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7th April, 2019
Told ya I was a bit ahead.


Let's go through the transfer stuff first.



Yup. Fabinho and Sneijder left. :'(

Of other notable departures we have Plattenhardt and then Arnold. 

Neither really performed as hoped, and I can't be arsed with all their unhappiness. 

Incoming we have some far more interesting players!

And two guys from Brøndby!


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Various types and all of the allowed nations of course. 

In defence we signed two Ecuadorian talents to try and grow a couple for their NT. Quinones clearly the better developed talent at this point but Walter has some promise as he is more purely a defender.

Mironov is a new prospect at Libero. I feel he could be molded into a superstar, but we'll see.

Perez and Muller are players for the midfield depth. A bit different types, but both have qualities I appreciate. 

Bertelsen is a pacey winger with good potential. Likely to never become a starter for us, but could become a super depth choice. 

The last 3 players are all strikers. I already have an abundance of great striking talent so.. finding a spot for them is kinda tough. But they're all very interesting. Banda is a powerful striker from Zimbabwe, Maiorov is a very talented and quick striker from Russia, and Dahl is a hugely talented striker who I paid well over asking price for since he came from Brøndby. He can go far though, so I'm very eager to develop him although he doesn't really fit a Shadow striker role at first glance.


Okay, so how has the season been going?


Iiiiiit's... not been great. Nope. We're struggling to find our footing, and Vuji has lost his mojo it seems.

He's only scored 4 in 19 starts in the league. 

We did however get out of our group in Europa, as winners ahead of Tottenham!

Relax boys, it's just Tottenham.


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Image result for tottenham in bruges gif


After knocking out the tossers from Anderlect we now face West Ham. Great stuff. 


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At some point I will go through the players who's been impressing and disappointing so far this season and show the YI from this year too and such, but not now. 

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Youth Intake 2019



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Rene Kurz! He can do something!

I like his size and power, and he can develop into a brilliant shadow striker using his strength to win some crucial headers as well.

Claude is equally a really interesting player. A versatile midfielder who's role I'm yet to decide about. 

The rest of the intake is a bit meh, but we'll see. They might do like year one and all suddenly rise in potential.

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Season Review, 27th of May 2018hqGOvEZ.png

Kurt Günter comes walking through the corridors of the office building. Looking at poster after poster of significant frauds from FIFA. 

"Ich liebe that one of  Rafael Esquivel, oh ja. So nice."

He looked over at his newly appointed personal assistant, Hansi Hinterqueer. Only appointed to steer off some of the hate Kurt Günter had been receiving for being a racist, fascist and sexist fraud who disliked gays too.


Here is the queer assistant of his. Oh ja, so queer. 

On his first day he greeted Kurt Günter by grabbing his booty saying, "Ahhh Kurt mein freund, you have to do more squats ja. You have booty like fat man, and not like me. Look at ma booty in ze tight, tight pants. Oh ja, Kurt, so nize."

"Hansi was it? Ja, please, never touch me again. EVER."

"Ah, Mister Fraudman, you have to call me Das Hinterqueer, ja"

"Are you ****ing kidd-"

Aaaand back to the current state of affairs.

"OH JA. I like this one so much! Makes my pants tighter around my-"

"STOP. I can't take more of your ****ing jokes."

"Aber Mr. Fraudman, it's not a joke, no-"

Kurt Günter sighed. 

"We're here to walk through the Hall of Frauds and admire the magnificent frauds on display, then go to a meeting where we'll have to defend why we've been ze **** this season - in a bad way. NOT to get turned on by the frauds and get tight(ere) pants... Understood"

"Ja Kurt, sehr understood"


They continued down the hall, admiring Alfredo Hawit, Daryll and Daryan Warner also known as Frauders Brothers, and Chuck Blazer before reaching the boardroom's door.

"Knock twice, headbut thrice, give the knob a gentle rub, and wait for the door to open." was written with red paint on the middle of the door."

Kurt Günter shrugged, "This, this right here, ja.. this is ze why I get an assistant ahead of today! Get to work Hansi!"

Hansi knocked, headbutted and rubbed, and the door opened ahead of them revealing a dark and gloomy room. 


"You just stay here, and don't touch anyzing!"

Kurt Günter entered alone and the door closed on it's own behind him. 

As he walked further and further into the darkness, a soft light illuminated a chair in front of him. With no other instructions he decided to take seat. 

The second he touched the seat with his body a loud melody began playing.

It was the Champions League anthem playing. 

Kurt Günter was enjoying it massively and hummed a long and when the anthem was abruptbly turned off he didn't notice in time to stop his humming. 

"Ohh, you like this anthem? You do Kurt?"

Kurt Günter recognized the voice... Oh, this was bad...

"Well, to bad we won't be hearing ze anthem at our dome next year, huh?!"

"But we-"

"SILENCE. I have another you should hear."

The anthem played to it's full lenght. At no point did Kurt Günter hum along. 

"What was that even?" He asked the voice in the room."

"That was the Europa League anthem... It's... It's not really as famous, but no matter, we won't be hearing this one either!"

All sound faded out as a new anthem started. Softly growing in decibels. 

It was quickly clear, it was of course the Imperial March.

When the theme song was over a hologram of a certain someone was visible in front of him. 

No. Not David the Messy Moyes. 

It was of course Sepp Blatter. Seriously, did you think it was David? Jeesus.

"Meet your maker, KURT." a strong echo surrounded Sepp's voice.


SB: *Looking around him* "Can we do something about the echo? It's throwing me off my evil ruler vibe!"

SB: "Is it gone now? Ah, ja, much better. Now Kurt, where were we... Ah, ja! You have failed us. You have failed the Board of Frauds! What have you to say to your own defence!?"

KG: "Erhm. Well, we've sold some big players, and seeing as you grabbed all the money we sold for I could only make a lot of smaller signings of players who had a certain Fraud agent hired."

SB: "This is nonsense! We did no such thing."

KG: "Oh. Right. That was actually my choice. A great idea if I may say so myself."

SB: "You may not."

KG: "Sehr tough crowd ja... Okay, we could've done much better, ja. But ze referees. Oh my. They hate on ze Frauds."

SB: "We were ze team with ze 5th lowest amount of yellow and red cards, penalties and free kicks conceded. We spent many money on such arrangements, so stop lying."

KG: "AH. I see. Yes. Okay. That was only a joke, HA-HA..."

Kurt Günter was panicking now.

KG: "I erhh.. I promise next season will be better. We have shown promise!"

SB: "Ahhhhh, oh yeeessss, that's the spot Grünhilda! Oh, you're still here Kurt. Okay then, enlighten me while I get my massage yes."


Kurt began explaining the past seasons up's and down's. 


"Okay, so ja, it's not been great.

We ended 11th, behind all of our rivals. Our ultras not liking this. Dangerous days at ze training grounds...



In the Europa League we went out after great battle with West Hammers. We got close! 


Und we've been using lots of jung players! Ja, they've gotten awards too!



One young Fraud, one of the Fraud-Jugend, even set a record for youngest goalscorer!


Very proud day!

We had players in team of ze year too!





Und nexten jahre looks good too! 

We have many unhappy players. They are not real Frauds. They'll be sold of course!

We'll replace them with real Frauds and then we will ze win ja!


Just look at this Russian Fraud!


On 22/07/2018 at 00:08, Benjoe said:



Bought some time ago, and then see him now!


Wunderkinder! Und ze doping has been great to him!

We call him Full-Size Putin at the office, but don't tell Putin, he'll get mad! Hehehehe.


SB: *Snorring heavily* "Oh, you're still here, right. Well, I am ready for a happy ending. You can keep you job. Leave now!"

Kurt left the dark meeting room and saw Hansi sleeping on the couch in front of the room. 

The light from the hall hurt his eyes, but he kept walking. 

As he passed the couch he kicked the couch and shouted,

"Achtung, achtung! We go now!

We have many things to prepare for nexten season!"

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Transfer Window 2018-19

Well, after last season that ended with an abomination league wise, I decided to change things up a bit. 

There will be a slight system change, which I will explain in a later-to-be-written tactical post, and we have sent away some unhappy c*nts and will be focusing on our own youth or the Fraud-Jugend as KG so casually dubbed it in the last post. 


These were our outgoing transfers.

We got ridiculously low offers for both Grujic, Delaney and well to be fair, guys like Rajkovic, Didavi, Eggestein should all fetch larger fees than they did. 
Sadly, with no Europa next season and a disappointing season in the bag, the only player we could receive proper-ish money for was Kai Havertz. But even then, he should've earned a move for more than 50M in this market, but eh. 


Going the other way - in that is - we decided to splash the cash this off season. A lot of young players once again signed, and then some marquee signings to really give the core of the team a boost as I will be filling the reserves with young talent. Ask if you'd like to see any of them now. 

The ones who will be in the first team next season (Perov, Can, Meyer and Buchele) will be shown in a Squad Update soon-ish, so have patience and you shall see them.


Now I will make ready for the Tactical post and then the Squad one. 


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Das Umweltverschmutzung v.2

The first version was clearly flawed. 

Having shown promise for a good solid 2 seasons it cracked last season and most of all we failed to create chances like we used to along with the gap between defender and behind my RM was ripping us apart. The Libero didn't have the desired move patterns nor impact on our offense as wished. Rather he had negative impacts on our defence as I saw the CBs push further apart - regardless of my Libero's position. This tore us apart often without adding an extra body in attack.



The only solution I could really be bothered to choose here was, to abandon the Libero - at least while I work out the rest of the tactic. Maybe it'll get resurrected in the future.

Instead I'll push the Libero out to RB in an Inverted Wing Back role. I have the perfect player for this role, so this seemed natural. Meanwhile I'll release my right wing to a more attacking nature which feels perfectly natural too as we have our young Danish winger, Marcus Mortensen Y1I out here ready to shine.

The rest of the defensive 4-man line will be pretty standard. I do foresee some space behind my defenders though, so to be prepared here I will use our keeper in a Sweeper Keeper function. Again, our keeper, Tobias Sørensen Y1D has quite solid stats for coming out of his goal quickly, so this should work. Left side we have a Wing Back on Attack. This will make more sense later on.




In front of the defence I want to be attacking while having balance. 

On the right side, as said above, we have a young and quick winger, so Winger on Attack seems fitting. He should be penetrating the right side often and we should be looking for him often. 

In centrally I want to have runs forward while also providing cover. 

The very common BBM-DLPd combination was my first thought as it provides just this, while I have "Get further forward" and "Move into channels" ticked for the BBM. 

This is quite standard but should be providing us with the needed balance behind our attack.




Never change what's not broken is the saying. 

"But your attack was broken last season, so you're going to fix it, right?"


I liked what we did the first 2 seasons a lot, and maybe there was just something that was bugged or somewhat faulty in the last edition.

I know how that sounds, "Oh you're just blaming the game now? how original you big old fraud"

But I'm serious. The way Vujinovic for instance dropped off a cliff. From getting big chances every game and bagging them consistently, to not even getting the chances. Not taking the runs, not seeing the passes played. Something was clearly different, despite the same system. 

So, I decided to go with the same formular in a new setup.

The Raumdeuter is probably the main question mark here. How will this role perform in the setup? In the friendlies so far it's not been the role that has impressed, but I just feel like it should be a great role to have surging into the space behind the SS, but maybe this won't work as he is a role that naturally goes forward. We'll see. An IFs isn't completely off the books here.



Full thing in glory



I mean, it's no Ween of course, but it's still quite beautiful. 

I won't be saying much about Shape, Mentality or Team Instructions. 

These will be changing and testing for the foreseeable future to see what sticks and what doesn't.

I do feel like this has a good look to it though!

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1 hour ago, Benjoe said:

Ask if you'd like to see any of them now. 

I'd definitely like to see Buchele. If he's a real player, I've never heard of him. If he's a regen, that's even better.

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59 minutes ago, oriole01 said:

I'd definitely like to see Buchele. If he's a real player, I've never heard of him. If he's a regen, that's even better.

It's this 17 year old Schalke 04 product!


23 minutes ago, Fer Fuchs Ake said:

And Perov as well please. 

And here you go!

4 hours ago, Benjoe said:



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On 31/07/2018 at 00:43, Fer Fuchs Ake said:

Cheers! Both look like they'll be class.

I'm really hyped about both! 

Perov looks like a monster, but I need to figure out where to develop his last PA (if any left) and then figure out where to place him. At the moment he is Raumdeuter on the left, but maybe there is a better function for him in the future. He's done very decently though. 18, first season with us in a much more competitive league than the Russian, and he's not been looking out of place at all.

Buchele knocked Max Meyer out of the first 11 pretty quickly as well, but has since dropped quite a bit. Will let him get back to a rotational option in the future (I'm in December, but will show the entire squad and such come weekend).


And Constant Soro Y1B has been used as my BBM and oh boy am I loving this kid. He's scored some goals and is working hard both ways. I've also added 'Curls Ball' to his PPM through tutoring. His Determination has been on a rollercoaster trip due to all the tutoring, but now he's at Resolute!

Most recent screenshot:

On 22/07/2018 at 15:37, Benjoe said:


Image result for happy gif

But he's come a long way since then which I'll show in the squad review.


With all these talents pushing from the youth teams I'm constantly tweaking and rotating a little at a time to see if any players impress. The latest to do such is actually Kenneth Wanyama Y1L

I think this is the 

On 15/07/2018 at 19:09, Benjoe said:


What? How does he not have better PA! He's terrific. He could be such a great player in a vast amount of roles. Not sure which is the one to go for with him in our setup. He's just so well rounded with great playmaking ability. Love him to bits already and with the 13 Leadership at age 14 I could see him grow into our Capitán! Lovely Kenyan player from our affiliate. 

I knew back then, that he'd be someone to follow. His stats are just diverse and solid. I am slotting him in at DLPd at the moment ahead of Emre Can as he is outperforming Can in most games! 


Exciting times at Fraudenhal!

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Ledertreffen, Hamburg, 8th-12th of August 2018
A couple weeks prior to Hansi Hinterqueer's employment

Imagine yourself caught in a nightmare where everybody is speaking German. Alright? 

Yes, I know that's a bad start. 

Now imagine, the music being played on repeat is, YMCA; I Will survive; Dancing Queen and so on and so on to infinity. 

All around you are colors in all shapes and forms. In neon lights. From every corner is a neon sign blinking in different colors. Luminescent light all around. 

Illuminiscent candles, phone covers, hats, makeup, condoms - no wait, forget about those.

Okay? You still alive? I know it's a lot to muster. The music alone.. Yikes. 

Now. Let's add some spice. Some leathery spice. 

In Hamburg, at this time of year, the streets are flooded with men and women dressed in leather - or 'leder' as it's called in German. You know, lederhosen. But made out of leather. And... weirder. 

Covering the body, but not the parts you'd want covered. 

You get it now? No? Jeesus, you daft? 

Okay, so leather outifts, covering the body, tight fit - no matter how thick or thin you are. But way-too-often not covering butt cheeks, breasts, weens and such. 

Oh yes. Now we're talking! 

Basically, you're walking through a YMCA-nightmare - or dream, I mean, this could be your thing. I don't mind. Be free. Let your inner Lederhosen Dancing Queen out!

But.. In here, we find a character that should probably have been kept hidden away in his leder-paradise. 

Hansi Hinterqueer...

"Oh ja, das ist the correct look for you darrrrling. Ja, I liebe those lederhosen on your booty. Jajajaja!" 

The guy he was flirting with? Oh, that was a light pole covered in black tape. 

Hansi was more than a little tipsy. 

"Uhh jaaaa, sister! Show them big old tititititiiiees! Bring the milkshake to them other sisters!"

This was a lolita doll hidden away in a bush in one of the parks. A bush that Hansi found himself wandering through as well. 

Guess who was out on a mission to find an easy target? A man, who could be his right hand in the future escapades of football? 

Kurt Günter Fraudzenegger of course. 

As a brilliant spy he was undercover. He'd decided to go for the cowboy look, and felt that this would surely be able to bank the deal. 

He was out to take a leak when Hansi came tumbling out of the bush next to Kurt Günter. 

"Ohaaa, ja ja jaaaaa!" 

Kurt Günter's entire body shook. He could hardly feel his legs anymore as blood couldn't pass below his hips due to the tight leather pants. His feet had gone numb a long time ago. 

Standing there, unable to move, Hansi got closer, and closer.

"Halo halo halo. What ein litten bischen hottie we have ze here!"

Kurt Günter's gaze was frozen. Inside his head a voice was screaming. Nothing was further from his home ground than this. 

"Eyes on the price. Eyes on the price" he lowly mumbled.

"Ah, mein little freund. But the price is right..." Hansi made a drum roll on his butt cheeks, "heeeeeeeeeere!" he shouted as he made a little dance and pointed at his own body.

The panic took over, and Kurt Günter passed out.

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He awoke many hours later.

His eyes were stuck shut. Impossible to open. Were they glued? And if yes, with wha-nah wait. Best not go there...

Loud music was banging through the room. Constantly punching his ear drums who were already close to breaking point. 


That voice was definitely Hansi's...

"Who-who's there!" a scared and anxious Kurt Günter screamed.

No one answered. The music just kept going. On and on and on. 


This kept on for quite a while, until the music faded out and a crowd cheering was distinguishable. 

"Let's give a biiiig *Wink* round of applause to Hansiiiii Das Hinterqueeeer!"

The crowd went mad with cheers, woo's and claps.

"And next up, we have an unexpected guest. From Swaziland, where he's known as a big and strong, ultra masculine beast! But tonight, just for us, he will be performing as the solo-act, the Queen Cover Band, "The Ween Machine!"

No music plays as the fat Swazi man enters the stage. For two minutes straight he stares the audience down as he slowly removes layer after layer of clothing. Then he whips out a bottle of eucalyptus lotion and lubricates his body up.

After all this is done he stretches out his two arms and starts singing a capella.

Only wearing his yellow leather jacket and a pair of tighty-whities he begins.




Still silence.

The man on stage is sweating harder and harder for each letter he is "singning". At this stage he is a human waterfall.

Human might be stretching it...

A few in the audience begins to respond now though. 

Then he begins on his real performance. 

The melody to 'Bohemian Rapsody' begins over the stereo and soon enough he is butchering the song away. 

The crowd is... somehow loving it... What the hell is happening. 

Meanwhile all this is happening a large and pale man is standing next to Kurt Günter who is slowly trying to get up. The large and pale man is standing there in his "I'm with the band!" t-shirt and a leather hat on his head. 

"Ah ja, mein little sleepyhead! Are you okay ja?"

Kurt Günter shook his head as he clawed open his eyes. 

"Ah ja, come with me, ich helpfe you with those."




An hour or so later Kurt Günter and Hansi left the disco as the Swazi performer was still going at it. He was doing his cover of Queen's Greatest hits. An all-night special.

Lucky crowd, huh.

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What happened after all this is unconfirmed rumors and evil tongues' words. 

In the end though, Kurt Günter got his man. 


As a side effect, this happened at the recent Christmas party at Fraudenhal. 

From left to right:
Kurt Günter Fraudzenegger, Vladimir Perov, "Fisse" Mike Jensen, Serge Gnabry, Hansi Hinterqueer, Kenneth Wanyama.


And of course:



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The Frauds in the hall 2019-20

We've assembled quite an interesting squad by this point. Few of the original, selected Frauds are left. All through the ranks we have some exciting prospect, whether they be our own products or originating elsewhere. 

Let us go through the first team first and then the reserves and youth afterwards.


Starting with our backbone we have a huge talent in the shape of Tobias Sørensen Y1D who came through our own ranks following a move from Hvidovre IF, our Danish affiliate. He is young and great and should be able to up his game a notch or two extra yet. Also managed to get him tutored into 'Driven' as we signed Arnold Origi as his backup and tutored instantly.

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Right backs

The last tactical post showed a move to having a right back who'd be a inverted wingback. That didn't really seem to work too well though having tested different players out here with Nartey being the primary starter. As I said before, I am quite some time ahead of these screens of players, so I can reveal that I decided to go out and buy a new guy for the right back as we had none. 31 year old Igor Smolnikov therefore joined for 1.5M which is a fine deal. Solid option to have out there with Nartey still being the back up, although I am making moves for some young players to take over after Smolni.

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Central Defenders

If not for injuries Jardel and Vestergaard would've been our preferred starting duo. Upamecano is great, but he is unhappy and wants to leave. I can't extend him, and clubs don't' want to pay for him. (Spoiler: I'm far ahead of this point by now in-game, he's leaving us). Bamba is a prospect I'm trying to develop, but he's not performing. He needs a loan move next season. We need to make some changes here next season. Not good enough for what we want. Jardel is pushing 34 and wants a pay raise to stay - not going to happen old man. We'll see what happens after this season is done. 

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Left backs

At left back we were sort of in the same position. Trying to shoehorn Jakub Jankto into a wingback role. To be fair to Jankto he's doing alright, but he's defensively a liability often. Can't mark, tackle or position himself. That's gonna cost. Therefor I pulled the trigger on an opportunistic deal for 25 year old Baba Rahman 6.5M for a near-perfect wing back for the way we play. He can do a bit of it all with solid physicals and a proper work ethic. Massive signing this I feel. Both he and Smolni can revolutionize our defence. Holger Eisenberg Y1G (Heisenberg) is our young and quite promising talent being grown into a backup.

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Right Wing (Right Midfielder)

Out here we have Marcus Mortensen Y1I. Yes. That deeply into the first intake we have a talent starting and being a solid talent. Super quick with solid crosses and long shots (not that I've ever seen him take a long shot - might add that trait to him later to make use of those stats) and adding "Knocks Ball past Opponents" to him as well soon enough. He's a solid choice for right wing, and ticks some of the most important boxes for that role although I'd love a higher Work Rate as Off The Ball. Another Dane is his backup. Christoffer Bertelsen from Brøndby, and in much the same mold as Marcus albeit older and less talented. Solid backup though.

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Deep Lying Playmaker (Holding midfielder)

Emre Can is the starter here, but as stated previously, Kenneth Wanyama Y1L is also getting some game time here and there. I just recently sold "Fisse" Mike Jensen ( :( ) officially making Kenneth the backup to Can. Can is great though albeit unimpressive in performances. I do think this is a good role for him though. He can do a lot of different things so we can trust him with breaking up play, taking possesion deep in our own half and then bringing it out. 

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Box-to-Box midfielder (Adventurous midfileder)

This is Constant Soro Y1B's home at the moment. Great kid, great talent. Tutoring has worked out like a charm. His Determination has gone from 14 to 17 to 9 to now being 17 again following several different tutors. Now we've added some nice traits to his game, so I'm very happy about the result. Behind him we have Salih Özcan who can definitely put in some solid performances too. 

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We bought two guys from Schalke for this role and they've been rotating a lot this season - especially since Max Meyer has been disappointing me but also injured which could explain it.
He got 3 starters where he did reasonably, got benched to a well-performing Buchele, got injured and has since not really made much impression in his sub-ins.
Buchele started out being very impressive, but has since dropped off a bit. We'll see what he can do the rest of the season but I'm not worried at all. He is young and I bought Meyer for the starting position the first couple of years anyway. Hany is still in the squad but sadly doesn't really see much light of day at the moment. I know what he gives though when he does play, so if both of the other guys fail to perform Hany might get his shot.

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Shadow Striker

The position I think we are the deepest at - especially since we keep producing talents at our own academy who looks adept for the role and I still continue buying promising talent for it too...
Vujinovic has proved that something was off last season as he in 15 games this season has scored 3 goals more than he did in 28 games last season. Weird ****, but that's how it is. He is back at it again at I love it! Behind him we have two Danes, Jakob Dahl bought at Brøndby, and Kasper Dolberg. Dahl is slowly settling, and Dolberg is slowly losing my patience. 4th season with us, and haven't ever really done much for us. We'll see what happens after this season. We have Stefan Kiessling as well, but he is only here to tutor (he was the guy who got Constan Soro back up to 17).

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Here we have our mighty Russian, Vladimir Perov. Goddamnit I love him. Massive physique and with decent overall stats as well. He is sort of an enigma though. Not setting the league on fire (only 18 though) bar a couple of matches where he destroys the opponents completely. He seems to just turn it on/off and coast through. But he is supposed to be fairly consistent. I can't really figure out what to add to his game either. Should he be better mentally? Should he be a more cold hearted scorer, a creator from wide cutting in, should we use his physique more and develop his headers? Is he best as a more central role perhaps? BtB, Shadow striker? Gah.

Behind him we have Gnabry and an OA kid.

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I forgot to take a screenshot of the team overview at this stage of the season. Ooops.


Fraudenhal II


From here we have a couple of interesting prospects. Won't spend too many words on them though. A few of these guys are very close to breaking into the first team though, but for now I think it's better for them to play in the B-team.

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Fraudenhal Youth

We have soooo many players down here. Seeing how Marcus Mortensen Y1I and Kenneth Wanyama Y1K outdid what seemed to be their original appraisal I have decided to almost always give the kids one-two seasons before I bin them. Seeing as I look for specific combinations of stats rather than blindly stare at the amount of stars they're valued at I sometimes spot kids I'd love to continue to develop on - especially if we have a future gap at that position.




Here are some of them highlighted in completely random order as I'm a bit lazy. Rene Kurz Y3B, Kristian Juul, Claude Koussou Y3A are the top 3 just quickly glancing imo. But hey, any of these guys could become starters I feel, and we have a lot of other nice prospects in the ranks!

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We've stockpiled talent a bit and some of these were ready for first team ball but not quite ready for our own first team I felt. They're out on loan therefore. These are the best of the guys out on loan.

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If you want to see anything specific or ask about something about the save, fire away. 

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Quick Recap 19-20

We had no Europa League or Champions League to focus on, so aaaaaaall our energy went to the Pokal and Bundesliga. Ja, sehr gute that was.

We lost 5-0 in the 3rd round of the Pokal, and we ended 7th in the league after a disappointing finish to the season where we had the chance of going tied with Bayern at 3rd place on the 65 points. 

But nah, we didn't quite feel like it this year.


We have a lot of young players in our squad though, and that likely played a big part in our prime-time crumble.

Funny enough, those exact youngsters were also the guys carrying us the entire season. 

Constant Soro Y1B, Marcus Mortensen Y1I, Vladimir Perov, Valentino Vujinovic all 21 or under did their part. 

And even though my two wing back signings in December hit the ground running we failed to keep up. I feel that we are getting let down by the DLP-CB link somehow. Way too often have I seen my CB close down a guy being covered by my DLP - despite the CB already covering a man. This happens even if we are on "Close down sometimes" and without any PI's for the players nor with any TI's that could provoke such behavior. This has many times costed goals. 

Next season I will tweak the formation again. I don't want to change too much as I like the offensive play for the most part, but maybe we'd benefit from having both CMs pulled back to DM strata instead. It's definitely worth a shot given some of the horrendous displays this past season.

Also seeing Jardel and Upamecano leave on Bosmans... Ugh. Changes will happen.

Now let's celebrate Vujinovic.


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And of course also our very own Constant Soro Y1B!



Good lad.




Oh, and Neverkuzen won the Pokal, which means we'll be qualifying for Europa League anyways.


See if you can stop me from raising my arms in celebration -  Spoiler: You can.


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Upamecano chose Tottenham over us despite being offered a 70k contract with us.

And Jardel refused to go below 64K to extend with us. He's 34 ffs, and accepts 22.5K with Atletico Mineiro..


Ah, well. We just sign guys then.






A young Russian project added to the many Russian projects we have. Putin most be loving our Fraudacious funding and nurturing of Russian talents. 

And Stark and Rüdiger were cheap and solid options for our central defence. Those 2 and Vestergaard will provide different options. Not really sure yet who will be the preferred duo, but I do notice the "Dives into Tackles" trait on both new guys which could potentially be a worry if they are partnered.

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Their manager resigned after winning the double. Knew he was punching above his weight. Now he works a part-time job at Lidl. Life is funny like that.



**** off. But not to Neverkuzen ffs.

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On 09/08/2018 at 18:25, Fer Fuchs Ake said:

Be careful what you wish for. :lol:



Still easy. We played a full 2nd string in the return. All 12 shots from Elfsborg were long shots. Dominated, you Swedish... elfs...? 

Ah, whatever. Let's see if we can finally get some challenge in this fraud tournament. 

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Not really.


This is nice though!


Constant Soro Y1B is one of only two players not from Bayern in the Media Dream Eleven. And he and Tobias Sørensen Y1D are our Key Players according to league media as well. :cool:


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One of the newly promoted teams to 1. Bundesliga are Sandhausen who got relegated to 3. Fussball-Liga before quickly rising back up and earning 2 promotions in 3 years!



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Been testing a tweaked system the past few games. Almost beat Bayern but had to settle for 1-1 at home.

Then we meet PSV at home and Jannik Vestergaard decides to two-foot tackle a guy on the middle of the pitch after 4 mins. Red card.




Not a challenge anyway.

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I've been really, really bad at updating. It's a mix of being busy, but also because we've been on a roll and I didn't want to do the forum jinx this time. 

Then this happens as we are rotating heavily. 





Not only did Union end our win streak, they also gave us our first loss since forever. Great stuff.

I can so easily see all this crumble completely under our feet like so many times before. True fraud mentality.

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We'll take a trip through this season with some key moments:

Constant Soro Y1B wanted out at one point. No way I was going to sell, and with a long contract he'd stay put as no big offers came in. 


Somehow our young CB on loan, Quinones, managed to bag a 10.0 score as CB in a game. Statswise seems to be a solid performance, but a 10?

5cd3b3c5ae4e64a2c9545a180e0364d5.png 5cd3b3c5ae4e64a2c9545a180e0364d5.png

Constant Soro Y1B taking out his frustrations with Kurt Günter Fraudzenegger on the pitch!


Vladimir Perov takes the honor of being the European Golden Boy. 3rd Fraud in 4 years. $$$ spent well.

And here comes the Danish fraud-award show fiesta. They really love us.

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And come January we get a new Russian wonderkid through the door. Say hi to Dmitry Balov who joins for for £7.5M from Krasnodar who also developed Perov.


Our fan base are pure born and bred Frauds. Dishonoring the great Vujinovic.. But Robert understands. 




We also signed a new HoYD! Not because the old was bad - he was the HoYD at the previous years were we got some big guys in, but I doubt that he did too big an impact. His reputation was quite low, so that can't have done much for us. We just struck some luck I'd guess. This guy though comes in with quite the rep, and keeps the Driven personality from our previous HoYD. 


The following intake was a mixed bunch. Were I was quite excited at first due to the many guys from our affiliates, but they were a major let down.



These two look likely to become something good though! Monti especially looks like a big time prospect.

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As always, we have some amazing names here as well as a shoutout to Dube!

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And once again, our Fraud fans turn up when it really counts.




All in all, we're in the Fraudropa League Semi-final against Benfica, the German pokal finale against Fraudern Munich, and if we manage to not **** up the last three games of the Bundes we might actually get a top 3 finish!


The date is the 5th of May. 


Can't wait! In a month we'll have smacked Benfica, ended 6th somehow and lost 2 finals. 


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We're starting perfectly after my prophecy. 

All players were performing great against Benfica. Hamburg though? Nah, let's take a beating despite being better. Our keeper, Tobias Sørensen Y1D 6.1 rating, their keeper 7.7....... 


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So now we do this in the following match. I mean... I just... sigh...

I am also getting more and more certain that either the create-a-club mode is somehow bugged, or that 2mb update to FM17 that steam installed a month ago ****ed my FM up. 


This kinda **** happens way way wayyy too often. It was our goal to 5-1 though, so didn't really make too big a difference, but their second goal had Tobias Sørensen Y1D **** up in an absurd way too. Gah. Anyways.




Everything is looking perfect for a despicable loss to Sandhausen with us dropping to 6th and then a big time defeat to Munich in the final. That would be something that would really get my Fraud juices going. 

Can hardly wait! 

I will of course make live updates for the last two games to showcase my utter failure.


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