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Need tips on how to get better at FM!

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Hi there,

This is my first year which I have wanted to really grasp the features of FM and lead a lower league team (e.g. Bognor Regis) to world dominance. The thing is, I don't understand why I should be using a precise choice of tactics and tactic instructions/player instructions I don't understand whatsoever. I've watched hours on end of FM on YouTube like tips. guides, etc and I don't know how they promote their small team to the premier division and win the UCL.

If you have the patience to give me feedback, I'd be forever grateful!

Many Thanks,


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You don;t need to use specific tactics or instructions just because someone else had success with it. Spend some time to build your own with the right players.


LLM is a tricky arena to find success, with a club like Bognor, it could take a few seasons for you to get them playing the way you wish.

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Id say first of all, the you tube players are freaks and I wouldn't copy them, or people like Cleon who overachieve massively and don't represent 99% of people that play the game.


Take inspiration from the tactics, definitely, but don't expect to get Bognor Regis into the premier league and think not doing is failure. Just getting ONE promotion would take some work.


Id say more or less, gradually build your style of play around the players you have at your disposal and one or two simple instructions to the team.


I quite like using the "generic" roles too like wide midfielder, central midfielder, centre back etc to really customise what I want from the behaviour of a player too, just my opinion but taking away some of the preset instructions can help with this

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In defence of the YouTubers  some of them are good at showing you what to look for and how to spot gaps when building a tactic.

My personal preference at start of a new club, my best 3 or 4 players go into their preferred position role and duty - thats usually enough to show you a formation that should get the best out of them.

The rest of the positions are then filled with the best available players at your disposal.

Right, now I look at individual player attributes - what are they best at what are they weakest at? Will my AML/R be abl eto get round the outside and provide crosses accurately enough for my strikers? WIll my MCs win the ball well? Distribute well? so now I am starting to see the 'style' these players are suited for.

Probably already got an idea of what I need to do transfer-wise by now, but I will play a couple of friendlies early on, strip away any  team and personal instructions and leave it all on Default 'Standard' and just watch what each player does, how they interact with those around them and tweak a bit with the instructions.


I am very patient with it though, at end of first season I would probably have two tactic slots filled, and still be working on the third. 

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