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Language course as a Manager


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It would be relatively easy to implement and would help a lot to managers like me, who like to manage in different countries. I think that, the same way you can study to get new coaching badges, you should be able to learn languages. It's frustrating when you go to Italy or Germany and you not only have problems to pass the interview because of your lack of language skills, but it makes difficult to communicate with your players and it affects to your games. I want to do what Guardiola did, he spent some time studying German before going to Bayern Munchen.

Since I guess manager salary is only in the game because it affects to the possibility to be sacked, I would implement that as Coaching badges are, as a request to the board of your team. Not as an open option from day 1, it wouldn't have any sense (why would the team to spend money in something that not only is not going to get anything good but also cause the manager to leave the team in the mid term?), but you may have it as a clause when negotiating a new contract. Also, you could ask to the board to fund a language course to learn the language of a foreign newcomer, to make easier for him to adjust to the team and also understand better his role in the team. Just an idea, in case you don't want to let Managers learn a language by themselves while they're unemployed, which I think would be a great option too :)

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