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The extra decimal place for player ratings - what does it actually achieve?

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Absolutely. Just a shame that SI are skirting this issue. Perhaps nobody is complaining any more because they know SI wont change rather than they've got used to it?

Just to add, I'm not constantly complaining here. I know that SI do involve the community more than some companies. But so many valid points are overlooked and chosen not to be replied to when a short explanation of why a certain decision was made would go some way to changing peoples perceptions. If there is a good reason we've got five indistinct green blocks instead of five crystal clear numbers, then tell us and we might agree.

Stranger things have been known to happen.

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I don't mind the new ratings, gives a more precise rating on how the player because there is a difference between a player playing a 6.1 or a player a 6.9!

Gives more accuracy which will help when making tactical decisions.

Before, the 6.1 would be rounded to a 6 and the 6.9 would be rounded to a 7 you complete and utter douche.

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I have to say I prefered the old 1-10 system. It was more user-friendly, I liked the quick at a glance display of a player's last 5 games. That's not to say I hate the new decimal ratings, it's just different, I guess it's just a case of getting used to it. I'd much rather see the seperate match speed and highlights speed sliders come back, that's more of an issue for me than this.

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They remove highlight speed slider because people found it confusing then they add an extra decimal space. I prefer this if any developer can tell me the difference between 7.5 and 7.6 in practice. Ratings should only be 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 ... like 03bault said if they want to add an extra space.

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i have to say i welcome the extra decimal place, it comes in use when ur playing a poor game and most of ur players are 5- rating, the extra number now means u can take of that central midfeild player whos playing at a 5.1 rather than his teamate whos playing at a 5.8. if it was just 5 u might end up taking the wrong one of. i agree with what the developers say i think in time it will be a welcome addition to the game and ull look back and think hmmm im glad they added an extra number i hope next year they add another!! :p

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'They' should get their stories straight before fobbing their customers off, eh?

Exactly. It makes no sense to force highlights to be same speed as the match. I enjoyed setting my replays to be at slightly slower just like on TV, which I thought the 3D engine was to start helping to emulate.

Also, how can 'match speed' and 'highlight speed' be confusing?

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I actually don't mind seeing the extra decimal in game. I've always wanted some extra fidelity in the range between 5 and 8 (I used to get 6's and 7's all over the board). I like to be able to discern in a bit more detail how well a player is doing in a match.

That said, I hate the way player form is displayed in the user interface. It's just too... fiddly on the main overviews and having to jump into the detailed screens is just not practical.

In short: good idea, bad UI implementation!

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mostly from the tactics driven fraternity iirc.

Why does this not suprise me?

But to be honest, I find the decimal point rating bit a needless addition and the green blocks form guide confusing.

But after reading the comment Kriss made, it all becomes all so clear, cheers for confirming what I suspected Kriss.

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You know, I wonder if there'd be this much discussion if they'd just gone and made it a 1-100 scale instead of 1.0-10.0.

If the decimal point bothers you, just ignore it, 7.5 becomes 75 and so on. Knowing the difference between a 7.4 and a 6.6 is a good thing. The difference is nearly as much as between a 6 and a 7 and that influences decisions. Previously they'd have both been 7. The game however knew more than you, as I would imagine the AI managers would have used the unrounded values in their calculations. Its only fair we have the same level of information.

Agree about the boxes though..

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  • 2 months later...

Just wondering how everyone is feeling about the decimal match rating system?

Personally, I'm just not enjoying it. I don't think there's enough consistency in them and players can seemingly only get an 8 or over for scoring two goals. I much preferred the old system although I completely understand that SI are just trying to add more realism into the game by making ratings more variable. I just think sometimes they can be a bit too variable and often don't make a lot of sense.

The other thing is the central midfielder rating issue which is currently taking quite a bit away from my enjoyment of the game although I know it's only a minor detail.

Anyway, I'd like to see it go back to a slightly simpler assessment. What do you guys think?

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Hold on, more accurate ratings are a bad thing... ?

Ok, fine, whatever.

6.5 is far more accurate than 6. It gives a better indication of how your player has done.

It was mentioned near the start, that 6 is too vague.

Is it a good six, almost finishing as 7, or is it a bad 6, almost falling at 5?

Nobody knows.

Frankly, if this was taken away, it would make substitutions much harder to make.

When I'm making a sub, I check to see who is doing worse.

My entire team could be up for subbing, with a vague 6, and a few 7s.

But with this system, I can see who is scraping it into 6, and who is almost 8 etc.

It's much easier.

I wish they'd kept the last 5(7-7-6-5-8) AND the current one(6.98, 1gl). The latter is much easier at a glance, and shows who is better overall in recent games.

But the 7-7-5 form shows and gives a better indication of who is the better in the long(er) run.

But all this talk of green boxes... ? In all honesty, I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I seem to be failing to see green boxes... Unless you mean the form bars, in which case, mines are yellow. They aren't ideal, and I do prefer the older version, but I still don't mind too much about it.

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Hold on, more accurate ratings are a bad thing... ?

Ok, fine, whatever.

6.5 is far more accurate than 6. It gives a better indication of how your player has done.

I thought 6.5 was 7 :confused:

I like the decimal part but tbh I still think the ratings are a bit too harsh compared to previous versions...

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I thought 6.5 was 7 :confused:

I like the decimal part but tbh I still think the ratings are a bit too harsh compared to previous versions...

I wasn't rounding it at all, btw.

I was just simply stating that If I see a 6, and then see a 6.5, I know that the 6.5 is playing better.

Yes, it would be rounded up to a 7, you're correct. But I wasn't meaning that.

I can understand why some people would rather not have it, and why some of us would...

IMO, SI should just make it optional, to which you have...

Also, would it be possible for the OP to add a poll asking if we prefer the new or old way?

I just want a general indication of what most people prefer, the old or new...

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Hold on, more accurate ratings are a bad thing... ?

Ok, fine, whatever.

6.5 is far more accurate than 6. It gives a better indication of how your player has done.

It was mentioned near the start, that 6 is too vague.

Is it a good six, almost finishing as 7, or is it a bad 6, almost falling at 5?

Nobody knows.

Frankly, if this was taken away, it would make substitutions much harder to make.

When I'm making a sub, I check to see who is doing worse.

My entire team could be up for subbing, with a vague 6, and a few 7s.

But with this system, I can see who is scraping it into 6, and who is almost 8 etc.

It's much easier.

Well it comes down to how much accuracy one actually needs. 6.55 is more accurate than 6.5 but would we want it to be displayed? I maintain that if the whole scale of 10 was used instead of decimals it would be enough and it would also make it easier to follow.

I'd be more than happy if both systems were available as options tbh. Especially as the ratings are flawed in many ways, the accuracy kind of becomes irrelevant if my attacking midfielder continually gets ratings below 6.2, no matter what he does unless he scores or assists. The system is hardly capable of calculating the precise difference between 6.4 and 6.5 so the accuracy achieved through displaying the decimals is pretty much imaginary.

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Well it comes down to how much accuracy one actually needs. 6.55 is more accurate than 6.5 but would we want it to be displayed? I maintain that if the whole scale of 10 was used instead of decimals it would be enough and it would also make it easier to follow.

I'd be more than happy if both systems were available as options tbh. Especially as the ratings are flawed in many ways, the accuracy kind of becomes irrelevant if my attacking midfielder continually gets ratings below 6.2, no matter what he does unless he scores or assists. The system is hardly capable of calculating the precise difference between 6.4 and 6.5 so the accuracy achieved through displaying the decimals is pretty much imaginary.

But the difference between 1, and .1 is so much different, that I feel without the 1, it isn't accurate enough.

Do you know what I'm meaning(I don't feel like I've made that very clear...)?

But I agree, it should be made optional...

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I'm surprised people don't like it. I love it. There's something to be learned from a series of 6.3 performances followed by a series of 6.5 performances, whereas previously the numbers seemed clunky and wouldn't reveal such subtle changes though the match stats still would.

And some players can't get much out of the green bars graph? I think that is brilliant. You can assess your whole team at a glance by becoming aware of color tone, which is a nice relief from crunching numbers and appeals to the Excel-PPT-Stats-Anova-Regression nerd in me very much: Nothing prettier than a pretty graph.

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i like the dewey decimal system, but i just dont feel i can trust the ratings

i watch my strikers ratings deteriate without justification, my solid central midfielder have a good game and get rated a 6.1

i think now more than ever, because of the 3D match engine, the ratings are failing to reflect actual performances which means sometimes i end up having to be critical of players even though ive just watched them play well

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The .1 rating is totally unnecessary and unrealistic. We want to feel like football managers giving their players a rating, not a computer geek looking at a set of data and number.

A .5 system whereby numbers are rounded to the nearest .5 (ie 6.3=6.5 , 6.1=6) would be a good balance between intuitiveness and accuracy of data for decision making. Unless peoplea actually make substitution decisions based on whether a player is 6.2 or 6.3 / 7.4 or 7.5. Other factors such as scoreline, tactical changes comes into play when selecting substitutes.

And having read the earlier posts, I find it bemusing so many people still don't get that 6.1=6 and 6.9=7

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i like the decimal version better. I also like how it is harder to get better averages in this game, way too many players woul regularly pull out 8s,9s,10,s on the other games just by scoring twice and not doing much else. This time they have to work for it with precise passing, shots on target percentage and other such stuff.

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i like the decimal version better. I also like how it is harder to get better averages in this game, way too many players woul regularly pull out 8s,9s,10,s on the other games just by scoring twice and not doing much else. This time they have to work for it with precise passing, shots on target percentage and other such stuff.

This is unrelated to whether it is a decimal version, but rather how ratings are computed. Assuming SI didnt change the rating calculations but only included decimals, then these players would still be getting for example 8.2, 8.8, 9.8. Get it?

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