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Manager Attribute Growth


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To help make us perhaps more involved, invested or immersed in our Manager's growth during the course of a save, change how the current system distributes attribute growth to something which we ourselves control.  This would primarily impact new managers who are set up with little or no rep/badges.

So at the end of a season (for example) we gain a certain number of points which we can then apply to our manager's attributes to help us specifically target areas which we want to focus on.  The number of points could be linked to season performance, coaching badges completed and reputation improvements.

For example, 6 points are awarded at the end of my 1st season.  Perhaps I want to focus on developing youth whilst being an attack minded coach, so I invest 4 points into working with youngsters and allocate the remaining 2 into Attacking coaching.  This is all linked back to when we initially create our new managers with each attribute rated on a 1-20 scale.  After a few seasons I could end up with my manager having a WWY attribute of 20, Attack Coaching of 15 with perhaps some further points which I've allocated to Determination, Discipline and Motivation.

I'd perhaps liken the idea to a "Talent Tree" such as we may see in other RPG style games where points are given and then freely spent depending on how we see our character developing.

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Would you intend for it be capped at a certain total in relation to reputation/badges? 

As in a 5* manager with all badges can spend a total of (totally random numbers here, not even looked at the peak total) 200 (or a total that doesn't allow you to be a 20/20 manager unless you do some incredible things), while a 1* manager with one badge can spend 50?

I'd worry if its implemented wrong it would be easy to simply become a 20/20 manager within a few seasons, regardless of your achievements, due to get points at the end no matter what. 

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52 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


Would you intend for it be capped at a certain total in relation to reputation/badges? 

As in a 5* manager with all badges can spend a total of (totally random numbers here, not even looked at the peak total) 200 (or a total that doesn't allow you to be a 20/20 manager unless you do some incredible things), while a 1* manager with one badge can spend 50?

I'd worry if its implemented wrong it would be easy to simply become a 20/20 manager within a few seasons, regardless of your achievements, due to get points at the end no matter what. 

Every time we create a new manager now they have the maximum potential possible, and I don't see a need to change that.

But yes, whether it's possible to actually achieve that full potential is something different, hence why I say to link progress to (for example) badges earned, rep or performance.  Perhaps it could even be restricted so that only the managers aiming at the top - the ones who manage in the Champions League with full badges and high rep - would be the only ones who could possibly achieve the full potential.

Really the intention here is to gain control of how our managers develop rather than the seemingly random growth we have today.  For example in my current Margate save my goalkeeping attributes are increasing faster than any other even though I have zero interest in being a goalkeeping coach, I hadn't set that as my original (low) starting point when creating the save, I've employed a goalkeeping coach and haven't allocated myself as a goalkeeping coach in game.  Which breaks the immersion.

So the game could keep the same attribute growth, but instead of the game randomly distributing the growth, give us the ability to allocate that same growth ourselves.

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Yeah I've been confused/frustrated by this aspect as well. I start out in Serie C so I try to give myself realistically poor stats, but in a few years I found myself at the helm of defending champions Milan and competing in a Champions League final, yet my stats are still Serie C level, which makes it tough to do certain things that would be expected at the level I've earned rising to.

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21 hours ago, wayne'o said:

I thought over time the game created a human manager profile based on the way he plays the game?   Does a human manager having a stat of 5 for attacking instead of 20 make any difference to match results?

Yes and no.

Attributes such as Motivation or Man Management may influence how players interact with you during conversations or react to your Team Talks.  However most of the attributes (such as Attacking as you mention) are more to do with your effectiveness as a Coach for training purposes.

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  • 1 month later...

I like this idea, it would add an additional aspect of realism, and give you something to aspire to.

If your reputation decreases, or you suffer from a couple of bad seasons, would you also want to introduce negative points, where you have to show the decrease of your manager's ability? That encourages you to stay good, and punishes you for having poor seasons. Obviously, I would expect this to be smaller than the initial increases, but it can realistical show a decline such as, for example, Big Sam has undergone in the eyes of many. Call it not keeping up with the times.

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On 13/08/2018 at 02:47, herne79 said:

Yes and no.

Attributes such as Motivation or Man Management may influence how players interact with you during conversations or react to your Team Talks.  However most of the attributes (such as Attacking as you mention) are more to do with your effectiveness as a Coach for training purposes.

I've wondered about this because I want the best possible team talk and I want it to come from me, but if my assistant manager has better stats in those areas it seems smart to trust them to him. Which is uncomfortable because I want to take responsibility as the manager, and how will I ever improve if I'm not doing them? Yet doing them doesn't seem to actually help you improve...

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18 minutes ago, Weston said:

Have you posted about this issue in the Feature Request Forum?

There's no easy way to break this to you - this thread and your posts are in the Feature Request Forum :p.  What did I do with that facepalm meme...

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57 minutes ago, herne79 said:

There's no easy way to break this to you - this thread and your posts are in the Feature Request Forum :p.  What did I do with that facepalm meme...

Oh man, wish there was a way to delete our posts now haha! This is what I get for opening so many tabs at once and confusing myself

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