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Prioritize a scouting assignment

Ron Wandle

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Sometimes I'll have a lot of scouting assignments queued up and then will need an urgent scouting report of a particular player as soon as possible, such as if another club bids for him. There isn't currently a way to get the scout to make a particular report a priority, and so the assignment can be at the end of a long queue and take a while to process. In such circumstances, I usually save the game, go on holiday until the report comes through, and then reload.

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An associated issue, in Touch at least as I don't know about the full version, is that one cannot see all the scouting assignments one has already ordered and that are waiting to be processed. In the Scouting Assignments screen, it will show only the next assignments in the queue, something like a dozen names.

So what I think the game needs is a dedicated scouting assignments screen showing all scouting assignments that have been ordered. This would be similar to other screens that list players, so one could display different views showing their attributes or other info. 

This screen would be a ladder, so if one wanted to prioritize a particular scouting assignment , one could simply move it up the ladder to the top. One would also be able to easily cancel any assignments from this screen, as currently one has to remember which player has been ordered to be scouted and then go to their page to cancel the assignment.

EDIT: On this dedicated scouting assignment screen, it could also show how many days until the scouting report is expected to be received.

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