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"If God wanted us to play football in the air..." ( Brian Clough Challenge )

Brian of Nazareth

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Season 2001-2002 Hoping For Better

"So then Ryan, you feeling good about the new season?"

"Of course, Geoff - I'd be a fool not to - I breathe football - and I hate long summers. We got some good lads in and though we're probably still a player or two short in some respects, I'd like a better left back and another striker - I'm happy enough as we are for now."

" So automatic promotion the target?"

"Wely why not? Why bloody not? We're a better side than last year, we've got rid of some sh*te and brought in some quality, the young players have generally got better - and that Adam Boyd - well he's sharpened a bit eh? Ever since he was sentenced to 400 community hours service, he's been a good lad."

"Always a bonus, isn't it! Anyway, you heard Bryan's new song? Sly dog!"

"It's bloody rubbish! All that harping on wanting to be set free from his life in the Church, I mean fecking hell man!" Still the record's doing good so I hear - and proves the theory that everyone else has appalling taste in music."

"Don't say that to him - he's all full of pride and he loves it too."

"Bah, I'll wish him the usual good luck, god knows he's probably hidden a few thoughts of his own the football side anyway so fair's fair."

"Anyway what about Paul Furlong? Sounds like he had a decent pre-season?"

"Yeah he did, but he's living in cuckoo-land at the moment - wants 9,750 quid a week basic wages - not including bonuses!"

"Flippin' eck!" You going to try sign him?"

"Of course - I've told him he's a great lad and welcome to sign anytime he likes - but we're not budging. It's 575 quid or nothing - his choice."


"But you forget Geoff, no other bugger has come in for him yet, so you never know..."

"Good luck Ryan, good luck."

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August 2001

Hopes were high as the season began with a home clash with Cardiff a side with similar aspirations for better luck this year, and Ryan was blessed with a strong side - only Martin Hollund's suspension kept him out. Paul Furlong - eventually, to everyone's delight belatedly took a pay cut - reducing his demands by some 2000% to sign a new deal - which was nice. he was rewarded with a starting debut, alongside Leo. On the eve of the match, Tony Williams was under the attentions of Sheffield United who placed a sizeable bid for the keeper soon saw Hitman Harry back on duty again, and Tony was told to quit whining or play in the reserves. The first match of the season proved to be a breathtaking thriller of a game, and whilst Ryan will have been left moaning at the defence he'd have been dancing in delight with his attacking side.

A 5-3-2 approach seemed initially a disastrous approach as a slow start saw Cardiff take a 2 goal lead inside 3 minutes to shock the hosts, but a swift response from Paul Stephenson soon settled the home side somewhat, and the levelling goal arrived only a few minutes after that, again through the same man as he converted a Michael Standing cross. It was 2-2 after 15 minutes and the crowd were alive and kicking. A pulsating half ended superbly as Paul Furlong netted on his debut, and a hat-trick goal for Paul handed the hosts a 2 goal lead - and it was on loan midfielder Michael Standing who had been inspirational through out.

Typically though, Ryan's side didn't make it easy for themselves in the second half initially as Kevin Nugent reduced the arrears early on, prompting an electric final half hour with both sides searching for more goals, and to the home side's delight there would be two more as Michael Standing deservedly scored one of his own - a 20 yarder too, and Lee Fitzpatrick came on to head in the 6th towards the end.

With Ken in a worrying state of ecstasy, Ryan awarded the players a half-day off from training - well the attackers were given that, the defenders got a roasting. Whenever you concede 3 in one match, you need a bit of luck to take points from the game. Martin spent all of Sunday with them. Meanwhile Ryan and Colin had spent a wee while analysing a few of the kids, with one little kid Matt Rose attracting the attention of Colin. At 17 he was certainly a cut above the rest of his peers, and probably worth holding onto. So having duly contacted the boy's parents and informed Ken, the lad was given a 3 year contract to see how he fared. Also signing was Kevin Dawson. The left back had been nothing more than ok in pre-season but the 20 year was still able enough, and being cheap back up was of course worth taking a risk on. Ryan gave him a year.

Tommy Miller had found another young talent David Young, a Scot, formerly of Rangers floating about on local parks now, so Ryan invited him down for a trial, before sending Tommy on a holiday fo sorts to Greece and Turkey. Ryan had no plans to bring in any more players just yet, Ken was somewhat alarmed at the increasing wage bill, so it was probably a good idea that Ryan dropped his interest in free agent Samuel E'too - the Cameroon international not keen on the northern culture in England- that and having previously been employed in La Liga he had good reason for believing he could play at a much higher level. Keith Knobbs though was annoying offering a whole host of potentially exciting young players found in the far reaches of Spain and Portugal, which would always tempt Ryan - and the plethora of videos sent back certainly made for entertaining viewing.

How to follow the 6-3 with Cardiff was on many fans minds and though a repeat thriller was never likely, it was safe to say that the 1-0 defeat of Scunthorpe was satisfying yet somewhat underwhelming. It was far from a clear cut victory, as Ryan and co employed a more defensive version of 5-3-2, but Leo Fortune West's incisiveness proved the difference.

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So with 2 wins on the trot there was a change of scene with the arrival of the League Cup and a trip to Blackpool for the first leg. With essentially an unchanged side, a decent result was gained with a 0-0 draw. Neither side was particularly threatening, Hartlepool snoozing for much of the first half, whilst the Blackpool side were very much one who's minds were focussed, even at this early stage, on their league form. Ryan though aware progress in this - or any other - competition would be limited wanted to at least give it a good shot and try and earn a shot at another Premier League side.

Discarding the 5-3-2 tactic, Martin suggested a more cautious version of the diamond style - which might hopefully prove a little more stable for the defence, which was minus Jonny Bewers after he sustained an injury midweek, as they discussed.

" So how long's Jonny out then Ryan?"

"He'll be away a couple of weeks but I'm sure we can cover him easily enough - Tony Mowbray will fill in easily enough - especially if we go back to a 4-4-2 style - which I think we should Martin."

"Aye, our defence is too unstable at the moment - ok we do now have Martin Hollund back from suspension but it's not all been Tony's fault. 5-3-2's good to go to if we need to get forward urgently - not as a starting tactic."

"That's what I'm finding out too. Anyway - seems we've got more injury news, Ole Broden - again, car crash this time though - poor sod had only just recovered from his last bash. He's gone a month, and Paul Arnison is still out for a game or two yet - hopefully this fashion doesn't catch on!"

"Nah, sure it won't plus it's not as if key players have gone is it?"

"Cheers for jinxing us there Martin, yeah thanks very much. Anyway, we've got Plymouth up next - at home so I expect us to get points from this and I'll be p*ssed off with a draw - now let's go tell that to the lads."

After a hard day's training, the team, Ryan felt were ready to get back on track with the league again. A solid start had been made but there were still a few errors to be worked on - a lack of clinical precision in front of goal and sensible defending being two such examples - aptly demonstrated against Plymouth . A slow start saw the visitors take an early lead, but once Paul Furlong had equalised on twenty minutes it was 1 one way traffic from Hartlepool as they battered the away side's net for all their worth with shot after shot raining down, and Matthew Ghent was playing a blinding game in goal, but even so a goal seemed inevitable - and sure enough a winner did arrive - in the 94th minute - for Plymouth. It was f*cking unbelievable and Ryan couldn't believe it. He couldn't fault his players, but then again they should have won that match several times over before they lost it.

Afterwards Martin and Ryan channelled their anger aside for a moment to consider young David. Or David Young to be precise. The 22 year old midfielder was pining for a contract, and both were weighing it up - he was another decent prospect - and lord knows there were a few of them at the club, but the conviction was somewhat lacking. However, upon conferring with Colin, and Paul Blades, they decided he was at least worth the risk and another body was added to the crew.

Brighton posed the next test as Ryan prayed for clinical finishing from his side, but against a stubborn home side it would be tough. However, once more goals were the only real missing aspect from the 1-1 draw. Though when Brighton scored it seemed inevitable that crap shooting would let the side down yet again, but thankfully when the side pressed on in the final quarter some form of reward arrived with a Tony Lormor goal, but another result went by which on paper completely hid the truth behind it.

3 days straight the boys were out there - and 3 days straight it was shooting practice - nothing but. It had been such a bizarre start against Cardiff now, on reflection - either that or Ryan's side had selfishly used up their month's allotment of goals far too hastily. Moments before the month ended though another hot shot youngster was recommended by Colin as the club's disproportionately large amount of strikers grew further - and a cost cutting exercise would soon need to take place as Ken Hodcroft informed his manager in a none too subtle fax.

Players In:

Paul Furlong 32, SC, free


Hartlepool 6 Cardiff 3 (Stephenson 10,15,45 Furlong 42, Standing 81 Fitzpatrick 88; Nugent 1,54 Bowen 4)

Scunthorpe 0 Hartlepool 1 (Fortune West 22)

(LCR1) Blackpool 0 Hartlepool 0

Hartlepool 1 Plymouth 2 (Furlong 20; Stonebridge 15, Barstow 94 - bastard)

Brighton 1 Hartlepool 1 (Carpenter 57; Lormor 81)

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b] September 2001 [/b]

The first day began with a home match with Southend but it apparently had come too soon for the boys shooting practice as the side lethargically struggled to a 2-1. Even though the visitors had a defender sent off in the first half, with David Dunn converting the penalty - the fluency this side had once possessed so long ago was completely absent. Ryan considered it the lack of experience but really it was a lack of intelligence. Youngster James Moran was given a first start, and to his credit he did play well, but again his strike partner seemed to be feeling the pressure. Leo did score the winner with 18 minutes to go, but it was his 5th chance of the match, coming after a spell when Southend could quite easily have scored more than just their equaliser.

Yes it was a win, but it was hardly convincing, and Ryan needed to unwind down the pub again.

" Come on man! Look on the bright side - you're 3rd!"

"But Bryan that's the point - we don't deserve to be there - ok you can say that good sides pick up results when they're not playing well but I'm not sure where the change is coming from!"

"Maybe they just need time - is it the formation? The fact you've played 3 of them can't have helped..."

"Yes, we need some consistency, but argh I don't know. Anyway I'm getting shot of some of the forwards - they're a bit sh*te and we've got too many of them. Need some bloody quality."

"How about a loan?"

"Can't at the moment Geoff. Got two already - Michael is obviously not going but Johnny's also doing a good job for us so far when he's not injured. Hmm, we'll have to see!"

" Well you've got a longish month coming up so good time to test them out eh?"

"Aye, you're right, I'll test the kids out soon. Anyway Bryan, thought I had to say it - thought you're last record was rubbish, music was good, lyrics rubbish!"

"Ha! Cheers Ryan - well mebbe I'll look at the sales and take my next step from there!"

"Aye, you would - easy to take advantage of the stupid people -and god know's there's lots of them about."

"Pfft! If you insist. Anyway, how's Clara?"

"Good thanks Geoff. She's been a bit busy over the summer lately with work and so forth, but she'll be up here at the end of the month I think for a few days - so that'll be alright. Anyone in your life yet then fella?"

" Nope. Not of the human variety anyway. Bought a pet cat last week, but I'm selling it now."

"Eh? Why d'ya buy it in the first place ye daft bugger?"

"Dunno - it looked cool - turned out it's utterly rubbish. Still - should get a profit eh?"

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The season's shaky start continued as Ryan discovered that Paul Blades was being courted by Tranmere - amazingly a Premiership club now - and the coach seemed in all likelihood set to take the job on - leaving another vacancy to be filled. He was still around to oversee the club's League Cup match with Blackpool however. With the first leg ending 0-0 Hartlepool were in with a solid chance of progressing to the next round but Ryan decided it was time to try out the young ones. A side that blended experience and youth sent out the message of: "I'd like to win, but I also want to run the rule over a few young ones too."

It turned out to be a fruitful night, with a goal at either end of the clock securing an excellent 2-1 victory for the side, and it went hand in hand with solid debuts. Phillip Johnson, at 22, scored a timely reminder of his talents in the 3rd minute - the goal expertly set up by summer signing Ola Broden, who would go on to impress the fans and coaches alike with his maturity. David Young and Kevin Dawson put in reasonably accomplished displays, whilst James Bishop was the match-winner in the 90th minute having been helped along by Leo Fortune West a sub who came on after the visitors equalised as a calming influence on the side.

" Damn we've got some talent!" Martin announced unnecessarily to his boss.

" Aye, I'm pleased with what we've got. Whats more, I'm hoping our first teamers realis they have serious competition for places now - none of this taking it for granted bollo*ks I suspect we've suffered so far."

Ryan was certainly impressed - especially with young Phillip as it meant he could now finally transfer list Kevin Henderson. He was a good lad, Kevin, but his strike rate just simply wasn't good enough for his liking. A few minutes after informing Kevin of his decision, and relegating him to the reserves, Paul shocked Ryan but electing to stay at the club, declining the advances of Tranmere - it seems a settled personal life was all the poor man wanted.

A trip to Hull City on the Saturday saw a very confident Hartlepool travel to Hull City and what followed was a delight to Ryan as his side put in a performance worthy of winning any game, and understandably it was the 3 goals that rewarded the performance that enraptured Ryan and Martin so greatly. Phillip Johnson retained his place in the side, along with a few other irregulars, as a bright opening saw David Dunn open the scoring early on, and from the visitors were in relative control, not even an untimely leveller from Hull could break their stride though as the second half finally saw a degree of clinical finishing that had so evidently gone on holiday after the Cardiff match. Substitute Paul Furlong restored the lead, and then magic man Michael Standing made the points safe.

Sitting top of the table, Ryan was obviously a far more relieved man - at least now he felt his side's performance justified their lofty position and Ken was a happier man too - Kevin's listing had attracted interest from fellow Division 3 sides, and in particular Brighton who'd pitched in a 140k firm bid that was immediately accepted. Kevin seemed to jump at the chance and the move was expected to go through without a hitch. It was during the week that an article in a national daily alerted him to the fact that Rob Hulse, of Crewe was being targeted by fellow hopefuls Kidderminster - and at a price certainly affordable for the club. He soon got on the phone.

" Ken, listen do you have a moment?"


"Well Rob Hulse is available and I want him. Trust me - if we sign him, I will indeed make another player or two available for transfer but please- this guy will definitely be worth it."


"Around 120k, I think - certainly less than what we received for Kevin."


"No idea about wages, but we can afford it. Believe me - listen you can list Tony Lormor now if you like - then I'll run the rule over the youngsters again to make sure they're all progressing. Any failures can bugger off, but let me have a chance at this guy."


"Thanks Ken, means a lot."


"What? Oh no! He's gone where?"


"Wrexham as an assistant? Well fair enough then guess it's a better job for him too, I imagine he'll be seeing more to say goodbye anyway."

" Ok, see you Ken."

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Paul Blades had finally left the club this time though - it seemed a case of right club right time for him now, and Ryan wished him luck. A replacement would of course be needed. Taking a quick swig of his drink, he made his way out towards the training ground to catch up with the routine. There was work to be done to maintain the good form.

The weekend match with Swansea saw Ryan continue running his eye over the young players as Phillip Johnson retained his starting role and James Moran amongst the substitutes. As it happened both players were only a linesmans flag from adding to Hartlepool's 1-0 win, with the former's cross collected by Leo Fortune West who'd mistimed his run, whilst at the end of a very close match, the latter was unlucky to have his effort ruled out for a similar offence - but it was at least enough to please the onlooking Ryan. The match winner was Tony Dinning, with the midfielder slotting home an inch perfect Paul Stephenson cross as the momentum continued into September.

With performances on the pitch now matching the efforts on it, Ryan and Martin were revelling in the side's consistency. There was the worry that it would inevitably be disrupted by the League Cup ties with Bradford, of the Premiership, but those matches would be a further chance for Ryan to examine the potential of his younger squad members. The home leg was definitely a case of mixed fortunes though - the bad news being that Tony Dinning, who scored the first equaliser would miss a month out, being on the wrong end of a nasty challenge, but there was the positives from the youngsters to cling onto. Twice coming from behind to claim a very creditable draw, it was young James Moran who scored the second converting a cross from Paul Stephenson. Given that the pairing of Moran and Johnson could have been perceived as exceptionally inexperienced - Ryan was happy for them.

On the following Friday Ryan did receive some good news as Crewe permitted the club to talk to Rob Hulse and his agent over a possible deal.

" Welcome Rob, and Agent Black, good to see you. Now, first off, I need to know you want to be here. I am a man who doesn't tolerate wasters, and as long as you're happy to be here, we can continue."

"He's happy to be here."

"Er thanks Agent Black but I'm sure Rob can speak for himself, can't you lad?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Duff"

"Let me do the talking Rob, remember?"

"Er Agent, he only said yes sir - let's not get carried away. Anyway - we're a club looking for promotion this year- and to do that we need a bona fide goalscorer - and in my mind you fit that mould perfectly!"

"He is an excellent player."

"Erm yes, I just said that. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find this contract more than agreeable, if you'd like a moment to look over the details - there's a magnifying glass if you're bloody paranoid about the small print - though there really is nothing to alarm you. Right - I'll be back in a few minutes." Ryan left his office, made a quick call to Ken confirming the offer had been made for making another call to his good friend Harry.

"Yeah, listen this guy Rob Hulse has one very odd agent, I'd like you to keep an eye on him if you can, thanks. Call me back when you get this message." Waiting outside for a further 5 minutes Ryan returned to his office.

"So gentlemen. Do we have an agreement?"

"I think so boss. I'm happy with everything there, I want to sign!"

"No! You fool! We could have squeezed more money out of him! God you're pathetic sometimes!"

"But I like it, what's wrong with it?"

"Where do you see an agents fee in there huh?"

"Nowhere. Listen I said I'd pay you - and I will, take 200 quid!"

"You cheeky bastard!"

"You're fired! Now bugger off and let me join my new club!" Ryan took an immediate liking to his new signing - someone who could handle their own would be a welcome addition indeed.

" Come on then son, you join us, have a ticket for the Cheltenham game today. We've been playing well you know!"

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It was true the side had been playing well but for this particular match, luck wasn't on their side as they slipped to a 2-1 home reverse against Cheltenham with possibly the deciding factor being the dismissal of Michael Standing after only 2 minutes. With the midfielder out and the side facing a whole game a man short it was always going to be a tough match, but even though the visitors took the lead,there was still fight in the side left - and James Bishop thought he'd snatched a point in the final few moments - but as can happen in such sitations - the moment one scores is the moment one's most susceptible to an attack, and the three wents went the way of the visitors.

It was a shame too that Rob Hulse had played 10 minutes of Crewe's Cup clash with Walsall, as he’d miss a chance to impress early on, but instead Ryan used the game as another chance to see a few young faces. It was going to be difficult of course, and it would a little harsh to judge them all on a performance against a side several leagues above them, but it was always worth a shot. The 3-0 defeat was inevitable but Ryan's side certainly made Bradford work for their win, even if they didn't create many chances themselves. It was, as suspected a difficult occasion to shine on, but the fact they held on to hope for so long in the game was a credit to the boys.

After two defeats on the trot, the last place Ryan wanted to go to end the month was Mansfield but there they had to go, and with Rob Hulse making his debut there was hope early on of achieving a result early on as Mansfield were kept back in their own half for long spells, but an inability to really create obvious goal scoring opportunites hindered Hartlepool and once Chris Greenacre sneaked in a goal in the first half, the result was more or less sealed. The 1-0 loss made it three on the spin and once more, early season hope had somewhat floundered again - this tim before October even arrived. All that was left was to bid adieu to Kenneth Jorgensen - the not really good enough midfielder flying off to Wrexham a day later.


Players In:

Rob Hulse, 22, SC, Crewe 120k

Players Out

Kenneth Jorgensen, 21, AM/FR, Wrexham 55k


Hartlepool 2 Southend 1 (Dunn pen 48, Fortune West 72; Tolson 62)

LCR1 Hartlepool 2 Blackpool 1 (Johnson 3, Bishop 90; Baker 44)

Hull City 1 Hartlepool 3 (Philipot 44; Dunn 13, Furlong 72, Standing 74)

Swansea 0 Hartlepool 1 (Dinning 58)

Hartlepool 2 Bradford 2 (Dinning 40, Moran 81; Rankin 4, Wetherall 43)

Hartlepool 1 Cheltenham 2 (Bishop 85, Cobb 60, Gibbins 88)

Bradford 3 Hartlepool 0 (Windass 20, Rankin 64, Petrescu 89)

Mansfield 1 Hartlepool 0 (Greenacre 30)

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">


English Third Division - Wednesday 3rd October 2001



2001/2 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Hereford 10 4 1 0 9 3 4 0 1 10 4 25

2nd Orient 9 3 1 0 12 6 4 1 0 9 5 23

3rd Kidderminster 10 5 0 0 9 2 1 2 2 4 6 20


4th Carlisle 10 3 2 1 7 4 2 2 0 9 6 19

5th York 10 3 2 0 7 2 2 1 2 7 7 18

6th Mansfield 10 4 0 1 10 5 1 2 2 5 8 17

7th Hartlepool 9 2 0 2 10 8 3 1 1 6 3 16


8th Barnet 9 4 0 1 5 1 1 1 2 6 7 16

9th Cheltenham 10 2 1 2 12 10 3 0 2 11 11 16

10th Swansea 9 3 0 2 10 6 2 0 2 4 7 15

11th Plymouth 10 2 1 2 11 9 2 1 2 8 8 14

12th Scunthorpe 10 1 3 1 6 5 2 2 1 3 2 14

13th Brighton 10 3 1 1 9 6 1 1 3 7 11 14

14th Halifax 9 2 1 1 6 2 1 1 3 7 9 11

15th Bury 9 1 2 1 6 6 2 0 3 9 9 11

16th Southend 9 2 0 3 12 12 1 1 2 4 5 10

17th Exeter 10 2 0 3 7 10 1 1 3 8 15 10

18th Blackpool 9 1 0 3 5 6 1 2 2 6 9 8

19th Bournemouth 9 1 2 1 6 6 1 0 4 4 9 8

20th Macclesfield 9 2 1 2 6 5 0 1 3 2 9 8

21st Colchester 10 0 1 4 6 10 2 0 3 6 8 7

22nd Torquay 9 1 0 3 2 4 1 1 3 7 11 7

23rd Cardiff 9 1 2 2 10 12 0 1 3 5 11 6


24th Hull 10 1 2 2 7 9 0 1 4 2 10 6


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October 2001

Shortly before the home match with Carlisle, Clara arrived from Derbyshire to spend some time with Ryan, some time Ryan enjoyed thoroughly, before he ventured off down the bar once more with his trusted friends.

" Greetings all, how are you? Rounds are one me today?"

"Why so hap - ah she's arrived then."

"That's right Geoff, Clara came up yesterday - definite breath of fresh air that lass. Made me forget that little bad run the club were 'having."

"Come on was hardly that bad, Bradford was inevitable - you had that lad sent off at Cheltenham... so it's one bad game at Mansfield that's all it is..."

"I still see it as 3 defeats though. I know - be positive - and I am, I'm confident we'll put in a better display tomorrow, but it's still annoying. Being forced to eat that skanky shepherds pie just because we lost to Mansfield is really...well... it leaves a horrible taste in your mouth - a continual feeling of wanting to vomit!"

"That's nice Ryan. Cheers for the mental image - just what I wanted."

"Heh, no worries Bry, you can always count on me. So you lads coming down to watch tomorrow or are jobs taking priority?"

"Nah we'll be there man. You've got some good kids to watch out for and Rob Hulse looks alright too doesn't he?"

"Aye Bryan, just got to make sure he puts away his chances that he gets - he's a real solid lad."

"Well, here's to a goal tomorrow then and a welcome win!"


The match itself did turn out to be a successful one, even if a plethora of spectacularly wild shots missed the goal altogether. Given recent bad form, it had been no surprise to see a confident Carlisle side start the brighter side as they took the lead, going into half time, but a revitalised team talk set them on their way and ten minutes later there were resounding cheers around the ground as Rob Hulse did indeed net his first goal for the club after James Bishop's shot had been parried out. Not a few minutes later and the momentum carried Hartlepool into the lead, as a Lee Fitzpatrick corner was nodded in by Chris Plummer a well deserved goal given the mounting pressure. 2-1 proved the final score but there could have been many more as the hosts re-found their creativity, if not their precision in front of goal.

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The internationals that surrounded that weekend also proved successful for GB and Eire as Scotland and Wales booked their tickets for Korea and Japan, with England and Ireland having to settle for the play-offs - a fact David Young and Tony Williams enjoyed to maximum effect - until Ryan sent them on a "unique" cross country route. Martin Hollund was still receiving attention from other clubs, but it was pleasing to note the Norwegians commitment to the club as on two separate occasions he politely phoned the clubs back to offer a firm, but fair dismissal - he was learning in the ways of the Ryan.

Barnet at home was the next fixture in midweek and it was the striking duo of Paul Furlong and Rob Hulse, aided by the splendid Paul Stephenson who set up a nervy 2-1 victory. The margin of victory could have far greater, but by the same token it was a match Ryan's side could easily have lost with gaps in the defence inviting even the most cautious of opponents in. However the points were secured, and a little momentum was building up in the side, and with journalists, admittedly scared out of their wits, writing positive reports, attendances saw a steady increase.

In the short space to the weekend game, Ryan and Martin further contemplated the possible ins and outs at the clubs - as Adam Boyd had seen his status as a promising kid fal by the wayside - with two others taking their chances well. Adam had seemed a little off the boil recently, probably due in part to the added work he'd had to do in the community - plus a few of the older lads still thought he was a bit of a plank for doing it in the first place. However, Ryan still believed if you had the right attitude you deserved a second chance, and the youngster was back on the bench for the trip to Colchester.

A slow start from the side allowed the hosts the easiest of goals to take the lead, as the momentum had seemingly withered before it had properly got going, but in the second half the side, inspired by an almighty kick up the arse in the dressing room improved spectacularly, tightening up the holes and pushing forward in search of an en equaliser. After little luck in the first 15 minutes, Phillip Johnson was replaced by Adam Boyd and wouldn't you know it? The youngster only went and scored 5 minutes later, collecting a Paul Stephenson pass in his stride to thump into the net. Suddenly spirits were up again, and it was Paul Furlong who, moments before being subbed grabbed the winner swiftly afterwards to shell shock the side only just off the bottom of the table.

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With three 2-1 wins on the trot, there was something of a trademark amongst this Hartlepool side. They had the firepower to win, but somehow never quite managed to do it comfortably - somewhere the opponents would always threaten to ruin this party, and it was perhaps this reasoning that kept the adrenalin running. Either way, the lads were all enjoying their football, and Ryan the selection headaches. 3 quality strikers were there, ably supported by three sizzling teenagers - it was a mouth watering prospect and one Ryan intended to cherish.

"Don't want to spoil the party boss, but Paul's picked up an injury. He'll be out a month I'm afraid."

"Ah damn Martin, what's up with the fella?"

"Domestic accident apparently, putting his kids to bed and then he fell down the stairs - he's tweaked his back."

"Jesus H Christ, you have to be kidding me. Right, well we've got decent enough back up I suppose. Argh. Ah well, come on in then Martin. I've got the telly on, their drawing the FA Cup first round now, we haven't come up yet..."

"Ah cheers. Reckon it'll be home again?"

"Aye probably, we get lucky with these things... ok here we go..."

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

Bromsgrove v Colchester

Whitby Town v Worksop or Stalybridge

Enfield v Mansfield

Hartlepool v Oldham Athletic


" Well you were right Martin! We've got another homer, but that one'll be tough - Oldham are perennial mid table in the second division, so they'll be a tough nut to crack but we've got every chance I think - a good chance wouldn't you agree?"

"Yup, definitely. Anyway, thought about Tuesday's trip to Bury?"

"Not especially, I'll probably give that Ole Broden kid another go - he did alright the other night. Just the striking formation really. Which pair would you go for?"

"Furlong and Hulse to start, with Leo and Adam on the bench again."

"I probably agree with that, we'll have to see how they do in training on Monday. Anyway let's see what the other buggers have got in the cup then..."

It was agreed unanimously by virtue of Ryan's decision that Leo and Rob Hulse would start, and the kids on the bench for the trip to Bury a fixture that Ryan would gladly take another 2-1 win from with pleasure - though of course he knew it'd be alot harder than that. When you're on the up, everyone wants to knock you down. With legs a little tiring and without both Tony DInning and Paul Stephenson the lack of experience was highlighted early on as the hosts played to their strengths and out fought the younger skinner lads they were up against and when they took an interval lead, it was deserved. Ryan though kept encouraging his side on, and an equaliser arrived through David Young not long after the restart, from a Leo Fortune West knock on. It stayed that way and a satisfactory point was achieved.

Shortly after Ryan learned that Barry Ferguson was available under again after falling out of favour at Coventry - and though ideally Ryan would have liked to bring him in the following summer on a bosman - Bristol Rover's bid forced his hand, and a staggered bid was made

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Next on the agenda were table toppers Leyton Orient a side who let their promotion challenge falter the season before, but they seemed set on resolving that this year - and their formidable attack worried Ryan. The midfield was still very inexperience and after picking up a few good results in a row, Ryan wasn't confident his side would score enough. What followed was quite the reverse - with the side scoring 7 - however, they also conceded 7 in the most astonishing match ever - one Ryan could not explain at all - the main problems being sad injuries to Rob Hulse and in particular Paul Arnison who would be sideline for 3 months with a horrible injury.

The anarchy began after 12 minutes when Orient quickly put up a 2 goal lead thanks to crazy defending from Hartlepool - but Rob Hulse immediately responded knocking in a Fortune West cross. 2 minutes later and it was 3-2 as first the visitors extended their lead and then Paul Arnison brought it back to one. What followed was a chaotic hiatus as Jason Brissett and Paul Taylor handed the visitors a formidable 5-2 lead and their victory seemed inevitable. That was only after half an hour though - and before half time - Rob Hulse secured a brilliant hat-trick to bring the hosts back into the game - and the fans were rather shell shocked, the first from a Lee Fitzpatrick through ball, the latter a header from Michael Standing's cross.

That was the half time time standing and Ryan and Martin really didn't know what to say at half time, but neither did the players. The defenders came in for hell, but for Paul Arnison it was a miserable trip to hospital after 47 minutes when a despicable tackle sent him flying into the stands. With no punishment given, the hosts were fired up and searched for an equalised they definitely deserved - however that only served to increase the pressure on their defence and Orient increased their lead again on 64 minutes. Rob Hulse then set up Graeme Lee to score barely 50 seconds later. 5-6 down and hopes were high again. Carl Griffiths grabbed his second as Rob Hulse picked up a thigh strain though as the match seemed to be slipping from their grasp. But with such insanity reigning free, two goals in two minutes from Leo Fortune West and Pal Furlong ensured it was honours even.

" What the bloody hell just happened there?"

"Hell knows. Typical - first match we score 7 in and we've only managed a draw - that's crazy."

"You're telling me Martin. How? Why? What...."

"Don't ask me. Imagine what we could do with a half decent defence..."

"Jesus that was mad. Right, I'll see you tomorrow - I need a drink!"

The fans were just as stunned as everyone else - though it kept the unbeaten run, there was just a smidgen of disapointment at not having won the match outright, whilst Ryan needed to find a right back. Contacting Keith again who had finished his tour of a few of the med countries, he flicked through the possibilites available, eventually plumping for Segio Lara from Nastica on a 6 month contract for free, to cover for Paul's absence.

York away provided the next opponents on Tuesday, but the match proved to be absolutely nothing like the previous match. A very even match saw the hosts nick it thanks to an early first half goal and a bit of home advantage fortune - as Lee Fitzpatrick's 44th minute "goal" was very dubiously ruled out for an alleged infringement inside the area. The first defeat of the month could also be seen as the third match without a win but Ryan wasn't too bothered - Tony Dinning's return to fitness was a definite plus and with Paul Stephenson coming back soon he had hopes that the good form would returne soon enough. `

Also of annoyance during this game, was the sacking of Tony Pulis as bloody Derby manager. Twice the perfect job had come up and twice he couldn't take it and Ryan knew the moment he took Hartlepool up the job would never become open and the chance to move so much closer to Clara would dissapear. The way Derby were going there was every chance the two sides could be in the same league next season anyway.

The weekend opponents, Halifax brought a return to reality of sorts with another 2-1 victory. Like the others it was by no means certain but that didn't worry Ryan unduly. A swift response to losing an early goal, Michael Standing firing right footed from a Leo Fortune West pull back, set them on their way, before young striker, Phillip Johnson, filling in upfront continued to impress as a he converted a fine ball from Lee Fitzpatrick. 3 more points helped consolidate Hartlepool's position as an enjoyable, and exciting month came to a conclusion.

Players In:

Sergio Lara, 23, D/DMR, Nastica, free


Hartlepool 2 Carlise 1 (Hulse 55, Plummer 66; Lee 28)

Hartlepool 2 Barnet 1 (Furlong 1 Hulse 47; Basham 15)

Colchester 1 Hartlepool 2 (Lester 2; Boyd 65, Furlong 690 b

Bury 1 Hartlepool 1 (Evans 42, Young 55)

Hartlepool 7 Leyton Orient 7 (Hulse 14,39,43; Arnison 16, Lee 65, Fortune West 79, Furlong 81; Doherty 10,64, Griffiths 12, 74,Christie 16, Brissett 26, Taylor 34)

Hartlepool 2 Halifax 1 (Standing 12, Johnson 37; Johannson 9)

4th in Division 3

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icon_eek.gif what a game against Leyton. 5-2 down inside half an hour and still managed to pull back for a point. would have been a heart attack inducing game to watch.

good period results wise icon14.gif looking for a push to the automatic promotion spots now icon_smile.gif

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It was completely insane, there's a screenshot lying around somewhere but I have no idea how to transfer it from the word document to online. Still It was definitely a good month!


The first match with Exeter proved to be a big blow for Ryan's side as though the side put up a fine performance up front, the shoddy defence proved the side's downfall. Admittedly the loss of Ian Clark for a month in the warm up was a hindrance, but it didn't excuse the inept marking that allowed Alex Inglethorpe and co. to waltz through and score 5 times. Paul Furlong and Leo Fortune West had both offered hope in either half, but a failure to build on it saw another heavy defeat head Ryan's way.

The tendency to leak so many goals was a major concern for Ryan - especially after getting thumped by the side 21st in the table. Martin had said the same as both Geoff and Bryan, that it was perhaps necessary to swap the temptation to play attacking football for a more solid base. The argument the side had enough quality to create chances was certainly valid enough, and the Kidderminster match the following week was a chance to test the theory out as a more defensive approach was laid out.

It worked - sort of - as Tony Williams in for the not very confident Martin Hollund, kept a clean sheet - but despite having Rob Hulse back in the line up there were no goals at the other end - even with Kidderminster having a man sent off in the first half. However, Ryan was aware that a solid base would be needed to sustain a realistic promotion challenge for the entire season, so he had to take the positives.

A break in league action for the FA Cup allowed Ryan to bring back Paul Stephenson and David Dunn into the fray after a prolonged absence on the sidelines. However, there would be no repeat of the FA Cup run enjoyed the previous year as Oldham's pacy and skilful attack were simply too much for Hartlepool's defence, and though Rob Hulse swiftly equalised Freddi Kanoute's opener, it was very much a case of when, rather than if, Oldham would restore their lead. Ryan's men had occasional chances but they were never serious, and missed opportunities were seized on as the visitors scored the winning goal shortly before half time.

It was a disappointing game to lose, but at least it would mean more focus could be attributed to the league again, and a serious promotion effort. For Ryan though, he was kept busy in his office as a few more faxes arrived through for his players. Worcester City made a surprisingly large bid of 120k for midfielder Endre Hansen which was swiftly rejected, whilst Martin Hollund was the subject of more exceptionally low offers considering his talent - when on form. Hit-man Harry was soon back in work not long after.

" Hello? Ryan Duff speaking?"


"Oh hi Clara! How's life down there?"


"Ah sorry to hear that, but yeah I'd love to come down fairly soon if I can but I'll be a bit busy for now. After our Bournemouth match, I'll pop down for a few days then - assuming I don't get any more crap from journalists!"


" Oh just asking me for info on players and their possible moves, rumours of discontent and so forth. I've told them all to bugger off but I think they're a bit deaf tbh, plus they think they can blackmail me over Harry - despite having no positive proof. "


" I know I should stop using him, I am sorry - it is probably over the top, but continually telling people to sod off becomes wearisome eventually."


"Well I'm optimistic - our attack is now fully strengthened at the moment, and in defence Kevin Dawson is getting better, filling in for Ian Clark impressively, so I'm hopeful we can put up another decent winning run before Christmas."


"Ok, I agree, but I have to go now, someone's at the door. Love you, bye."

Ryan hung up, before letting the physio, John Murray, in. " What's up John?" he asked with a sense of dread. " Oh don't worry Ryan, nothing to worry about. I just came by to let you know that Paul's doing well, ahead of schedule and young James Moran is all ready to go again, though his injury seems to have weakened him a little. That's all!"

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The Bournemouth match was the last in November, and for the home fans it was a wonderful display as a watertight midfield display kept the visitors from even threatening to threaten, whilst allowing the forwards to get up and do their job which they duly did, inspired once again by the fantastic Paul Stephenson. However the goals were late in coming, not until the second half did a net ripple, but the fluency sand confidence was such that Ryan surprisingly hadn't really doubted his side would find the back of the net. Paul grabbed the first with a wonderful power drive on the hour, before Leo Fortune West doubled the lead after a strong run from Rob Hulse. The icing on the cake arrived at the end as the impressive Endre Hansen capped his display with a fine finish after capitalising on a mix up in their defence.

Before the month's end Ryan had to field a further inquiry from an exceptionally brave Rushden and Diamonds manager for his player Paul Stephenson and it was all he could to stop himself from calling Harry. The bid, at 500k, for a 33 year old was substantial certainly, but Paul was one of perhaps 2-3 players in the side who were un-sellable - his contribution to the club had been vital so far, and would continue to hopefully be so in Hartlepool's season.


Exeter 5 Hartlepool 2 (Inglethorpe 5, 36, 45, Bound 61, Buckle 84; Furlong 8; Fortune West 55)

Hartlepool 0 Kidderminster 0

FAC Hartlepool 1 Oldham 2 (Hulse 7, Kanoute 4,39)

Hartlepool 3 AFC Bournemouth 0 (Stephenson 62, Fortune West 70, Hansen 88)

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">


English Third Division - Thursday 29th November 2001



2001/2 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Orient 19 8 2 0 22 10 4 5 0 21 17 43

2nd Hereford 19 5 3 1 14 8 6 2 2 18 14 38

3rd Swansea 19 6 1 3 17 11 5 2 2 12 12 36


4th Hartlepool 19 6 2 2 26 18 4 2 3 11 11 34

5th Barnet 19 7 1 2 14 6 3 2 4 9 10 33

6th Scunthorpe 19 3 5 1 12 9 4 4 2 10 7 30

7th York 19 6 3 0 14 6 2 3 5 15 18 30


8th Brighton 19 7 1 1 18 8 2 2 6 16 22 30

9th Kidderminster 19 6 3 0 14 6 2 3 5 7 13 30

10th Cheltenham 19 4 2 4 22 19 4 2 3 19 18 28

11th Carlisle 19 5 3 2 16 11 2 4 3 12 13 28

12th Southend 19 5 1 4 25 19 2 4 3 10 11 26

13th Plymouth 19 3 4 2 20 15 3 2 5 17 18 24

14th Mansfield 19 5 3 2 18 12 1 3 5 7 18 24

15th Halifax 19 3 3 3 14 10 3 2 5 12 14 23

16th Blackpool 19 4 0 5 12 11 3 2 5 14 18 23

17th Cardiff 19 3 3 3 19 17 2 4 4 16 20 22

18th Bury 19 4 3 3 14 14 2 1 6 13 19 22

19th Exeter 19 5 2 3 21 18 1 2 6 13 25 22

20th Bournemouth 19 2 5 2 10 11 3 1 6 7 14 21

21st Torquay 19 3 2 4 9 8 1 3 6 11 21 17

22nd Hull 19 3 3 4 15 18 1 1 7 6 17 16

23rd Colchester 19 1 2 7 14 18 3 1 5 12 16 15


24th Macclesfield 19 2 2 5 9 12 0 2 8 7 23 10


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We finally score 7 in a match and we don't win icon13.gif

cheers as well icon_smile.gif


After having spent a welcome break down in Ashby de la Zouche with Clara, Ryan was back with Martin ahead of the side's trip to mid table side Blackpool . Ken had said jokingly that a win would see the players allowed to stay on and enjoy the resort there on Sunday, however a tired performance saw a rather bland match peter out into a 0-0 draw. The hosts were toothless up front whilst Hartlepool weren't much better. Rob Hulse spurned a good chance late on to win it but a point was a fair result, and pleasingly another clean sheet had arrived - and Martin and Ryan were both coming to the conclusion that it wasn't just a coincidence that such a run came in hand with Tony Williams' run in goal.

With that in mind, when Peterborough did put in a half reasonable bid for Martin Hollund, Ryan was prepared to listen for a change. He decided to negotiate the bid a little higher, but not so much it would put the bidders off and within a few days, they had returned with a 250k bid that was accepted. Crewe's bid for the promising Endre Hansen was out right rejected though - it seemed other clubs had belatedly noticed his burgeoning potential. Other good news arrived as both Adam Boyd and Ian Clark returned to full training once more, handing Ryan and co a very healthy squad going into the build up and subsequent busy Christmas period.

A long break before the Autowindscreen's Cup first round clash with York allowed some of the regulars to warm down, whilst Martin Hollund was still undecided over his move to Peterborough. The unwillingness to move immediately pleasantly surprised the coaching staff, and it indicated the turn around in attitudes. Eventually he did leave though and the coffers received a tidy little boost for a change. As for the Tuesday match, Ryan made a few changes, to drop some of the experienced players, as Ryan didn't fancy losing any of stars for the important games. After conceding in the second half a defeat seemed inevitable until impressive substitute Ola Broden rescued the match in the final minute forcing extra time. Ryan didn't want a penalty shoot out, and thankfully it was avoided as young striker James Moran, who started the match won it on the golden goal from an Ola Broden cross.

The players were all rested after that as Tony and Endre both complained of possible knee injuries - a result perhaps of an uneven field - a matter referred to Ken Hodcroft and the grounds men responsible for the pitch’s' welfare. The draw for the second round did create a very possible chance for progression to the third round with another home draw - this time with Conference side Boston United. With Hollund gone, Ryan needed some back up for the end of the season - and it duly arrived thanks to Keith's recommendation in the form of 33 year old German Jorg Kaessmann. The man had only recently turned professional after an exceptionally late entry into the sport, but his natural athletic build and aptitude for sport more than made up for that. He'd be a willing and able deputy.

He was on the bench indeed for the visit of Scunthorpe to Victoria Park where solid first half performance was slightly disrupted by a last minute equaliser to Paul Furlong's opener, but in the second half the home sides class fortunately shone through and the brilliant Michael Standing completed his man of the match display with a winner as Hartlepool's favourite 2-1 score line was repeated again.

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A mostly quiet week, with just Mark Robinson's contract extended by three weeks, was spoilt somewhat by Tony Williams' injury which would keep him out for 2 weeks, allowing Jorg an early chance to prove himself against Plymouth a side who despite sitting in mid table had an exceptionally dangerous attack, including 18 goal man Ian Stonebridge and Don Goodman who had bagged 12 in 19 appearances. The side began very brightly though and Ryan was happy with how the side were performing for the first half hour as Ian Clark fired the away side into the lead, but un unfortunate wobble from Tony Mowbray allowed Don Goodman to equalise before half time, and the match became a much tighter affair. Paul McGregor seemed to have unfairly won it for the hosts late on, but substitute Rob Hulse made it honours even from a Hansen cross to keep Hartlepool in touch with the top 3.

It was also Jonathan Bewers' last match before his loan spell ended and Ryan now had to decide whether to get him back or search for a better alternative. The defender had started 20 matches and performed fairly well without excelling consistently and Ryan and Martin decided to keep their options open with regards to possible players, were on the look out over Christmas, and even Clara came up to help with the occasional scouting match. Early rejections from other Premiership sides for the likes of Ledley King were turned down, before success was found with Nottingham Forest's Arne Johan Ohr, a 20 year old Norwegian arriving until the end of the season.

" He looks a good kid there Ryan, well done. "

"Cheers love, yes we're a little lucky I think - especially when you think he's already played several times for Forest already - but you know I have a few connections with the club which helped sway the deal. He's a little more versatile than Johnny too so I'm happy!"

Yeah, he can play across the whole field can't he?"

"More or less, no left foot though which is a little restricting but he's a good lad. If we go up this year I'd like to see if we can make him a permanent signing."

"He going to play tomorrow?"

"Probably. I cannot believe we've been given Torquay away on Boxing Day AGAIN! It's bloody stupid - what happened to derbies for god's sake!"

"Well, you're on good form for now... "

"Aye, but that'll be so slow starting again - especially after the long drive down. And I do not believe in taking people away on the 25th so stopping over at a hotel is no option!"

" Ah, have some festive spirit and cheer up, hon, now come on, dinner's ready."

As Ryan predicted the match at Torquay did indeed begin slowly. Eifon Williams handed the home side a 2nd minute lead and they dominated the half scoring a second as Williams lost Graeme Lee to head in a corner. At half time the players were reminded they were footballers and not professional daydreamers and Endre Hansen immediately hit back after the break from a well swung in corner from the new boy, Ohr and it was game on. Not long after and Leo stung the hosts with an equaliser heading in firmly from Paul Stephenson's chip. Unfortunately the defence went to sleep and Tony Williams was too easily beaten by Habib Sissoko, as the hosts took back their lead. Rob Hulse was injured and replaced by James Moran, the young forward then setting up his partner Leo for a double and another equaliser.

Two away draws on the bounce weren't terrible results but little errors had cost the side at least 2 if not 4 of those missing points. Work until the match at Cardiff on the 29th was totally focussed on teamwork at the back and cutting out the errors. However a third away match seemed to be too much for the side as the home side were in complete charge of the match to Ken Hodcroft's utter dismay. A 2-1 loss was a fair result but it could have been far greater were it not for a fine performance from Jorg Kaessmann in goal. Ola Broden's last minute goal was only ever a consolation.

December had ended a little disappointingly results wise but Ryan was still confident that the New Year would see a real charge to the end of the season.

Players In:

Jorg Kaessmann, 33, Gk, free

Arne Johan Ohr, 20, D/DM/FRC, loan, Notts Forest [/i]

Players Out :

Martin Hollund, Gk, 250k, Peterborough 58 starts, 80 conceded, 4 MoM


Blackpool 0 Hartlepool 0

Hartlepool 2 York 1 (Broden 90, Moran 110; Allison 61)

Hartlepool 2 Scunthorpe 1 (Furlong 27, Standing 78; Boulding 45)

Plymouth 2 Hartlepool 2 (Goodman 37, McGregor 81; Clark 29, Hulse 84)

Torquay 3 Hartlepool 3 (Williams 2, 27, Sissoko 61 ; Hansen 49, Fortune West 59, 74)

Cardiff 2 Hartlepool 0 (White 49, Greene 81; Broden 90)

6th in Division 3

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January 2002

" Happy New Year Bryan, Geoff! I trust you celebrated in the accustomed fashion?"

"Well, I may not play like the superstars but I think I can hold them at the bar."

"Of course you could Bryan, but I bet they could out do you on the drug count."

"True, true. Still, we've obviously got some talent, playing a few local gigs now - you should come and see us - we're the "Pitch-Perfects!"

"You must be joking - what a rubbish name!"

"Well it was better than his last one Ryan - they used to be "The Sounds Of Music" - hardly a rock n roll name."

"Oh shut up Geoff. That was only ever a working title and you knew it. Anyway, yeah well if you have any better suggestions I'll be pleased to hear them."

"No, no. I haven't a clue. X-Priest? I don't know."

"Heh, not the worst! Anyway you think you'll get a result from Brighton today?"

"Yes - there are only results - it's just whether they're good or bad. We just ran out of steam at Cardiff to be honest - the home advantage will help - even if Brighton are just ahead of us in the league."

"A win would move you into the top 3 wouldn't it?"

"Aye, depends how many we score though. Goal difference is close at the moment. Anyway, just a quick question. From what you guys have seen what do you make of Graeme Lee?"

"He's made a few mistakes recently, and to be truthful he doesn't seem that talented compared to other options... why do you ask?"

"Well Geoff, his contract's up at the end of the season - we've offered him a short extension but it seems all these division 2 sides are after him, like Crewe and Northampton - do you think there's anything we're missing here?"

"Well I suppose he is only 23 - maybe it's just taking the lad awhile to get back to his "best" after the injury - I mean he was what, out for a year? That's a long time."

"True Bryan. Ah well never mind eh? Right I'd best be off, kick-off's not long off. Here's to a good win eh?"

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Even all the fans were shocked by Hartlepool's opening start to 2002, as 3 goals in the first 14 minutes effectively killed off Brighton's resistance, chances of winning as clinical precision from Paul Furlong and a brace from Endre Hansen made it a perfect start to the year. The rest of the match was nowhere near as manic however, with just the one more goal arriving in the second half as sub James Moran made it 4, having been set up by Paul Furlong. A fantastic win did indeed lift the side into the top 3 a good position to be in to face 2nd placed Hereford at Edgar Street 9 days later. Not even the return of Kevin Henderson had posed a threat to an upstanding defence, supported by the very confident Jorg Kaessmann.

Hereford had made the transition from Conference to Division 2 seem like a doddle as they were tearing up the league, with only the imperious Leyton Orient bettering them. A good 7 points ahead of Hartlepool - the players were under no allusions about the toughness of the match they were facing. Graeme Lee had agreed a bosman move to Wycombe in the week previously, so was subsequently dropped from the starting line up. The side though, made the perfect start with two goals inside 11 minutes through Paul Furlong and James Moran, starting ahead of Leo, as the hosts were stunned. They soon recovered though and a rearguard defensive action was neccessary, to stop them getting back into the game and it was done pretty successfully thanks to a stunning performance from Arne Johan Ore, until the final minute of first half stoppage time, when they scored.

It was a revitalising goal that helped the hosts begin the second half on the ascendancy - however, they couldn't break down a stubborn back linre and were restricted to long range efforts. At the other end, there were a couple more chances that went a begging but fortunately the resilience held firm and a magnificent win brought the side a little closer to their opponents, and it was a result that brought plaudits from fans, the board and journalists alike.

" Congratulations hon, nice win yesterday!"

"Ah cheers Clara - it was a solid performance - and with a game in hand now, we're looking good I think."

"Absolutely - you're in much better shape than last year - just don't get complacent now!"

"You think?? That's what does concern me, a little bit of presumption again - killed us last year at times, so hopefully we'll cut that out this time around."

"Good luck hon, anyway, I might be around sooner than you think, work's a drag here..."

"Anytime, I'm happy to have you hear - though we've got a busy January to come, so you know what I'm going to be like eh?"

"Fully focussed on the football? Yeah I know. But then that's what I like about you. Anyway, good luck at Barnet, and I'll see you sometime soonish hopefully, bye."


Ryan sat back in his chair and smiled - it was a good start to the year and he hoped it was a sign of things to come. That morning, John Murray had let him know that both Rob Hulse and Paul Arnison were fit and ready to play - which was great news - especially for Paul who'd certainly been on the depressed side watching all his team mates do so well in his absence. However, he'd get his chance soon - but for now a reserve match or two would help bring his fitness up again.

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Against Barnet though there was something of a reality hit again, as a decent enough effort saw the points lost to an early goal despite having the majority of the possession - terrible finishing this time letting the side down and Ryan realised perhaps there was a little too much pressure on Moran just yet. Fortune West and Stephenson had both been dropped for this fixture and with Hulse also not picked, Ryan blamed himself for being a little too ambitious. Anyway the hosts were strong challengers for the play-offs so they weren't no pushovers.

The next poser was Boston [/b] in the Auto Windscreens - and this was a game Ryan didn't mind chopping and changing for. It was a good chance to see the younger ones perform and a loss was no bad thing really, as the league was by far and away the priority. What followed was a very comfortable 1-0 win with David Dunn scoring, and a return to action for Adam Boyd and Paul Arnison. The young strikers of Boyd and Johnson could have scored more but they just needed a little honing of their skills yet. The quarter final clash would see a similar side put out against Mansfield - even though Ryan knew how much Ken loved to beat them - he thought the development of kids took priority.

In that game though both Leo and Sergio Lara picked up injuries which would sideline them for 2-3 weeks. However, with Hulse and Arnison both back anyway the loss wasn't a particular worry for Ryan who actually thought the injuries were well timed considering. That was until both Tony Dinning and Adam Boyd also picked up injures in training ( Boyd ) and on the road (Dinning) which wasn't so well timed at all in fact.

Hosting Swansea also saw Jerry Gill pick up an injury early on with Paul Arnison coming on, but it wasn't such a crisis as after a slow start of conceding ( read allowing easily ) a Swansea goal, the side recovered to notch up an important 3-1 with substitute Rob Hulse coming off the bench to score the winning goals. Paul Furlong had equalised in the first half but when the second half saw the side struggling up front, Rob came on and volleyed in a Fitzpatrick corner, who was deputising very well for Tony Dinning, and heading in well place Johan Ohr cross.

What was beginning to worry both Martin and Ryan though was the waning influence of Paul Stephenson - the midfielder hadn't enjoyed a good game since before Christmas, and had been replaced by James Bishop in the last match. Martin hoped it was merely just a bit of form, considering how superb he had been in the first few months but there was definitely a concern that legs were beginning to catch up with the fellow - and with the young midfielders always improving his importance to the side would probably drop over the coming months.

The final match saw a Macclesfield side utterly devoid of confidence and propping up the league ladder visit Victoria Park, but Ryan knew this was a potential banana skin - for a start they were playing in the same colour as Oldham Athletic. A 2nd minute Paul Furlong goal allayed fears of a ****-up but it was still no easy match as the visitors pressed forward and could have equalised on more than a few occasions but Jorg Kaessmann was at his best to ensure Hartlepool ended the month inside the top 3.


Hartlepool 4 Brighton 0 (Furlong 10, Hansen 11, 13, Moran 72)

Hereford 1 Hartlepool 2 (Lescott 45, Furlong 9, Moran 11)

Barnet 1 Hereford 0 (Strevens 11)

AUTO Hartlepool 1 Boston 0 (Dunn 36)

Hartlepool 3 Swansea 1 ( Furlong 23, Hulse 73, 78; Hinds 8)

Hartlepool 1 Macclesfield ( Furlong 2)

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">


English Third Division - Saturday 26th January 2002



2001/2 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Orient 29 9 4 1 25 15 8 7 0 33 23 62

2nd Brighton 29 12 2 1 34 13 5 2 7 24 28 55

3rd Hartlepool 29 10 2 2 36 20 5 5 5 19 20 52


4th Hereford 29 8 3 3 21 13 7 2 6 22 23 50

5th Scunthorpe 29 7 7 1 26 16 5 5 4 15 13 48

6th Barnet 29 9 2 3 18 9 4 6 5 17 19 47

7th Cheltenham 29 6 3 6 28 24 7 3 4 33 26 45


8th Kidderminster 29 8 4 3 18 11 4 5 5 15 19 45

9th York 29 9 4 1 22 11 3 4 8 22 28 44

10th Cardiff 29 8 4 3 31 23 3 6 5 24 28 43

11th Bury 29 7 3 4 21 19 4 4 7 17 22 40

12th Swansea 28 6 1 6 18 18 6 3 6 20 24 40

13th Mansfield 29 7 5 3 24 16 3 4 7 12 25 39

14th Carlisle 28 7 5 2 22 15 2 6 6 17 25 38

15th Blackpool 28 7 2 6 19 17 4 3 6 16 20 38

16th Halifax 29 6 5 3 30 16 3 2 10 17 27 34

17th Southend 28 7 3 5 34 27 2 4 7 14 19 34

18th Exeter 28 7 2 4 28 23 3 2 10 19 36 34

19th Plymouth 29 3 8 4 33 31 4 2 8 22 28 31

20th Bournemouth 29 4 7 4 18 18 3 2 9 9 19 30

21st Hull 29 4 4 6 21 26 3 2 10 13 25 27

22nd Colchester 28 3 2 9 20 22 4 2 8 17 24 25

23rd Torquay 28 5 3 6 15 17 1 4 9 11 27 25


24th Macclesfield 28 4 3 7 14 17 0 3 11 9 28 18


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February 2002

" Manager of the Month eh? You cocky bastard!"

"Well it was about bloody time we got some consistency going now Geoff! If we want to get promoted, this is the way we're going to have to do it!"

"Aye that's true - well there's still 17 games to go so a long way yet! Worried about the curse?"

"Don't be stupid - I don't believe in any of that rubbish. Southend away will be tough but I'm looking for more of the same!"

"Then it's the Cup isn't it?"

" No Bryan it's the Trophy - the Auto-whatever it is. Pile of bollo*ks if you ask me but it does allow me to try out the youngsters and I intend on doing that."

"Even though it's Mansfield?"

"Screw Ken to be honest, I'll take this game how I want to - Mansfield can go on and waste their time fighting for some pointless little trophy if they want, but not me. I want promotion, and I want it now!"

"Fair enough - so how's things with Clara?"

"Good, I saw her the other day actually, we had a good time, unsurprisingly, but I might not see her for a few months - but I can live with that, better than having no-one is n't that right lads?"

"P*ss off Ryan! I'm happily single and you know it."

"My arse, Geoff - you'll find someone and you'll realise why you were so daft waiting around on your own."

"But there's no commitment at the moment - I can't be arsed to look after another person other than myself at the moment - when I'm out fishin' I would want to be worrying of some woman - just now! Maybe some time down the line, but it's not for me!"

"Have it your way then..."

Southend at Roots Hall did prove to be a lucky game for Ryan, dispelling the myth somewhat, as a solitary Endre Hansen goal proved enough to take all the points, despite the visitors having a great deal of posession and chances throughout the match, as Jorg Kaessmann was the man of the match. A very poor striking display prevented the lead being secure at any point in the match, but no Hartlepool fan cared as they kept the pressure on Orient and more realistically Brighton.

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The midweek game at Mansfield did indeed prove to be a match for the kids - who unsurprisingly lost, but there were some pleasing performances from Adam Boyd, Sergio Lara, David Young and the second half goal scorer David Dunn, as the side were left free to focus on the league, and mid-table Mansfield, still harbouring ideas of making the play-offs continued in their ridiculous quest for irrelevant success.

Of course without many of the first teamers in that match, there was a healthy squad available for the weekend fixture with Hull at Victoria Park, and a strong start saw the hosts take a swift 2-0 lead, with Tony Dinning, back from injury forcing an own goal off David Brightwell before Graeme Lee headed in Arne Johan Ohr's cross. Another plus from the match was Paul Stephenson putting in a decent performance after spending a few games on the sidelines. The lead was swiftly cut back though as the defence were having an off day. Before half time Paul Furlong restored the two goal lead, but despite there was a noticeable absence of fluent play as the visitors were always dangerous on the break. They did score again late on but fortunately it was too late for them to press on further for an equaliser.

During the week Ryan received a phone call from Nuneaton discussing the availability of out of favout striker Tony Lormor and the club were given permission to take the player off Hartlepool's hands for nothing. He was a solid player but he had never scored enough goals to warrant inclusion in the first team squad. Unsurprisingly he snapped at the chance to play some first team football, even at Conference level, whilst Ken enjoyed the reduction in the wages.

The following weekend Carlisle played host to the in form side in the league, but it was they who were closer to scoring initially as they broke swiftly looking to exploit any holes in the defence, but failing fortunately. In the second half they did have the ball in the back of the net, but the linesman spoiled the celebrations and Ryan's side had a let off, subs were made and one of them, Rob Hulse, made an immediate impression, scoring the matchwinning goal, and his tenth of the season. It knocked the stuffing out of the hosts, and but for more effective finishing, the win would have been sealed sooner - but 5 wins on the the trot had the fans very happy.

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With little time to enjoy the victory there were preparations for the Colchester game, which proved to be a very frustrating afternoon against the league's second worst side. Poor finishing from James Bishop, Leo and Paul Furlong saw the match end in a bland 0-0 draw. Of course it was all good news for the defence as on recent evidence the side had generally tightened up quite substantially since the insanity of the early season matches, but with the wealth of striking options at Ryan's availability it was a shame no breakthrough could have been made. However, the side were still unbeaten and the gap to 4th spot was 6 points - a nice little cushion for now.

The final match of February was a bizarre disaster as the side collapsed entirely against Cheltenham . Tony Williams was restored in goal for this one and he'd conceded 3 inside half hour, all saveable, and effectively playing himself back out of the side onto the bench again for the following game. With the home side utterly dominant, Ryan went ballistic inside the dressing room, as ears turned red and boots went a flying, though no ponce in there would be bleating to the press about it. They recovered a modicum of pride by virtue of not letting any more goals in but the damage was done and the unbeaten run was spectacularly ended. York and Brighton both lost though so it wasn't a complete disaster.


Southend 0 Hartlepool 1 (Hansen 22)

Mansfield 3 Hartlepool 1 (Bradley 23, Hudson 35, Lawrence 72; Dunn 66)

Hartlepool 3 Hull City 2 (Brightwell o.g, Lee 16, Furlong 35; Bradshaw 25, Hewlett 84)

Carlisle 0 Hartlepool 1 (Hulse 65)

Hartlepool 0 Colchester 0

Cheltenham 3 Hartlepool 0 (Cobb 2, Hart 8, Dani 29)

3rd in Division 3

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March 2002

A strong result was needed to recover from the loss at the end of February, and with Mansfield the visitors, there were strong hopes of a win, but two injuries before the game - to Arne Johan Ohr, and Tony Mowbray, the latter's season being more or less ended in his fractured shin. A strong opening saw the hosts asserting their authority on the game, scoring eventually moments before half time through Michael Standing, but after the break a dozy start saw the visitors immediately equalise and then Lee Fitzpatrick was given his marching orders for an over the top tackle on Chris Greenacre. A slight shake up helped to soften the blow of that loss, but it also weakened their attacking prowess, and the game ended in a 1-1 draw - with a chance to overtake Brighton into second wasted.

The strength of the side seemed shaky once again in the midweek game with Bury too as though the match ended in a 3-3 draw - the visitors twice held a two goal lead, capitalising on poor defensive errors at the back as Ryan and Martin were left shaking their heads at why it had suddenly turned tits up at the back. After going 2-0 down, James Moran scored a vital goal on the stroke of half time, but Julian Gray made it 3-1 10 minutes after the break. The side showed character to level soon after through James Bishop, and it took a last gasp effort from sub Rob Hulse to secure a point, but the frustration at seeing further points dropped at home disappear still remained.

Chris Westwood's expiring contract was attracting Bristol Rovers but Ryan didn't care - given the terrible errors at the back so far, Ryan knew his defence needed a shake up badly.

" What the heck is going on with our defence Martin?"

"Stupid lack of concentration really. Plus the formation at the moment's putting a lot of pressure on Lee Fitzpatrick and frankly he hasn't held up very well at all recently. He does well when playing alongside a few others, and not when he's got to do it himself. We should get Tony back in there."

"I agree, though it's also handy to have Tony back as a centre half, as Chris is probably going to bugger off soon, Ohr and Tony M are injured, Graeme Lee's off and he’s not that good either, and Chris Plummer's been off form... we don't have any serious options back there..."

"What about bringing someone in?"

"No chance, the money's dropping swiftly - there's no budget available as the wages are eating the clubs coffers dry at the moment - we'd have to offload players first. I know we've got rid of a few, but I think we may have to get rid of Leo..."

"Really? His experience is important!"

"Well to be honest, I see it as last year he got what 25 goals, this year he's got 7, a couple of assists, and that’s about it - he's not been at the races this season. We've got Furlong's experience - the improving Rob Hulse who's 6 years younger, and then the kids... Leo's not vital to us anymore. I've had the same thoughts about Steph too..."

"No way, I could concede Leo, Ryan, but Paul Stephenson has crucial experience and he's not past it yet - maybe in the summer - but we need him badly until then - we're stuttering towards the finishing line and every bit of quality's going to help."

"Yeah... but if the money comes in - I'll find it hard to say no - what with Ken pleading I accept..."

"Well scout around for a few options first though... we need to bring in a good solid replacement if we do..."

"Good point Martin. Well let's get them ready for the trip to Halifax.... we need a win!"

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On the Saturday at Halifax, moving Tony to the DMC slot proved to work wonders as the player showed his extra class, doing the job Lee couldn't as the visitors re-affirmed their promotion credentials in claiming an important victory. The damage was done around half time with 2 goals, the first from Graeme Lee who forced home a Rob Hulse knock down and then after the interval, the provider turned goal scorer heading in Paul Stephenson’s' corner. It stifled Halifax and left them a little stunned - and they didn't begin playing football until it was too late, their consolation not threat to the result itself as the fabled 2-1 was repeated once more.

A break in action allowed Ryan some time off to visit Clara in Derbyshire, and he was really beginning to enjoy the surrounding areas down there as she showed him around, and Ryan definitely thought this could be a place worth moving to at some point in the future. Hell the Derby job had already been vacated twice since meeting Clara, which took the michael somewhat, but he needed to establish his reputation first before considering that.

Bristol City threw a slight spanner in Ryan's works though as they lodged a bid for the on loan Ohr to Forest, but very sneakily Ryan sent a fax without Ken's permission, smashing the Bristol's bid by a few million quid. Fortunately the cunning ploy worked and their bid was rejected - it was a little dishonest perhaps but he needed players, and they could go fish elsewhere. Ohr agreed the fake terms and the transfer was subsequently "delayed" a week in case the money was actually found. To survive until the transfer window closed, that's all they had to do.

Sergio Lara was released from his contract shortly before it ended to save the wage bill from more expense but to Ryan's annoyance the board, and Ken in particular expressed a surprising degree of dismay at the decision. The full back had never been more than a back up, and was of further use to the side with Paul Arnison back to full fitness. Crewe's pathetic bid for Ola Broden was also knocked back.

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The following match with Exeter got Hartlepool's run back into swing with an emphatic 5-1 thrashing - one of the most pleasureable victories since the defeat of Brighton on New Year's Day. Paul Stephenson and Graeme Tomlinson traded early goals as the home side looked to get a grip on the match, but once Michael Standing ended a fine team move on 32 minutes it was all one way traffic - all that was needed was a finish. Youngster James Moran came on after 68 minutes and he scored with his first touch, a moment later and he'd had another scrubbed off for offside, but the teenager persevered and after Rob Hulse made it 4 late on, he grabbed his second in the final minute, as only 5r points seperated the top 4 now.

That midweek game was a welcome boost ahead of a crucial tie away to the table toppers Orient - a side who's long term lead in Division 3 had been steadily chipped away at for weeks and their invincibility wasn't quite so intimidating going into the match, even though they were of course a hard side to face. Last time - this fixture ended 7-7. A repeat did not happen, but Ryan was pleased - as this time his confident side continued their run, the Cheltenham match increasingly looking like an aberration.

After surviving a tough blitz initially, it was against the run of play that Rob Hulse scored an opener, before Carl Griffiths cut short the visitors momentum before half time. The second half was a case of again stubborn defending before Paul Furlong stunned the hosts with a long range drive. A confident away side were dealing with the hosts desperation with ever increasing comfort, though Michael Standing's sending off towards the end was a blip the side could well have done without.

The situation at the top of the table was incredibly tight now, with the top 5 sides seperated by 3 points, and Hartlepool were still in 4th place. York, in 5th, were the next opponents the following week, and of course, it was yet another crucial game in the race for automatic promotion - where every point would count. It started very badly though when Michael Standing, was wound up and punched an opponent receiving another red card - effectively ruling out the rest of the season for the midfielder.

Once Paul Stephenson scored on 17 minutes though hopes were high of another win, but they came under an intense battering as York looked to exploit their man advantage, but they weren't getting past the tight defence and the superb Jorg Kaessmann. The second half appeared to be a similar tale, but the away side grabbed a gut-wrenching goal in the final minute of the game to share the spoils -and Ryan hoped his side wouldn't live to rue that goal come the seasons end.

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Players Out

Sergio Lara, 23, D/DMR, released


Hartlepool 1 Mansfield 1 (Standing 41; Taylor 46)

Hartlepool 3 Bury 3 (Moran 45, Bishop 61, Hulse 90; Evans 17, Barnes 21, Gray 58)

Halifax 1 Hartlepool 2 (Painter 88; Lee 45, Hulse 52)

Hartlepool 5 Exeter 1 (Stephenson 6, Standing 32, Moran 68,90, Hulse 87; Tomlinson 7)

Leyton Orient 1 Hartlepool 2 (Griffiths 38; Boyd 30, Furlong 67)

Hartlepool 1 York City 1 (Stephenson 17; W.Boyd)

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English Third Division - Saturday 30th March 2002



2001/2 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Orient 40 12 4 4 37 22 10 8 2 43 30 78

2nd Scunthorpe 40 12 7 1 43 18 9 6 5 28 19 76

3rd Hartlepool 40 12 6 2 49 28 9 5 6 25 25 74


4th Brighton 40 15 3 3 43 24 8 2 9 32 35 74

5th York 40 14 4 1 28 11 7 6 8 33 31 73

6th Kidderminster 40 12 5 3 27 14 7 8 5 31 28 70

7th Cheltenham 40 9 3 8 38 31 11 3 6 46 35 66


8th Barnet 40 12 3 5 29 17 6 7 7 22 23 64

9th Swansea 40 10 3 7 28 25 9 4 7 32 28 64

10th Cardiff 40 11 5 4 43 31 6 6 8 31 34 62

11th Hereford 40 10 4 6 29 22 7 3 10 22 29 58

12th Mansfield 40 9 6 6 31 24 6 5 8 21 31 56

13th Bury 40 8 5 7 24 25 6 6 8 28 31 53

14th Blackpool 40 7 4 9 25 29 8 4 8 28 31 53

15th Bournemouth 40 6 8 6 26 26 7 2 11 16 26 49

16th Plymouth 40 6 8 6 46 38 6 3 11 29 37 47

17th Carlisle 40 7 6 7 27 29 4 7 9 22 32 46

18th Southend 40 10 4 7 43 33 2 5 12 20 33 45

19th Halifax 40 8 5 6 35 22 4 4 13 23 41 45

20th Torquay 40 9 3 8 26 24 3 5 12 19 37 44

21st Exeter 40 10 2 7 35 29 3 2 16 21 55 43

22nd Colchester 40 5 3 12 26 29 5 3 12 21 35 36

23rd Hull 40 6 6 8 31 36 3 2 15 16 39 35


24th Macclesfield 40 4 3 13 20 36 0 4 16 14 44 19


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we'll see

April / May 2002

" Hey Ryan! It's going well for you now! Promotion pretty close eh?"

"Close, Geoff, but not there yet. It's been a fantastic month to be honest - the win over Eexter and probably more importantly - the win over Orient. I know a draw with York wasn't a bad result given that muppet, Michael got sent off again - his fault his out of the last few games - but the last minute bit stings."

"But then again, look at this way, if that's unlucky, then maybe you'll get lucky in a game or two coming up!"

"There's that but you can't rely on luck - absolutely not. We have to earn our promotion - but you look at that table - 3 of 5 of us are going up - and sods law says that both the other clubs go out in the first round of the play offs. I do not want to experience that again!"

"So are you looking at automatic promotion or the title?"

"4 points behind Orient with 6 games left - they've got plenty of time to screw up - but we can't afford to mess up at all, and though the sides we're facing are all a bit lower in the table I fear that might work against us. Put it this way, I want promotion - that's the bottom line. We go up in second or third, I'm satisfied. We top the league, I'm happy."

"Fair enough then mate."

"I just hope we don't get all presumptuous about results though. We have to make it through unscathed."

"Well the defence has improved a bit hasn't it? The odd wobble but that's to be expected..."

"True, but half of them are buggering off at the end of the season anyway. I've got an eye on one or two to come in but we can't make moves until we've definitely got a few off the wage bill."

"Tricky business eh? You thought of any?"

"Well in the summer I can see Paul Stephenson going - yes he's good, but he's 34 and I just think he's getting worse now. Maybe Leo too - we've got some good strikers here - like that James Moran - I have high hopes for him..."

"Yeah he scored a nice double against Exeter... what about the midfieldn then?"

"Good youngsters Bryan. I've had to knock a few bids already for the likes of Bishop and Broden. Promotion will be key to holding onto those kids I think."

"Sure you'll be fine mate. Anyway, I need another drink, and it's Geoff's round - I'm going for strongbow, Ry?"

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After a week break, the side faced Bournemouth away to start April and it proved to be a tough match as Ryan expected. The fans assumed there'd be another victory, but they were wrong and were it not for a fantastic late penalty save from Jorg Kaessmann the side would have lost. Tony Dinning's opening goal in the first half was cancelled out almost straight away, and it was the superb German keeper who was the man of the match in this display.

The team had to keep pace with the other sides above them if an automatic promotion charge was to be a realistic option and the match with Blackpool mercifully was one, but it was clear nerves were now entering the minds of the players as the finishing line drew closer. Despite taking an early 2 goal lead through Ola Broden and Leo Fortune West the side were always jangly and shaky. When the away side reduced the deficit the match could have swung either either way, but thankfully Ryan's side held out for another 2-1 win, and the pressure was kept up on the top 3.

The Easter Monday match at Kidderminster 2 days later would be another big test. The hosts were looking to secure their play off position, and Ryan had sadly lost Rob Hulse to a nasty injury which would sideline the player through much of the summer. With 4 games left, and Hartlepool 6 points behind Orient, and 2 behind both Scunthorpe and Brighton - every point was vital. This match also saw Michael Standing return from suspension in time to replace some tired legs, and his performance in the midfield was to key establishing an excellent 2-0 half time lead. He combined well with Ola Broden to set up Paul Stephenson for the opener, and then a pin-point cross found James Moran in space - the youngster netting his 8th goal of the season. The second half was played for a large part in the Hartlepool half, but last ditch defending, superb tackling and a fighting spirit kept the play-off hopefuls at bay and a vital win was secured, especially given all the above sides had also won.

Having officially secured a place in the play-offs there was a little less pressure on the side, as Ryan spent a brief amount of time scouring out other coaches available to bring in to join in his team - it was long term planning before the summer turnover rush that would grab rival clubs' attention. One such former pro- Kevin Ratcliffe wanted to come in on an Assitant Manager basis - and after short discussions with Martin it was agreed Martin would be a coach on paper but would still hold the same degree of respect and attention from Ryan.

At Victoria Park against Hereford United on Saturday 20th a near full house belatedly arrived to cheer the side on. "It's funny how success suddenly brings them out of the woodwork," thought Ryan. The visitors had fallen off the pace quite gradually since their once lofty position of second which had seemed so secure at one point, but even though they were now 11th they were still a very strong side. What followed was rather predictably anothe 2-1 victory - not that Ryan was complaining - the finishing was there, but the defence were wobbly and the ever dangerous Andrew Moran always threatened to wreck the day, hitting two posts late in the second half before the ref finally blew up for full time, and results elsewhere had pushed Hartlepool up into 3rd, only behind Scunthorpe on goal difference. Hereford had taken the lead before Paul Furlong and then Ian Clark scored on half time.

Tension was certainly mounting with two games to go, and Kevin Dawson's extended contract was almost completely ignored in the hype - as Hartlepool seemed to have taken an initiative going into the final two matches. Orient had effectively won the league - 6 points ahead with 2 to play, but goal difference was all that seperated Scunthorpe Hartlepool and Brighton, with York 4 points further behind.

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" Sh*tty hell this is tight, Ryan!"

"You're telling me pal.But then at least we're up there now - and there is no way on earth that I'm letting us fall into the play-offs again. Too much of a bloody lottery that."

"So who are the last two fixtures against?"

"Well Bry, we've got Macclesfield away - they're already relegated - so their pride will be their motivating factor - and Torquay at home - they're 17th. On paper I know it looks good - but you know this side - we never do it easy!"

"Still exciting though isn't it?"

"It might be for you, but I can't stand it - give me Orient's position anyday."

"Ha, well touch wood, there's no more injuries and you're ok - you've got those young kids on form - so not long left to go and have you got more coaches on board?"

"Aye, well Martin has had to officially move to coach, whilst Kevin Radcliffe is becoming an Assistant. Hey - he had some rubbish to deal with at Shrewsbury - he's a good bloke and I trust him. We're also looking at a Mick Gooding - former Macclesfield bloke - but there could be a clash of interest there but anything to help motivate these players the last few days, though I would have thought promotion would have been more than enough!"

The clash at Macclesfield was the home side's farewell to the league, and last chance to show their fans that they would be back and fighting in the Conference the following year - but a professional performance exuded the entire Hartlepool side, as Ryan, Martin and the newly arrived Kevin watched on in quiet delight. Paul Furlong's opener calmed early nerves, collecting a ball from Paul Stephenson. before Arne Johan Ohr doubled the lead crucially before half time, with Michael Standing the architect in that move. A hard working midfield ensured the hosts never enjoyed a sniff of a chance to get back into the game, and then Paul Stephenson finished the job off in the final minute.

" Good win it was indeed love, I'm feeling better already!"

"Good, you're not quite so attractive when you're stressed - calm down and just think it's one more game to go, til promotion, the end of the season, and our vacation to Mallorca - that's something to cherish isn't it?"

"Aye you're right! Just have to hope I get this job completed now. Orient's point tied up the championship that they deserved, we're level with Scunthorpe but their goal difference is vastly greater to ours, and we're two ahead of Brighton. They're away to Hull and we host Torquay - it's going to be an interesting final day. A draw would be enough for us unless they get a stupid victory margin on the final day but I want a win, for the hardcore fans, and even for the fair-weather fans we seem to have picked up in recent weeks."

"Well it's better than no fans at all isn't it? You go up and I'm sure they'll stay with you through-out - it's the fact the club's going places that appeals I'm sure. Success always breeds success on and off the field. Don't be so cynical all the time."

"Sorry - habit. Now I've got to go love, training's on now, love you and see you soon I hope."


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Ryan contemplated the final day's play ahead. This was a big day for the club. There was a back door option in case of failure - but no-one wanted that. For today it was a shame Rob Hulse was out injured, the crocked striker had contributed a great deal to the clubs points tally, and he would only be watching from the sides. For some, it was also probably their last match for the club and after all Paul Stephenson and Leo Fortune West had done for the club since Ryan's arrival that would be a great shame.

On a wet humid Sunday afternoon, play began, with radios to the ready listening out for Brighton's score, and less importantly, Scunthorpe's. An experienced line up took to the field, with only the in form Kevin Dawson a possible surprise to some. After a strong pacy opening from the hosts, the desire to clinch promotion really shone through, with the forceful running of midfield and the tough tackling no-nonsense at the back, deflating a weak Torquay attack. 12 minutes in and who else but Leo Fortune West scored the first goal of the match - ironically set up by Paul Stephenson. 3 minutes later and Arne Johan Ohr had doubled the lead as the hosts seemed certain to clinch promotion.

Torquay were playing well enough in fairness, but never enough to threaten the defence unduly. Ryan and Martin emphasised more of the same in the second half, and merely 34 seconds after the re-start and Paul Furlong had made it 3 from an Ohr cross. It was fine quality as the fans cheered and Ryan sighed a breath of relief - tension may excite the neutral but he didn't want that. Only a few minutes later and it got even better as Tony Dinning slid in to meet another fine Ohr cross, and it was game over. Promotion was effectively sealed and the fans were joyous - and radio's discarded as no matter what happened, there was no way they couldn't go up. Complacency saw the visitors nick a late consolation but not even Ryan cared!

He'd done it, the players had done it, the club had done it - promotion to Division 2 and he was ecstatic. What's more after the next couple of days of excessive celebrations - the no alcohol policy at the club would take a brief hiatus, he'd be on a plane to Mallorca with Clara, a lass he had grown very much in love with now since they’d began courting oh so long ago in the romantic capital of the world. Life it seemed, didn't get much better than this, there was even joy for his mate Geoff - who as a kid had been a boyhood Aston Villa fan - and they'd won the FA Cup for the first time in 46 years. Insanity ruled in England, as Spurs even won the Premiership.


Bournemouth 1 Hartlepool 1 (Watson 35; Dinning 34)

Hartlepool 2 Blackpool 1 (Broden 9, Fortune West 13;

Kidderminster 0 Hartlepool 2

Hartlepool 2 Hereford 1 (Furlong 26, Clark 45; Emblem 23)

Macclesfield 0 Hartlepool 2

Hartlepool 4 Torquay 1 (Fortune West 21, Ohr 42, Furlong 46, Dinning 50; Housham 64)

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English Third Division - Saturday 25th May 2002



2001/2 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st C Orient 46 15 4 4 47 26 12 9 2 51 34 94

2nd P Scunthorpe 46 15 7 1 48 19 10 8 5 32 22 90

3rd P Hartlepool 46 15 6 2 57 31 11 6 6 31 26 90


4th Brighton 46 16 4 3 45 25 10 4 9 39 38 86

5th York 46 16 5 2 34 15 8 6 9 35 33 83

6th P Kidderminster 46 13 5 5 30 19 8 10 5 35 30 78

7th Cheltenham 46 10 4 9 43 35 12 3 8 49 39 73


8th Swansea 46 10 5 8 32 31 10 6 7 40 34 71

9th Barnet 46 13 4 6 34 21 6 8 9 22 26 69

10th Cardiff 46 11 7 5 48 38 7 7 9 35 38 68

11th Mansfield 46 10 6 7 33 27 8 6 9 28 37 66

12th Bury 46 10 6 7 32 28 6 9 8 31 34 63

13th Hereford 46 10 6 7 33 27 8 3 12 26 35 63

14th Blackpool 46 8 6 9 31 33 8 5 10 32 39 59

15th Bournemouth 46 6 11 6 31 31 9 2 12 20 30 58

16th Torquay 46 12 3 8 32 26 4 5 14 22 43 56

17th Plymouth 46 7 9 7 50 42 7 3 13 35 47 54

18th Carlisle 46 9 6 8 35 33 4 9 10 26 37 54

19th Halifax 46 8 7 8 39 30 5 4 14 26 44 50

20th Southend 46 11 4 8 46 37 2 6 15 24 41 49

21st Hull 46 7 8 8 36 40 4 3 16 18 41 44

22nd Exeter 46 10 3 10 39 36 3 2 18 24 62 44

23rd Colchester 46 5 3 15 27 33 7 4 12 29 38 43


24th R Macclesfield 46 4 3 16 20 44 0 4 19 17 54 19


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cheers fellas icon_smile.gif

"Congratulations fella!"

"Rounds on me you sod! Well done on promotion!"

"Cheers guys - yes I am one happy man! But well I can't stay long you know - I've got a relaxing holiday to get to with the mrs haha!"

"And you deserve it too! Hell, ever since the Cheltenham game - you never looked back - what was that 10, 11 matches unbeaten?"

"11 Geoff - aye all credit to the lads. A great way to end the season and a good end for Paul Stephenson and Leo - they're on their way I think, to bring in some money!"

"Well they've certainly been a big part of the side over the last two years haven't they - it'll be tough to replace them..."

"Yes, yes I know! But bugger to that right now! I'm going to have some fun! Now give me that drink and lets get smashed..."

A season had ended and success at last. Ryan bid adieu to his friends, and made for Derbyshire to meet up with Clara before moving to spend 2 weeks in Mallorca. At the club loose ends were tied up in terms of players leaving as Ryan's best signing Leo Fortune West left the club, joining his former side Cardiff City for a very sizeable 250k. His total record for the club in all competitions read: Played 76(16) 34 Goals, 10 Assists, 14 Man of the Matches, 7.37 ( Opta Ratings )

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June 2002

World Cup Review

June was the season of the World Cup an event that captivated the nations interest, including Ryan, a proud Englishman, and in their group included the Auld enemy Scotland, and Jamaica and Japan. Progress was expected. Wales had the tough task of getting past Germany, Ivory Coast and Uruguay.

The group stages threw up their usual mix of expected quality, as Italy and Argentina romped through their groups, along with the ever enjoyable surprises such as Sweden’s loss to Saudi Arabia - though they still qualified, and the exit of Germany, after a final round loss to Uruguay, and Wales were the surprise beneficiaries of that. England and Scotland both qualified, though the latter very much had to rely on the former to help them get their - not that the fans would ever admit to it.

In the knock out stages, Wales' run was ended by Argentina emphatically in the second round, Scotland lost in a spirited display to Brazil, whilst England eliminated Columbia. Tie of the round went to Uruguay's loss to Denmark which ended 6-5, and included three dismissals. England went out in the quarter finals to Argentina with England's golden boy David Beckham putting in another turgid performance - getting sent off as per usual. France retained their trophy defeating Spain in the final, with Argentina claiming 3rd, defeating rivals Brazil.

Off Season Club Review

Sad news also affected Ryan as upon returning to the club he discovered Paul was on his way - a very good bid from Scunthorpe - in the region of 300k was too good to turn down - and though he would be going to rivals in Division 2, Ryan doubted the lad's ability to survive for very long. His impressive record under Ryan's stewardship read: 78 starts, 5 subs, 19 goals, 24 assists, 8 Man of the Matches, 7.27 (Opta Stats) Also lost was a staff member - and Colin West the coach turned scout had moved to Derby County - though Ryan hoped he'd have the chance to renew acquaintances there at some time in the future. However his long contract at Hartlepool had meant the midlands club had forced to pay a very high compensation fee of 275k and all this sudden increased revenue was music to Ken Hodcroft's ears.

The chairman understandably had limited expectations for the new season - as almost everyone recognised the battle to stay up would prove a challenging one. Even with TV revenue for the season in the bank, funds for signings were still limited and reflective possibly of the high wage bill. Aidan Lynch was soon removed from that when the full back was handed a free transfer having never made a significant impression on the squad. Clara was celebrating her local side's play-off promotion to the Premiership again as Roy McFarland's job looked pretty safe for the coming times.

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Pre-Season - July

With a tour of Wales arranged, Ryan and the backroom staff were all looking for a revamp of the squad, with several IN's and OUT's, including Brian Reid, a 32 year old former Dunfermline centre back who’s SPL experience would prove vital for the club, and Chris Westwood left on a free after the average centre half refused a slight pay increase. Graeme Lee completed his free transfer away from the club, and Mike Trought, a young competent centre back arrived from Bristol Rovers.

With the defence being strengthened, Ryan elected to turn his attention to the midfield - a lightweight area - where the promising youngsters needed a few older heads to take the pressure off them. Lee Fitzpatrick and David Dunn for example would have a lot of work to do to stay in Ryan's plans. The arrival of Terry Cooke, the out of favour Man City did a great deal to raise hopes, even if it was a painfully expensive deal, one weighted with staggered payments. A failed bid for Michael Standing followed before Ryan had to pull out for a deal for Lorenzo Amoruso.

Before the scheduled trip to Wales, there was a warm up with Bury first, to allow the players to run off their excess fat again, and a 1-1 draw was unfairly gained through Rob Hulse's goal - Tony Williams doing his damndest to earn a new contract.

There after the side were off to a surprisingly sunny Wales for a tour, that included trialist Jonathan Bewers, returning to the club once more. Whilst there Martin, Kevin and Ryan all experimented with variations on the 532 and 41212 approaches with varying degrees of success. All the matches were one, but some with far greater ease than others. Trialist David Perpetuini, having been released by Watford showed enough worth to earn a short term contract.

Players In:

Brian Reid 32, DC, free

Mike Trought 20 DC, Bristol Rovers, 110k

Terry Cooke 26, AM/FR Man City 250k

David Perpetuini 22, DMRL, free

Players Out:

Chris Westwood, 25, DC, free

Aidan Lynch 22, DML, free

Graeme Lee, 24, DC, Wycombe, free


Bury 1 Hartlepool 1 (Bullock 45, Hulse 16)

T.N.Solutions 0 Hartlepool 1 (Moran 67)

Brymbo Broughton 0 Hartlepool 2 (Broden 15, 58)

Colwyn Bay 0 Hartlepool 2 (Trought 21, Boyd 84)

UWIC Inter Cardiff 0 Hartlepool 3 (Hulse 2, Reid 35, Robinson pen 75)

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Season 2002-2003

August 2002

" All ready for the off then Ryan?"

"I don't know - but I do know I'm excited - it's a challenge I'm relishing. I know we can stay up, but it's going to be tough." We've got Crewe up first and they're a good side - Dario's an experienced and popular man there."

"Got all the men in you think you need?"

"Nope, not yet Bryan - I want a couple more - and we do have bids lodged for two more, one's this young Portuguese fella who really does look like he could be a decent prospect, and another for Ronnie Wallwork."

"Ah, so the reports were true in the papers then..."

"Yeah, well when you write so much bullsh*t you're bound to strike lucky now and then. We've got competition for him though, but if he can come I'll be very happy. Terry's added the flair and creativity to the squad but I feel we still need to toughen up- Tony Dinning needs some support."

"What about Lee Fitzpatrick? How's that lad getting on?"

"He is not good enough Geoff. 23 year, but not good enough - I can see him leaving sooner rather than later unless he improves spectacularly. "

"Oh ok, so you know how you're going to play?"

"Well I'm going to try an attacking 532 to start initially, just to see if that works, but I'm well aware it could be a risk..."

As it proved to be the opening day's match with Crewe did indeed show up the weakness; in the formation. A thrilling match was lost 4-3, as the defence weren't supported well enough by their midfield that were spending their time setting up chances galore for the strikers, including Rob Hulse facing his old club. Paul Furlong equalised an early away shot, before losing it almost straight away - and the same frailties happened shortly before the break when Brian Reid's goal and equaliser was proved wasted only minutes later. Paul Furlong then levelled for a third time after the break, but the side just could not hold on whatsoever and a defeat beckoned, with harsh lessons for the side.

Young Jon Bewers signed a 9 month contract to prove himself, on a small 90 quid a week wage, as Ryan added a bit of back up to the side, whilst elsewhere he looked to exploit the loan market, with Blackburn's Jimmy Corbett arriving for two months soon after, as the side looked a little bit stronger by the day, though the Wallwork bid was being held up by the presence of other clubs still negotiating fees with Preston.

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After a weeks solid training, a trip to Bristol Rovers followed and Kevin suggested a more defensive version of the formation adopted against Crewe with a central midfielder dropping a little further back to offer help to the defence, and in the match itself it proved to be very effective as the hosts early quick fire approach was extinguished gradually as Hartlepool played the patient game. Paul Furlong's physical presence up front was also causing the home defence some problems, a fact exploited by the striker as held the ball up on the edge of the area, before playing in debutant Jimmy Corbett to score the opening goal. In the second half, the match was very even but Hartlepool's style, was winning the battle in the middle of the pitch, and a second decisive goal from Ian Clark sealed the points for the visitors.

An excellent first win convinced Ryan his side could be more than just relegation battlers, though that was still the primary aim. With the League Cup in midweek Ryan decided to use the match against Southend as a means to build up momentum and another excellent performance was only spoiled by injuries to Brian Reid and Jimmy Corbett. The away tie was won 3-1 setting up a cushion that would allow younger players to come in for the home leg. Paul Furlong and Ian Clark both scored for the second match in succession and sub Rob Hulse got in on the act late on.

The injuries were a blow to the side, but there was fortunately enough in the side to cover for the weekend home match with Burnley on the Saturday. The mood was certainly confident as the side sought a first home win, however the match was an unwanted lesson in the importance of taking chances. The away side took an early lead and though David Dunn soon cancelled that out, they were comfortably soaking up pressure at the back, riding their luck on the odd chance, but eventually scored a winner in the second half. Pressure from the hosts was applied, but it was not to be as a loss acted as a wake up call before hopes were raised too high of what the side could do this season.

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A bank holiday match on Monday away to Chesterfield allowed no time to prepare as the bottom of the league's side earned their first win of the season as Hartlepool were on the wrong end of a 2-1 scoreline. Mike Trought had brought the sides on equal terms in the first half, but a weak midfield were easily overpowered and it was a battle to keep the score respectable enough, with both James Bishop and Ola Broden struggling - and Ryan knew he had to dip into the transfer market.

Within days and Ryan had brought in reinforcements. First division side West Bromwich Albion sold them experienced midfielder Derek McInnes for an initial 100k, potential rising to 250k, after 50 league appearances, and the 31 year old added a great degree of experience, and a sounding out offer was made to 37 year old Gary McCallister to see if the player wanted to join on a temporary basis.

He hadn't made his decision before the months final match, at home to Brentford - but Derek McInnes did put in an exceptionally solid display in an otherwise faltering side. Hartlepool's chances faded when both Paul Furlong and Tony Dinning were lost to medium term injuries in the first half, and the weakness of the subs proved the downfall as Mark Allott and the beginning and end of the second half scored the goals that sent the home side down to 23rd, and suddenly the focus of a relegation battle was deeply embedded in the players eyes.

Players In:

Derek McInnes, 31, MC, WBA, 100k


Hartlepool 3 Crewe 4 (Furlong 8, 49, Reid 40; Holmes 3,41, Taylor 10, Sodje 55)

Bristol Rovers 0 Hartlepool 2 (Corbett 33, Clark 62)

Southend 1 Hartlepool 3 (Tinkler 45; Furlong 11, Clark 34, Hulse 71)

Hartlepool 1 Burnley 2(Dunn 17, Cox 3, A Cooke 73)

Chesterfield 2 Hartlepool 1(Donavan 8, 53; Trought 15)

Hartlepool 0 Brentford 2 (Allot 54, 90)

23rd in Division 2

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The first match was the second leg with Southend in the League Cup and as intended Ryan used several younger players for the tie, with solid performances from Young and Broden - and striker Phil Johnson opened the scoring. A comfortable match, run at pedestrian pace was finished off by sub Rob Hulse in the second half as safe passage to the second round was secured where they would face Watford, of the first division - with elimination almost certain.

It was tough going in the league so far but Ryan believed that with patience the side would adapt to the standards of the league and results would come and the point earned away at Reading was indicative of that. Though they went behind in the second half to a Martin Butler penalty, the side showed character and resilience to fight back, with Robert Hulse firing in, in the final few minutes as Hartlepool showed definite signs of improvement already.

The cause was helped as Jimmy Corbett returned from injury the day after, and Gary McAllister agreed to sign up on a short term deal with the club in midweek, but the side did not perform too well at home to Notts County in midweek though suffering a 4th consecutive home defeat, leaving the team struggling at the bottom still and Ryan concerned. The midfield was still lightweight, and Terry Cooke had severely under performed thus far.

" Time to go back to 4 at the back I think Kev, this just isn't working."

"I agree."

"Good. I was going with it anyway. Cooke's not performing well and we need him to, so we have to change."

"Let's bring in Broden too - he's impressed me in training."

"He's got talent, I'll give you that, and I want to talk to him or his agent about a new deal - he's going to be a quality player at some point i think"

"We also need some luck..."

"You make your own luck Kev, that's my view - we just need to work harder, and be better than we are, but let's try this out with the lads then, see how it goes..."

As it turned out the new formation worked a treat in the next away match against Northampton as a spectacular display saw Hartlepool win 3-0 - and comprehensively so now. Rob Hulse was the inspiration behind it, scoring twice inside a quarter of an hour combining well with Ola Broden, and the striker could have had a hat-trick had the linesman turned a blind eye to his mistimed run but it was not to be. With the momentum carried through into the second half and Adam Boyd scored his first of the season at the near post and the side moved out of the bottom 4, and the mood was up again.

" Good god man, well done!"

"Er, thanks Ken. Thought we'd win that one today, got bored of losing. "

"What a match! What a match indeed!"

"Yeah, it was good."

"Here, have a bottle of scotch my good man! Splendid, splendid fellow!" And Ken left soon afterwards still agog with delight at the recent win, which only slightly disturbed Ryan. Clara had also called to say well done and he knew it wasn't that good. Whenever people go bananas over one bloody win, you know it's been far too long since the last win. Tony Dinning and James Moran also came back into the reckoning too, as a healthier squad helped the fans look on to the midweek match at Watford with silly optimism.

Their opponents were doing well in the first division and their superiority shone in the League Cup clash, but only after Tony Dinning smashed in an early 20 yard effort. The injury to Mike Trought disrupted Hartlepool's rhythm but for a long while it seemed the hosts would only be taking a narrow 2-1 lead to Victoria Park until they won a hotly disputed penalty in the final minutes to hand the initiative firmly in their favour. It wasn't impossible but most fans didn't fancy their chances of progression to the next round.

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At the weekend a first home victory of the season in the league was finally found as the side defeated Millwall by 3-1, but it was a much tougher affair than the League Cup tie of 2 years ago. After weathering a battering early on, the side worked their way gently into the match, and it was Gary McAllister who won the penalty he dispatched that handed them the lead - one that lasted 2 minutes as typically Millwall finally scored once they'd gone behind. After half time it was a close affair with little chance of a winner seeming likely until an excellent double substitution changed the game as Ola Broden and James Moran came on with 15 minutes to go to score the decisive goals.

The next leg with Watford in midweek was more or less abandoned by Ryan as a pointless venture - so the young guys came in, unsurprisingly losing 2-1 though James Bishop, who scored, Phillip Johnson, Jon Bewers and David Young all put in excellent performances, despite the defeat. It was all still very promising for the future, and the arrival of Alan Mahon for an undisclosed fee from Sporting Lisbon the following day helped boost further the midfield as Ryan finally felt his spending would come to the end until the following year. " Only loan deals from here on " he told himself.

The final match of the month at Aggborough allowed Ryan to hand a debut to Alan Mahon, the attacking Irish midfielder, and it proved to be a highly successful one. Kidderminster were by far the better side for the first 20 minutes, taking an early lead, but then suddenly something seemed to snap in Ryan's men and they turned the heat on very impressively enjoying a mini goal glut before goal as the match was effectively killed as a contest in 10 mad minutes before the break. Inspired by Gary McAllister and Derek McInnes, both Rob Hulse and Alan Mahon enjoyed bagging a brace, as the hosts had no idea what had hit them, and it was 3 league wins on the bounce to the delight of the fans, club and Ryan too - of course.

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Players In:

Gary McAllister 37, MC, free

Alan Mahon 25, AMFC, 250k plus extras, Sporting Lisbon


Hartlepool 2 Southend 0 (Johnson 11, Hulse 73)

Reading 1 Hartlepool 1 (Butler pen 54, Hulse 84)

Hartlepool 0 Notts County 2 ( Windross 28, Skinner 80)

Northampton 0 Hartlepool 3 (Hulse 12, 16; Boyd 76)

LCR2 Watford 3 Hartlepool 1 (Nielsen 24 pen 87, Smith 46; Dinning 16)

Hartlepool 3 Millwall 1 (McAllister pen 36, Broden 77, Moran 90; Roberts 38)

LCR2 Hartlepool 1 Watford 2 (Bishop 87; Smith 43 66)

Kidderminster 1 Hartlepool 4 (Barwood 8; Hulse 36,43; Mahon 38, 41)

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English Second Division - Wednesday 2nd October 2002



2002/3 Table


Pos Team Pld Won Drn Lst For Ag Won Drn Lst For Ag Pts


1st Notts C 10 5 0 0 11 4 2 3 0 5 1 24

2nd Wolves 10 4 1 0 10 3 3 1 1 9 6 23


3rd Burnley 10 3 2 0 10 4 3 2 0 11 8 22

4th Preston 10 3 1 1 9 7 2 2 1 8 5 18

5th Rotherham 10 3 1 1 9 5 2 1 2 7 6 17

6th Orient 10 2 3 0 9 4 2 1 2 9 9 16


7th Brentford 10 3 1 1 9 5 2 0 3 8 10 16

8th Northampton 10 3 1 1 13 12 1 1 3 6 7 14

9th Bristol R 9 2 1 2 4 7 2 1 1 8 6 14

10th Hartlepool 10 1 0 4 7 11 3 1 1 11 4 13

11th Wrexham 10 2 2 1 10 8 1 2 2 8 11 13

12th Rochdale 10 3 1 1 9 5 0 3 2 5 10 13

13th Port Vale 9 0 5 0 7 7 2 1 1 6 6 12

14th Scunthorpe 9 2 0 2 7 8 2 0 3 4 6 12

15th Reading 9 1 1 3 4 4 2 0 2 9 10 10

16th Kidderminster 9 1 2 2 6 9 1 2 1 5 5 10

17th Wycombe 10 1 1 3 11 12 1 2 2 8 8 9

18th Millwall 10 2 2 1 8 5 0 1 4 6 12 9

19th Oxford 9 1 1 3 5 8 1 2 1 8 8 9

20th Crewe 9 0 3 1 5 7 2 0 3 7 10 9


21st Chesterfield 10 2 0 3 6 9 0 3 2 3 10 9


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pfft, I'd like to think that given it's a few leagues down, he should just be able to cope icon_razz.gif


October 2002

There was a clash of the Division 3 rivals to kick off the month as Hartlepool hosted Leyton Orient on the first Saturday, also an International weekend, and with no left back available for the clash, Kevin Dawson having bribed his way into the England U21's, Ryan switched to a 532 for this match, and the change noticeably affected the sides rythym, and a strained performance saw a 1-1 draw, though when Gay McAllister scored the opened with 25 minutes to go, a win still seemed possible, but eventually the weak left flank was exploited once too often and the visitors stole a point from the match.

It was an annoying result, but one Ryan could deal with given the circumstances, as not losing was the priority for now - sometimes he had to remind himself he wasn't part of a promotion chasing side this time round, though it was always nice to dream. The following week, away at Rochdale saw Dawson return, a reversion to 41212 and also winning ways as an excellent display yet again from Alan Mahon helped manufacture a 2-1 win. Having started poorly going behind inside 5 minutes, it was pleasing for Ryan to see his side fight back strongly, and after the interval Rob Hulse made it honours even, and in an electric final quarter of the match where either side could have won, it was a delight to see the Irishman finish off the hard work from McInnes and Moran.

Now into 7th spot, Hartlepool were enjoying a fine spell now, and trying to steady expectations was proving difficult. The now thronging crowds were full of talk of the play-offs and double promotion - and that exasperated Ryan. It was only October for a start, and they had barely played even half the sides in the league so far, but when fans get high on success, the inevitable bollo*ks that follows creates a false impression of the clubs status.

Before the home clash with Port Vale , there was another farewell to be made, and it was Lee Fitzpatrick who was off -the gritty midfielder simply didn't have the quality in Ryan's opinion but Leyton Orient placed a 70k bid with a 10% sell on fee for the lad and it was no contest really, despite Lee's efforts in Division 3. His record read: " Played 71 (15), 5 goals, 22 assists, 6 MoM, (7.01)

The match itself ended in a 2-2 draw but it could have been better for Ryan's side had they a) not had goal scorer James Bishop sent off on the 45 minute mark, and b) not conceded immediately after taking the lead on both occasions. The first goal came on 8 minutes following a strong pulsating run from Rob Hulse before laying off to the young American, but Paul Connor made it 1-1 5 minutes later and though Hartlepool took control after that, once Bishop went for a rash challenge their rhythm was disrupted. Substitute James Moran came on and restored the lead in the second half, again after Rob Hulse had done all the work but once more Port Vale came back to spoil the party and there was a rather bizarre look to the table, where Hartlepool with the worst home record in the league, were sitting happily enough in 9th spot.

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" Hey it's going well there, Ryan. Congrats."

"Cheers Bry. You seen Geoff about anywhere?"

"Er, he couldn' make it - work commitments etc - he's off fishing for cod or something - last minute like."

"Oh right."

"That Alan Mahon - looks a good player!"

"Yeah, it's a relief. I know Terry has belatedly started to put in some better performances but we needed a little more in there, relying on the young Bishop and Broden was ludicrous at this level - though they did their best of course."

"Seems the change in tactics is working so far though"

"Yup, and we've got the quality now to last, Gary and Tony are both superb in the holding role, we've got the creativity, solid centre backs, alright full backs who do a job and some goal scorers up front..."

"Rob Hulse - not bad is he? I'm not even talking about his goals - he's really good at creating opportunities for others too!"

"Aye I know, it's fantastic to be honest. He's really improved so much in the last couple of months - and as you can tell we don't miss Paul Stephenson or Leo. We've got better, younger replacements so I'm happy. That and the young strikers - Phil Johnson and James Moran for two."

"Lord that Moran's a bit tasty isn't he - got potential, reckon you'll keep him for long?"

"Yeah. He's not world class or anything and he's only 19 - he still has work to do - but if he keeps working, and scoring, I imagine in 2-3 years if I'm still here, a higher calling might be in the offing for the lad, but I don't want to big him up too much - does bugger all for the ego."

"Hmm, what about that Adam Boyd lad?"

"Difficult. He's ok, he's doing very well in the reserves, but his all round game is still lacking a bit - I'm trying not to forget him as he can put the ball away at this level, but I don't know. He's good back up for now, but with Hulse, Furlong, Moran and Johnson all fit, he's not getting much of a look in at the moment. Still, ever since that incident a good while back he's been much better and a real professional - which is why I don't want to let him go just yet."

"Fingers crossed then?"

"Exactly. Anyway, Bry, how's the album coming along?"

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The good run of form had to come to and sometime and it did at lowly Oxford as the absence of Mike Trought and Gary McAllister to injury was telling and Ryan regretted leaving Alan Mahon on the bench for too long as well. It had been the wrong game to test out the fringe players and the hosts had simply overpowered Hartlepool, and a welcome reality hit returned to Victoria Park, as predictions for the midweek home game with Scunthorpe were more suitably downcast.

Ian Clark returned from injury to boost the side, and Ryan was pleased to see his side had been drawn at home again in the FA Cup ( not that he ever complained mind ), to Barnet - a winnable match if the focus was right definitely, but first there was Scunthorpe a fellow promoted side who had made an above average start to the campaign. With a couple of changes enforced due to fitness issues it was a blessing to see Terry Cooke belatedly put in an exceptional performance in the midfield, creating both the goals for Derek McInnes and James Moran in the first half as the visitors were leapfrogged over into 7th spot.

With another win behind his belt, Ryan felt confident again going into the final match of October against Cambridge United , a confidence that would prove to be well founded as a single goal on the stroke of half time from the burgeoning James Moran seperated the two sides. It came after a spell of away side dominance, with Alan Mahon sending the ball into the 6 yard box for the terrier-like finisher to slam in. A quieter second half was surprisingly easy going for Hartlepool, with the hosts limply plodding along to the end.

Players Out:

Lee Fitzpatrick, 23, DMC, Leyton Orient, 70k)


Hartlepool 1 Leyton Orient 1 (McAllister 63; Brissett 81)

Rochdale 1 Hartlepool 2 (Tarrant 5; Hulse 56, Mahon 82)

Hartlepool 2 Port Vale 2 (Bishop 8, Moran 78; Connor 10, Tipton 82)

Oxford 2 Hartlepool 0 (Lilley 29, Newton 60)

Hartlepool 2 Scunthorpe 0 (McInnes 26, Moran 42)

Cambridge United 0 Hartlepool 1 (Moran 45)

6th in Division 2

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