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Tie regens' second nationalities to cities and clubs, make this an option in the editor

Ruh Roh

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Right now, the way regens get assigned second nationalities is probably one of the most opaque systems in the game. Just from playing a lot there are a few things I can point out: rural clubs from small population centers get less second nationalities, London clubs get more (and from more exotic places), MLS club academies get kids coming in from literally everywhere (American Samoa! Luxembourg! North Korea!) and American lower league clubs get them from the same handful of countries.

Outside of the MLS stuff this basically works fine, and the fact that it's there makes me think there's something in the editor (inaccessible to the player) that deals with second nationalities. I'd like to see it opened up to the player, and I'd like to see it be more granular: towns close to some borders should get more players from the bordering country, cities with big populations of a certain immigrant group should get more of those players even if it's not a common group in the country as a whole. 

A club-specific option would also be great for the little ethnic clubs that are playable in lower league database mods. Either "Türkiyemspor Berlin" is left alone and it gets barely any Turkish players, or you change the based nation and it gets 100% only Turkish players. From the way MLS works it seems like this club-specific option is also hidden away somewhere, but the current system for America isn't very good at all. The "default pool" is way too small (America has star players with Croatian, Latvian, Hungarian etc. second nationalities, average MLS American players with Iraqi, Jordanian, Vietnamese, Kosovar, Serbian second nationalities etc.), but the "MLS pool" is way too big, there's too many people from microstates.

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I second this.

I also think the demographics in FM dont match real life. I will make a study very soon to compare dual nationalities stats in FM versus real life. Countries like Norway, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Russia and many others lack diversity ingame.

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