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Displeasure at Quality of Training

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Ignore the flippant answer above, not your players.

Unhappy players don't train as well as happy players and if they're complaining their morale can be affected.  Loss of morale can also have an impact on the pitch.

If they are complaining about lack of quality during training sessions, have a look at your coaches, their quality and workload.  Also consider your player's personalities as unprofessional players can be more likely to complain and not train as well as more professional players.

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2 hours ago, herne79 said:

Ignore the flippant answer above, not your players.

Unhappy players don't train as well as happy players and if they're complaining their morale can be affected.  Loss of morale can also have an impact on the pitch.

If they are complaining about lack of quality during training sessions, have a look at your coaches, their quality and workload.  Also consider your player's personalities as unprofessional players can be more likely to complain and not train as well as more professional players.

Lol chill out

It makes no difference if they complain. Ive won 12 domestic top leagues. All of em complained. Makes no difference.

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40 minutes ago, FMunderachiever said:

Lol chill out

It makes no difference if they complain. Ive won 12 domestic top leagues. All of em complained. Makes no difference.

People come here looking for help and to improve their understanding of game mechanics.  If the only answer they get is "ignore em" it's not helpful and explains nothing.

Now, "all of them" did not complain, that's pure exaggeration and is again unhelpful.  Some probably did complain but clearly not enough or with such severity that it affected your results to any great extent.  Anyway, this thread is about player training, not results, and if you ignore your player's complaints about training you improve your chances of them not reaching their potential.  So, choose to ignore them if you like - it's your game and totally up to you how you play it - but if you offer poor advice to others, especially when made in such a brief manner, expect to be picked up on it.

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Well it says they're unhappy with the high training workload. So reduce it. Usually removing specific focus training will achieve this, or any positional training you're having them do. But then, as above, look at their personalities and find out why it is that they're moaning. If possible, have them tutored by a player with a good personality so they're less likely to complain in the future.

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I've got a few of them players constantly whining about the extra work they've been given just because I ask them to learn a PPM, even if I don't set an additional attribute for them to focus on and lower their Individual Focus to Light. So I guess this would make them less professional / ambitious ?

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1 hour ago, Jebedaias said:

I've got a few of them players constantly whining about the extra work they've been given just because I ask them to learn a PPM, even if I don't set an additional attribute for them to focus on and lower their Individual Focus to Light. So I guess this would make them less professional / ambitious ?

It's entirely possible that thez have a worse personality, yes.

What are your overall training levels like? Have you set it to High/Very High? As Herne and Tom8983 explain above, it can be a balancing act getting everyone happy and I've personally found it more effective in these situations to lower the overall workload for the team, whilst bumping up individually for those happy to do extra work.


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59 minutes ago, felley said:

What are your overall training levels like? Have you set it to High/Very High?

The Overall Training for the Team is usually on Medium (but sometimes I up it a notch in pre-season or longer breaks). I noticed that it can vary depending on how much Match Training is set, as it can drop to Light if I get a few games bunched together, 3 to 3 days for example, so the actual Focus gets worked on less.

As for the players' Individual workloads, I even drop it to Light, yet as long as they're working on PPMs a few of them are always complaining. Some eventually learn the PPMs nevertheless, so I don't know if I really should care too much about their whining, although as it's been written above it could mean they're not gaining CA / improve attributes.

Basically the question now would be if a happy player on a Light schedule would gain more in attributes than a complaining player on an Intensive / Heavy workload ?

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47 minutes ago, Jebedaias said:

Basically the question now would be if a happy player on a Light schedule would gain more in attributes than a complaining player on an Intensive / Heavy workload ?

There probably is some sort of cut off point / optimal level, however bear in mind that Morale affects more than just Training performance.  Heavier workloads can also have an impact on injuries, and injured players don't train at all.

I appreciate this may be a bit of a non-answer, but things will differ from player to player.  A highly professional player with lots of Ambition and Determination (for example) will probably still develop pretty well with a heavy workload and lots of game time even if he's unhappy about something else, whereas a different player with less Prof/Amb/Det on a lesser workload who is blissfully happy may not develop quite as well.

A good yardstick is to develop player personality, give them plenty of match time and adjust their training workloads so at least the majority (if not all) aren't complaining or picking up frequent injuries.

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I've had two long term saves now and at least a third of the team is always moaning. Even if you ignore them they develop just fine. Managed to develop the weaker attributes on my star wonderkids even when they complain about the extra workload. Only time I would bother adjusting training intensity is dealing with injury prone players or worne out players. Have found this edition to be quite unforgiving with injuries especially if you just stick the intensity to heavy and above. Other than that you might as well ignore them.

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I attribute this moaning to unprofessionalism. I can tolerate a mature player, that doesn't want to learn new things, but developing youngsters should not complain. I review their training plan and might change the focus, but in most cases I ignore and/or criticize trainig level. If a player shows no signs of progress, I ditch him if possible, go and be Januzaj somewhere else

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