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Shooting/finishing with all 20 attributes.

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Now i've been reading up about the finishing in this years version and many people seem to be having problems. 

i also have been having problems so many missed chances even with players on superb morale and are happy at the club, so i tried something, i got the in-game editor, and started editing.

i bumped Sessegnon ( Winger ) up to 20.s in 

Crossing, Finishing, long shots, pace, agility, decisions, you name it ive put them on 20. also i froze the stats. i played about 10 games, and its actually worse than it was before i put those on, he gets past players with ease, runs up to goal and keeps hitting the ball straight at the keeper ( he has places shots trait ) a few times wide but that happens in football. now i don't know if it's a bug having too many 20's but its very poor, with 20 finishing he has had 50 shots in 10 games scoring 11. having on average 4/5 one on ones a game. 

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1 hour ago, BarrsFFC said:

but its very poor, with 20 finishing he has had 50 shots in 10 games scoring 11. having on average 4/5 one on ones a game. 

I fail to see how this is poor!? 11 goals in 10 games is brilliant for a Striker, let alone a winger...especially when you consider it's from 5 shots a game.

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1 hour ago, BarrsFFC said:

Now i've been reading up about the finishing in this years version and many people seem to be having problems. 

i also have been having problems so many missed chances even with players on superb morale and are happy at the club, so i tried something, i got the in-game editor, and started editing.

i bumped Sessegnon ( Winger ) up to 20.s in 

Crossing, Finishing, long shots, pace, agility, decisions, you name it ive put them on 20. also i froze the stats. i played about 10 games, and its actually worse than it was before i put those on, he gets past players with ease, runs up to goal and keeps hitting the ball straight at the keeper ( he has places shots trait ) a few times wide but that happens in football. now i don't know if it's a bug having too many 20's but its very poor, with 20 finishing he has had 50 shots in 10 games scoring 11. having on average 4/5 one on ones a game. 

The high scoring players every season tend to score with every 4th or 5th shot. Your man is achieving this, at Fulham.

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@Neotropolis is spot on.

I'll add that sticking the ball in the back of the net is about much more than just giving a player 20 in a range of attributes.  (Further, have you considered the hidden attributes at all?).  Player attributes need to work in combination with a tactical system.  You can have the best tactic in the world but if your players suck you'll struggle to win.  Likewise you can have the best players in the world but if your tactic sucks you still won't win.

The two need to balance and compliment each other.  So for example, if you use the Inside Forward role but the player you use can't dribble, pass or run with pace and agility he may not do too well.  Or if you set your system up to play with lots of aggression and tempo, perhaps your striker won't be able to score many because his own Composure, inconsistent approach and lack of ability to handle pressure doesn't allow him to set himself properly and so rushes his shots.

And btw, if you've set loads of attributes to 20 you might have exceeded the player's own PA limit, in which case the game will adjust down all of the abilities until it gets back to within whatever that PA limit is - regardless of you using freeze attributes.  Freeze attributes only works if you're within the PA limit.

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2 minutes ago, Vernum said:

cant he just boost the pa limit with that editor to avoid that issue?

Only up to the maximum allowed.  Although if he's set 20 to "you name it I've put them on 20", he's probably already above the max.

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1 minute ago, Vernum said:

Writing a post about how great a post is, is probably a better compliment than just pushing an upvote button :)

Probably... :D 

I guess maybe the lack of reactions is to force us to talk to each other. ;) 

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Setting multiple attributes to 20 will seriously disrupt the balance of the attribute spread and this will end up with other important attributes being dropped to compensate.  16 is a much more realistic number and is more manageable, without the same disruption to the other attributes

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Thanks for the replies.

that's 50 shots on target not overall, he's having more than 10 a game with 4/5 on target and those mostly go straight at the keeper. yes the scoring record is good, in fact very good, but its the quality of the chances, these aren't with players infront of him or by his side putting him off, these are chances one on one mostly. with 20 finishing.

it's not something i do when playing Fm, using the editor that is, i just wanted to test it out. @herne79 Thanks, all been noted, didn't think of the hidden attributes, this probably explains a lot, because his consistency and pressure aren't great. thanks :)

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The attribute distribution/CA thing is also a decent point. When I "nerf'd" Immobile back then, quite a few other attributes saw bumps, as the nerf'd attributes eat up CA and I didn't adjust it. But yeah, that there'd be players who you didn't see all game and then just "score" is one of the biggest punditry/commentary cliches in football, same as the opposite. What makes better forwards better forwards is indeed not a huge gap in between how more more clinical they would be in front of the goal (purely simple stats wise, every forward in world football on any level no exception who scores a goal per game has at least 4 attempts per match permanent -- Messi 5, Ronaldo 7 all career average). It's that they get in better position for better chances.

From my end, that's always been somewhat attempted to be approached by FM -- a forward with better attributes may put the additionally difficult odd chance away, that's it. Same as many things, working directly against the punditry/commentary cliches, which are legion (and thus not seldom puzzling players when they find that average finishers seem to score regularly and vice versa). If you want a simple "one on one" simulation, take a six sided dice, a pen and a paper. Every time you roll a 5 or 6, you make an X (goal). Every time you don't, you make an O (no goal). That's roughly the finishing rate you should expect from one on ones from open play in general (excluding penalties of course, and assuming it's all kinds of on on ones at all kinds of angles towards the goal, same as distances to run and defenders near). Don't do and roll that 10 or 20 times. Do that 50 or 100 times. That equals a 1 in 3 chance, roughly, when all kinds of analysis suggests 50/50+ chances in football are rare in any match (Germany at the WC for instance didn't create a single such a chance -- and the average attempt is more in the 1 in 10 (10%) range.


It's hard to tell if the game's hugely off, as there's not much feedback on it all -- hopefully on the developer's end it is. :D

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19 minutes ago, Svenc said:

there'd be players who you didn't see all game and then just "score" is one of the biggest punditry/commentary cliches in football

I always said of Michael Owen, he did [literally] nothing if not score. And there were usually a dozen games a season where he did nothing. It was the other games that made him great!

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