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In Game Editor Disappeared from Menu Bar


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Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place, sorry about that, feel free to move it if necessary. I've also had a search but couldn't find anything useful. 

I often play with the in game editor enabled. During my current game I hadn't had to use it for a while and then realised it was no longer in the menu bar. It's not available on the tactics screen or individual player screens, or anywhere for that matter. In 'preferences' and 'game status' it says it is enabled but it seems to have just disappeared.

I've tried the basic things - closing and re-starting, reloading skin but it's still not available.

Any ideas? 

Thanks a lot.

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  • 1 year later...

I have also had this problem as well was working till the new year but noticed into feb that it has disappeared from the menu, If you are going to charge for the editor you better make sure that it damn well works 

Edited by rsroest
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On 02/12/2019 at 01:56, rsroest said:

I have also had this problem as well was working till the new year but noticed into feb that it has disappeared from the menu, If you are going to charge for the editor you better make sure that it damn well works 

Steam seems to have had a server. Can you check if it reappeared again?

If not, please check this thread, there might be a solution here that helps you.

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I had this problem and spent the better part of a day trying to fix it.   Read a bunch of threads, tried all kinds of stuff...


Turns I there was an incredibly simple fix for me...I checked in game FM-Preferences-General....and the "Show in Game Editor in Menu Bar" Box was Unticked!  


I certainly didn't intentionally Untick it, but...it was unticked.  I'd like to blame it on gremlins or a "bug", but I probably did it accidentally. 


I checked the box, hit Reload Skin...and IGE was back.  


Hope that helps someone.

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For anyone who encounters this issue and are unable to fix it via the solution that DominicForza gave, you need to close the game altogether and launch FM directly from Steam.


For some reason, when the game is launched via any type of Shortcut (i.e. from the Dock on MacOS or the Start Menu on Windows), the game isn’t able to access Steam Downloads. You can see that for yourself if you attempt to select ‘Downloads’ from the in-game menu. And because of this reason, the in-game Editor won’t work either.


So just ensure you launch the game directly from Steam, and you won’t have the issue of the editor not appearing.👍

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  • 2 years later...

Hello I have the same Problem.


The in game editor is allowed and in interface active but not right on world.

I repaired the FM 2022 via Steam no success I delated the FM 2022  and install the FM 2022 but non success.



In addition, the png´s are not displayed even if the skin reloaded. no success

Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-10 um 23.04.37.png


And I started the Fm 2022 from steam but non succeed-

Edited by affe1802
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After a defektive system hard drive I reinstalled steam and installed the Football Manager 2022. 
The in-game-editor was already active on install. I start the FM 2022 from steam and start a new game bevor I started a new game have I take a look in the settings, and the in-game-edior was selected. in the game is the in-game-editor not forbidden and the in-game-editor is not displayed  in the toolbar even after loading the skin. 

Bevor the defektiv system hard drive.
I remember that I first bought the FM 2022 installed and started it, only then did I buy the in-game-editor and in the game after loading the skin, the in-game-editor was displayed in the toolbar. Plattform Steam

Edited by affe1802
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