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Under 17 Teams


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I think that having U17 teams will add more realism for leagues as Italy where IRL there are U19 and U17 teams instead of U20-U18 as in the game.

It would be great to have also U17 World Cup as IRL.

I know that for legal reasons SI can not allow in database players under 16, however the problem of scarcity of players for U17 teams  would be present only in rare cases (there are plenty of 16yo players for each team in database) and it would disappear from second season, when regens will start to appear.


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That's a good idea - let the players work on the youngsters from the very start, sometimes regens appear at the age of 18 or even older - we should be able to get much younger players in order to shape them to whatever role we like (that's very important in the big clubs)
Let us have 16, 15, even rarely 14 yo regens in those teams with more ambiguous stats and positions so we can shape them to whichever role we think would be the best for the player.
Also, U-17 teams open up options for modders - I'm fine with those teams being generated at the start of the game and being full regens. Modders would surely add the real-life youngsters so everyone would be happy.

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