and while I have slowed the stuttering down it is still quite noticeable.

I have this problem too, except I've actually got a very powerful computer. I'm able to run Crysis on full settings at 30+FPS, likewise with COD4, World in Conflic (Benchmark average of 28FPS) and I have Fallout 3 on full settings too and run at a minimum of 20 for most of the time.

Yet for some reason, the FM09 3D match engine gets choppy at times. If I have even a web browser running with ONE TAB open, then it is choppy MOST of the time.

I don't know why it is so unoptomised, but when I look in the task manager, it can sometimes take up to 50% of my CPU cycle...

Apart from that, I like the 3D.

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I could just as easily ask the same question of you... The 3D is ok to me - the graphics of course are a work in progress, but SI is not a graphics-oriented dev studio.

I have only found a few minor glitches, nothing major...

Tell me in which team players just standing with ball at one place for like 6-7 seconds doing nothing?Not even in the lowest england division.....3D is pathetic

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Tell me in which team players just standing with ball at one place for like 6-7 seconds doing nothing?Not even in the lowest england division.....3D is pathetic

i have not seen players standing around for 6-7 seconds in any match so far.. yea maybe 1-2 seconds but not that long.. and it also use to happen on 2dview so nothing has changed in that department...

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the 3D is sensational.

as has been said now 100 times by the many of us reasonable people, those whinging obviously expected ProEvo or FIFA09 graphics which essentially means you have no idea.

bravo SI. keep up the good work!

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From I gathered the 3D was basically a 3D representation of the 2D match engine...instead of the ball being controlled by a dot and you reading how/who controlled it, you an actually see it. Beter than repetitive animations a la FIFA Manager.

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Yet for some reason, the FM09 3D match engine gets choppy at times.

I think part of that reason is just the match engine - even in the 2D portrayal of oh eight there are delays occasionally, when the engine short cuts certain segments of the live match (before corner kicks, etc.) for instance. And I think it's also happening during the natural match-flow. As with anything, the new 3d visuals come to halt as well naturally, that's what's causing the loops of animation with everyone standing still, making everything look quite funny. This is probably even more apparent on lesser systems, but I'm not so sure.

Whether the case or not, whether representative of the general consensus or not, I'm still honestly surprised by some of the exceedingly negative attitude geared towards the 3D part. Honestly, while very simple and basic, it's quite good, really. As was to be expected, since it's the same thing that has been going on all the time, except for 3 models kicking the ball instead instead of dots running around. Technical issues like the choppiness aren't anything I'd worry about, as this is something that a patch can improve upon. I haven't tried to turn off 3D entirelly, but for those who don't want it this option should also increase the loading time prior to the match, as well as the flow of the classic 2d view. Found that to be not quite as smooth as in 08.

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I like the 3D view. It gives me a much better idea of spacing and tactics.

I think that SI is purposely not making the graphics and animation too fancy, considering that a large number of FM users have older computers. If SI makes a game with graphics close to FIFA/PES, then most users will need a high end machine with lots of RAM/high processor speed/up-to-date graphics card. Imagine the number of complaints that they will have in these forums!!!

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i have not seen players standing around for 6-7 seconds in any match so far.. yea maybe 1-2 seconds but not that long.. and it also use to happen on 2dview so nothing has changed in that department...

And the 1-2 seconds is very realistic. Just because you have to pass or sprint instantly in PES doesn't make that the case in real life. You will often see players look up before unleashing a pass, and this is exactly what's happening here. It could use a little head animation though.

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And the 1-2 seconds is very realistic. Just because you have to pass or sprint instantly in PES doesn't make that the case in real life. You will often see players look up before unleashing a pass, and this is exactly what's happening here. It could use a little head animation though.

Absolutely. Maybe it occasionally may look a bit iffy - you've got to remember that even though the presentation is now full 3d, visually it's still an abstraction of the real game that is called football. As is the classic 2D display. I've seen this behavior myself. Players standing still for what felt like an eternity, apparently doing nothing. Zero. Zilch. Usually from an opposing team that used time-wasting tactics and tried to be in posession as long as possible. They didn't take a look around, considering options. No, nothing. They didn't even pick their nose! Or anything. Abstraction is still the key word, 3d or not.

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I think part of that reason is just the match engine - even in the 2D portrayal of oh eight there are delays occasionally, when the engine short cuts certain segments of the live match (before corner kicks, etc.) for instance.

Oh yeah, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm fine with that kind of thing, and I know it's done deliberately. What I'm talking about is during regular play, every few seconds it may skip a quarter of a second of animation or so.

I agree with what you (and others) have said about being surprised by the negative reaction. These people were perhaps expecting the 3D engine to be a rewrite, whereas actually all we're seeing is a 3D representation of the match engine that's always existed. So yes, the dribbling may look a little weird now it's in 3D and the animation is a bit lacking. But as people have said, these are all things that can be improved in time.

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Oh, and I like the "standing still on the ball" thing, especially as when my players do it they seem to be picking out a nice pass. Playing as West Brom, it usually gets me excited as we play some good passing football, and many of my goals have came from a player standing on the ball for a few seconds and then playing a killer ball. :)

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The 3D screen was the last thing I wanted in an FM game. I've always just used the text commentary going back to the original Champ Manager.

However, since trying the demo, I REALLY like it and will probably use it for key games.

I can't believe that some people are actually annoyed because it isn't "pretty" enough. I've got an 8800GTX in my machine, but I'm not interested in using for FM2009.

How I yearn for the old Commodore 64 days when the most important thing was playability and not pretty graphics.

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I wasn't expecting too much anyway as it is the 1st 3D match view they've done. So I actually don't mind the graphics and stuff, sure there are a few anomalies but overall it's acceptable.

However my problem is the stuttering. I have upgraded the video card drivers, updated directx, changed the settings to low - ingame and on my video card settings. All of the video card settings are now set to the performance side and not quality. I turned off whatever background stuff that I needed to turn off and done a defrag on HDs.

Really I have done all I can to improve it but it still stutters. All of the stuff mentioned made no difference, the only thing that made a slight difference was changing the resolution. It was massively jerky but after playing around with the resolutions it's probably watchable now but it still stutters, just not as much as before.

I can get Counter Strike Source, DODS and other games to run fine, without mucking around too much with the graphics options so you'd think a simple 3D match in FM would be fine but it's not.

So if I got the stuttering fixed I'd be happy with the 3D.

May be that stuttering is related to "play all in background" (hig level of results' accuracy) because a lot of other matches are played together with your match and that may be the reason. A lot of processor power is used in that case IN WAVES and together with a lot of power for 3d are may be resulting into this glitches.

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I'm not expecting next-gen quality obviously, but seriously this is unwatchable... I'm just having my first game now and I could probably list 100 errors with it already. It looks so tacky and pathetic.

SI seriously must be having a laugh if they expect people to pay for this

SO back to fm07 again it seems.. no wonder they only put the video demo on Yuotube so in the low quality video nobody could see how **** it is

Does anybody actually like it?

Yes, I like it. I was apprehensive about it when they announced it, but it looks really great in the demo. And I completely agree with Socdk's post (#5 post in this thread).

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just has a quick blast before getting back into Fallout and i agree that the 3D is pretty crappy. it's clearly a "first attempt". and no, before anyone says anything i wasn't expecting anything great. but i won't be bothering with the 3D view at all, and i'll stick to the circles which i think gives me a better overview of the game. however, i fully expect SI are working on improving the 3D engine cos they'll know themselves it doesn't look like much, and in future versions i expect it to improve. b ut for me FM09 is the blobs again, with maybe an improved 3D engine in FM10 to come.

the more worrying thing is this is the first FM demo i've played for a couple of hours and got bored of already. i'm still getting the game, but that familiar buzz to play it non-stop over that first weekend just isn't there.

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May be that stuttering is related to "play all in background" (hig level of results' accuracy) because a lot of other matches are played together with your match and that may be the reason. A lot of processor power is used in that case IN WAVES and together with a lot of power for 3d are may be resulting into this glitches.

Mine's all sorted now anyway, I upped the resolution and stopped trying windowed mode like everyone was saying to do.:thup:

Anyway my AMD 64 X2 4200+ 2.21Ghz should have enough processing power. Sure it's not the greatest, but it is well over the minimum specs.

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Oh, and I like the "standing still on the ball" thing, especially as when my players do it they seem to be picking out a nice pass. Playing as West Brom, it usually gets me excited as we play some good passing football, and many of my goals have came from a player standing on the ball for a few seconds and then playing a killer ball. :)

Exactly. At the risk of getting flammed - this is because of your tactics! :D

If the opposition was pressing hard high up the pitch, you wouldn't see it happen, but if they are sitting back, then the fullback (with me, it always does seem to be my fullbacks) has time to mick a pass. However, if his forward runs are set to rarely and there's nobody on for an weasy pass then he's going to have to take his time to pick a man to hoof it to. Obviously his decision making stat, team tempo and a load of other variables will influence this.

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Initially i was unsure because my home pc is getting dated now, after many alterations to settings of both the game and pc i managed to get it watchable but its still jerky which makes it difficult to judge. However my work pc is superb and after installing it this morning and watching 3d smoothly i have to say i like it, keepers making diving saves, wonder goals all in glorious 3d.

Well done SI, a patch to sort the small bugs that everyone is finding and hopefully optimizing the 3d a little and we have a great game

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(with me, it always does seem to be my fullbacks)

With me it's usually one of my central midfielders. Jonathan Greening likes to do it and play balls to the wings for full-backs making a run, or to the regular wingers. I bought Rat for left-back, and he has quite a few assists for me by putting in great crosses from there.

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I like the 3D - far better atmosphere and you can see offsides, fouls and such like and I even feel that I am now in a position to comment on dodgy decisions?

I really do like the change. It suits me.

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I like the 2D, since I have been playing CM/FM I have always had the circles and I love them!

I gave the 3D a go, it was to slow and blocky. It;s a good addition, a brave addition, however I feel they should of waited until it was near perfect before putting it in the game.

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I like the 3D Engine but feel the stadium needs some stands and when subs are made then there should be some movement around the bench area. this last bit is essential to asses how useful a substitution is or not, player interaction, throwing a wobbly, etc. And how come if its a management game there's no subs bench view?

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I think the 3D is a great addition. For people expecting next gen graphics, that's ridiculous - if the graphics were then a lot of people wouldn't be able to run it. Better off having something that is clear to view that most users of FM will be able to run. On both of those cases SI have done well.

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Hmmmmm, Personally i dont like the new 3D view, at all to be frank, but that didnt bother me at first. what did was the fact that the 2D actually seems to look worse than it does in FM08, which seems silly considering that if they have implemented the new 3d engine why not just leave the 2D one the way it was??? Anyone who knows a lot more about programming can surely help me out here.

The point where i disagree with you, is where you say it is the "First Attempt" in my opinion i still feel we should have something a little bit more visually appealing etc as the guys who made this are without a doubt getting payed truckloads. The things like the players delay before passing and the goal keepers moonwalking around the penalty area waiting for the ball to role up to them niggled at me a fair bit and i didnt like it on the eye at all.

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I'm not expecting next-gen quality obviously, but seriously this is unwatchable... I'm just having my first game now and I could probably list 100 errors with it already. It looks so tacky and pathetic.

SI seriously must be having a laugh if they expect people to pay for this

SO back to fm07 again it seems.. no wonder they only put the video demo on Yuotube so in the low quality video nobody could see how **** it is

Does anybody actually like it?

Looks like the majority of people DO like it, me included, find something else to moan about!

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I'm not expecting next-gen quality obviously, but seriously this is unwatchable... I'm just having my first game now and I could probably list 100 errors with it already. It looks so tacky and pathetic.

SI seriously must be having a laugh if they expect people to pay for this

SO back to fm07 again it seems.. no wonder they only put the video demo on Yuotube so in the low quality video nobody could see how **** it is

Does anybody actually like it?

That is why they have kept the option of 2d on here. Now if you dont like it dont watch it, its there if people want to see 3d. Now stop moaning because you are not being forced to watch it.

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when a game is made, lets say for example a football manager game, it has some features, lets take a 3D view, that feature usually starts horrible... only then, can it be upgraded to as close to perfection as possible(in the middle it ends up by being re-made... like FM's match engine)...

SI had a great start...

anyone who was expecting better should grow up... i actually expected something less... something i'd only use for situations where i'd need to see in 3D(like, a reporter asking me if that little knock on the other player was a foul or not)... but i'm actually gonna use it as my default view...

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Mine's all sorted now anyway, I upped the resolution and stopped trying windowed mode like everyone was saying to do.:thup:

Anyway my AMD 64 X2 4200+ 2.21Ghz should have enough processing power. Sure it's not the greatest, but it is well over the minimum specs.

you Sir, are my hero.

Did the same, switched to full screen... 3D is SO much smoother now :thup:

Kinda sucks not being able to jump around to other programs so easily, but I'll live with it. I award you 1 internets :D

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I like it, for all the people with stuttering are you playing on the fastest match speed. I tried the fastest speed but didn't like it and went back to 2d, however after slowing it to halfway and going to classic view its a lot better I have adjusted it to about 75% speed now and its fine.

So as my misses says start slow and get faster !

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3D is amazing especially when your wingers are bolting down the wings and sticking in perfect crosses fantastic stuff 3Ds helped me with tactics aswell i dont know how but i seem to pick up on more mistakes then what i did when playin FM08.

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I love the 3d mode. I don't mind the graphics at all. The players look like players, the ball looks like a ball, and the goals look like goals. I seriously question some posts on these forums though... What do you guys want, bloom lighting? We have half the forum saying, "the graphics suck for 3D!", and the other half saying, "I can't run the 3D match engine on my computer". FM has always been about gameplay quality over graphical quality, so I honestly wouldn't expect the match engine to have next gen graphics, and I think people need to give it a couple of years for FM to fix up the 3D and bring it up to a high quality.

Simulation before Stimulation.

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