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Does anyone actually like the 3D?

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I'm not expecting next-gen quality obviously, but seriously this is unwatchable... I'm just having my first game now and I could probably list 100 errors with it already. It looks so tacky and pathetic.

SI seriously must be having a laugh if they expect people to pay for this

SO back to fm07 again it seems.. no wonder they only put the video demo on Yuotube so in the low quality video nobody could see how **** it is

Does anybody actually like it?

Maybe I was a little harsh in my first reply to your post, however you did say it was the 1st game, so play a few more and see how it works out.

Some tips, if it's the actual gameply you don't like, then really that is up to you to get your tactics sorted.

If it's the 3D representation, i.e. it stutters and is jerky, try these few things, they worked for me:-

1. Defrag you computer, especially if it's been a while since you did that.

2. Download and install the latest version of DX Runtime from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&displaylang=en

3. Alter the Graphical Detail for 3D ingame via Preferences -> Display & Sound. It will probably be set at Automatic, set it to Low, believe me there is hardly any noticeable difference in the graphics, and anyway, it's a smooth game you want to see, right?

Hope this helps.

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the 3d is as ugly as i'd expected so im not dissopointed. i wont use it. SI should have waited til they had the technology to make it look half-decent...2d would of sufficed til then. people who have been on this forum for a few months now would know where i stand r.e the 3d system anyway. :(

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I'm not the biggest of fans, but 2D is there so I'm as happy as the next person.

That's what I expected my reaction to be, but the 2D stinks. I played 08 last night, after a couple of hours with 09 and the difference in 2D is drastic.

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Do any of you change the graphic detail in the game prefrences as i had it on auto select and every match seemed the same weather wise e.t.c then i changed it to medium and it is now sunny and there is shadows from the players

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The 3D engine is excellent so far, no more watching boing 2D, the Elevated view is the best and far exceeds the 2D view, my laptop runs the 3D engine very smoothly considering my graphics card is integrated.

The big surprise is that all the goals scored in 3D look all different which is good, the goals that are scored all differ from long shots, chips, close shots, tap ins, one on ones, freekicks to headers and neither one of them look exactly the same. Not is only the Elevated view the best to look at...its also a much better tactical tool than the 2D because I can see every player on the pitch and its more better on the eye to look at than a birdseye view.

For a 1st time 3D engine its pretty impressive, running the game in a little bit of a lower resolution of 1024 x 768 really improves performance, the animations are decent...you can see the goalkeeper diving, tackles being made, players going past other players etc...pretty nice stuff by SI.

One minor thing that I will say that is annoying is players do keep the ball at their feet and stand almost still for longer than needed...but who cares?...apart from that its excellent work from SI again!

A couple of bugs which are very minor will be ironed out but not anything concerning. One final note about the 3D match engine...i've been reading about the negatives about the 3D engine and how its not as refined as it should be...the 2D can't get any more refined than it is, for the 3D...it will get more and more refined in future releases. But the good thing is the 3D shows what the 2D does not and nothing else matters.

I agree totally with Navie, I am having a great experience with this years version, FM just keeps getting better.

Thanks SI

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I like it; it does the job (show just slightly more information than the blobs) decently. I dislike the texture of the pitch. I dislike most angles, though elevated works well enough for me. I miss a freehand camera and a zoom, both of which should be relatively easy if you have a decent 3D gfx engine.

I see the potential and an iteration further along, I don't think we'll be wanting to go back any more.

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I like the 3D match engine. My only gripe would be that I spend to much time looking at my players running around and forget to pay attention to what is happening. Also I like the addition of the assistant managers comments during the game, though this may match in with my previously mentioned attention problems.

Also as I understand there is scope to customise the graphics for the match engine e.g. pitch texture and stadium. Working in a design studio I think we plan to have a play around with a few aspects of the game.

Final point would be about the game in general. Personally I feel that this years game has some great additions. Such as the new press conferences when you take over, and the increasing media presses in general though gossip ect. A future idea might be to have the option to read what the media though of your previous game and feed back from football phone in's? Or am I watching to much sky sports...

Anyway, i'm off to take a screen shot of the forums so that I can post it next year to show that what ever the demo is like, the reaction is always the same.

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In all honesty I got to say I am a little disapointed to. The 3D while not terrible it is one step above that.

We all must admit that right? People argue that we shouldnt expect Fifa09 graphics etc but that doesnt

mean the lay man is to be content with the playdough like figures moving across the screen looking like

Mr Bean everytime they kick a ball right?

Was watching circles making you content ?

I dont know how to describe it but the lack of the realism of

3D match engine might acutally have taken out alot of the intensity in watching the games.

Was watching circles intense then ?

I am not

saying FM09 is crap because the 3D ME isnt Fifa09 but why cant it be? I am sure the graphics and

animations could be a lot lot lot better. Then again this isnt a final game and we will definately see

improvments in FM10, 11, 12 etc and we will all be very excitied when it comes out. Who is acutally

happy and impressed by the 3D? And please explain to me how?

The simple answer is, were you happy watching circles moving around ?

On the assumption you were then I dont see why a 3D represenation of the match engine can be a bad thing.

No its no pro evo, but its still definitely better than watching circles.

If you really dont like it then just go back to 2D, I personally wont ever use 2D again, and I was totally against 3D in the first place!

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If I don't see any 3D option during the match, and only 2D is optional, does that mean that my graphic cards is not compatible with 3D or am is there another problem?

3D will come on as default if you are able to run it so no sounds like your gfx card isnt up to it.

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Yes and no. Yes it's easier to determine what is actually happening. But unfortunately the enhanced ability to tell means the flaws in the match engine are magnified a hundred fold.

It would be alright if they were flaws we have tactics to overcome, but they aren't. Tight man marking and permanent closing down? Don't sweat it because they'll still find an entire halves worth of empty space. Players drifting inside too much? Nowt you can do about it because players don't have individual width sliders.

So yes it's much better. Yes it takes too long to actually kick into life. Yes it's highlighting major flaws.

Not too sure how much of that I want though. The match engine is king and apparently has had "1000s" of FML games played through it to iron out all those bugs. The ones that still exist. Hmmm. Perhaps if my key element was that flawed I wouldn't want to bring it into stark relief.

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This post sums it up for me:

Originally Posted by Navie

The 3D engine is excellent so far, no more watching boing 2D, the Elevated view is the best and far exceeds the 2D view, my laptop runs the 3D engine very smoothly considering my graphics card is integrated.

The big surprise is that all the goals scored in 3D look all different which is good, the goals that are scored all differ from long shots, chips, close shots, tap ins, one on ones, freekicks to headers and neither one of them look exactly the same. Not is only the Elevated view the best to look at...its also a much better tactical tool than the 2D because I can see every player on the pitch and its more better on the eye to look at than a birdseye view.

For a 1st time 3D engine its pretty impressive, running the game in a little bit of a lower resolution of 1024 x 768 really improves performance, the animations are decent...you can see the goalkeeper diving, tackles being made, players going past other players etc...pretty nice stuff by SI.

One minor thing that I will say that is annoying is players do keep the ball at their feet and stand almost still for longer than needed...but who cares?...apart from that its excellent work from SI again!

A couple of bugs which are very minor will be ironed out but not anything concerning. One final note about the 3D match engine...i've been reading about the negatives about the 3D engine and how its not as refined as it should be...the 2D can't get any more refined than it is, for the 3D...it will get more and more refined in future releases. But the good thing is the 3D shows what the 2D does not and nothing else matters.

Yep spot on I like it...;)


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Initial impressions of the 3D were that it was abysmal, but I have to say I'm getting used to the Elevated view a little and it's more enjoyable with the slider about 60% to the right

I think I may learn to love it more than 2D, but we'll see. I do hope stadiums are included in the retail version

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Initial impressions of the 3D were that it was abysmal, but I have to say I'm getting used to the Elevated view a little and it's more enjoyable with the slider about 60% to the right

I think I may learn to love it more than 2D, but we'll see. I do hope stadiums are included in the retail version

I think they said users can create stadiums for the game like it is currently possible to create skins and so on (as you know ;):D) which would be good.

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I like it so much that i havent tried 2D yet! Also i see it as having huge potencial for further developments... right now we're just experiencing the beggining!! I will definitly continue to be a fan of this game!

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Do any of you change the graphic detail in the game prefrences as i had it on auto select and every match seemed the same weather wise e.t.c then i changed it to medium and it is now sunny and there is shadows from the players

Thanks for that-i have it on high now and am noticing far better details

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yup i have to say i like it mate.

At the start it felt like too much information for me and that the 2d kept more in line with the imagination aspect of the series, but 4 games in i'm really enjoying the depth of field it provides while still allowing for imagination.

I'm guessing the moaners were expecting a 3d engine that you could watch like a game on TV, instead of what is really ment by this which is a 3d representation of the match engine.

It could have been isometric with 3dimensional figures with no animation FFS but no it's much more than that we get to see them move, kick the ball run like crazy little men.

It's cool and very fun :D

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what the moaners dont realise is that say si had performed a miracle and had FIFA 09 graphics in the game then i expect somewhere between 50-60% of users would not have been able to use the 3D view at all due to using older pc's or laptops. Then they would have people saying "how dare si put a feature in the game that so many of us cannot use" .

surely its better that the 3D feature is there for a high percentage of us to at least use. btw i'm still waiting for it to grow on me but i'm sure it will.

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The idea of the 3d engine is a natural progression of the game and something i have been looking forward to for a long time. Having played footie managment games from the 90s when just watching a screen hoping someones name would appear as a goal goes in, then its night and day for realism. Overall though i just think that its not yet good enough to improve the game. I agree with all the other guys who are dissapointed with the way it runs and would rather play 2d until the 3d was spot on. I think though it had to come to take the first step into the 3d world. I will though be buying the new game.

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I'm loving the 3D. At last I can see what is going on and make tactical adjustments.

Sure it shows up a few bugs in the match engine but overall the variety of the play shows just how amazing the match engine is.

And my computer is below spec and it runs beautifully!

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This engine needs polishing, but I think 3D is the right way to go. From playing a couple of demo games I think it's a more useful representation of the underlying calculations than the 2D view has been. Animations are rather basic and player movement often unnatural, so in terms of being something pleasant to watch I'd say it has some ways to go, but as a tool it works just fine. I'm more concerned about the stuttering issues with the 2D view; that's supposed to be the safe old familiar option to fall back on and needs its stable nature while the 3D view matures.

I'll in all likelihood continue playing in 3D. With the proper camera setting it just tells me more about what's going on.

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The 3D is okay for me but your right it does look a bit tacky, it is a good first attempt though.

I have finished with the demo now anyway as I don't want to get to involved before the real thing if you like. I think I will probably only use 3D for 'big' games as i see it as a feature that could become very repetitive with the horrible looking men. I think the 2D has been perfected so much now that it is very enjoyable anyway.

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Who is acutally happy and impressed by the 3D? And please explain to me how?

I am.

1. How am I happy with it? - Same reason I was happy with the 2D - it does it's job of showing us the match graphically.

2. How am I impressed with it? - It does it's job... and in 3D; Something no one was expecting to see as soon as 2009.

EDIT: I should also throw out there that I was a huge opponent to a 3D engine prior to it's announcement.

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I was able to play like an hour or so, and I liked the 3D matches. However, it is understandable people will expect far better results while other game developers coming up with state of the art game engines and AI (Crysis, FarCry2, Red Faction Guerilla etc.)

For me, FM09 is not worth the money. It is more like a new big patch for FM08. "Improved" transfers etc. are more like a fix to the known problems of FM08.

IMHO, they should release this as an 3D mach engine expansion for FM08 along with the known fixes, and put a cheaper price tag.

Just my 2 yens :)

You won't get much for 2 yens ;)

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The whole complaining about 'players standing still with the ball' i think those saying that must very rarely watch football matches/have never played a football match themselves.

If you watch a game on the TV or at a ground, you will see that the centre halves, regularly will stand with the ball at their feet, waiting for an option to open up, and a lot of the time, the striker doesn't bother to try and close down. Also, it is only players in acres of space at the back who do stand still with the ball, not strikers who are one on one with the keeper.

The whole reason players do this are to try to invite the opposition to close them down, therefore pulling an opposition player out of position and helping to find gaps.

I do it myself and i only play 6 aside.

3D thus far, gets a thumbs up from me, although i'm not overly concerned about the graphical nature of the game, it would be nice to see a stadium around the pitch, so as i don't feel like a premier league game is taking place in the middle of a random field. (i do have it ticked to show stadiums in preferences aswell)

Other than that, good work (Y)

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The whole complaining about 'players standing still with the ball' i think those saying that must very rarely watch football matches/have never played a football match themselves.

If you watch a game on the TV or at a ground, you will see that the centre halves, regularly will stand with the ball at their feet, waiting for an option to open up, and a lot of the time, the striker doesn't bother to try and close down. Also, it is only players in acres of space at the back who do stand still with the ball, not strikers who are one on one with the keeper.

The whole reason players do this are to try to invite the opposition to close them down, therefore pulling an opposition player out of position and helping to find gaps.

I do it myself and i only play 6 aside.

3D thus far, gets a thumbs up from me, although i'm not overly concerned about the graphical nature of the game, it would be nice to see a stadium around the pitch, so as i don't feel like a premier league game is taking place in the middle of a random field. (i do have it ticked to show stadiums in preferences aswell)

Other than that, good work (Y)

Still it is not normal.

1. in FM09 I played match 4x faster than realtime, and still players held the ball like 5 to 10 seconds, means 20 to 40 seconds in realtime. In a real match if you hold the ball 20-30 seconds and do nothing, you will likely shown a yellow card.

2. While players holding the ball, opponents will not try to steal the ball or anything. Everyone just waits for the player to kick the ball.

Seems like a problem to me.

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