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[Suggestion] Improved Celebration


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I'm utterly underwhelmed by the celebrations for winning competitions in the game. It's the moment players of the game dream of when they start a new save and most put probably playing time into a single season doing everything diligently and with purpose than it takes to complete most other games. Every time you win something it's a little bit different because it happened a different way, most likely with different players or even a different captain, let alone another club or competition.

It'd be nice to watch something less rush to be able to savor, and a bit more personal.

The current one disappoints me on a two points. It's far too short and it's not even realistic in that only the 11 players are up on the podium. None of the other players who made their mark on the season, and no manager (the latter of which I'm not all too fussed about).

This is only my personal opinion for what it's worth, but as a moment it didn't make me feel much of anything.  It might as well not be in the game in its current guise.

My friends an I don't represent a community so I won't speak for everyone. But for those who I have spoken with, all were in agreement that by the time a season finishes you just want to collapse back into your chair and marvel at the achievement. Not to mention the fact that the game can have taken you on an emotional rollercoaster.

My suggestion to create something somewhat worthwhile, without asking for moon, a cut scene not a world away from what there is currently. ALL of the senior players who made appearances walk up past the tropy/cup/shield and onto the podium, their name appearing above their avatar as each one walks by, building up suspense until your captain steps forward and throws it aloft.


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