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Is there any way to Filter so that Attributes are Added together in Staff/Player Search?


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I'm currently searching for an Assistant Manager in FM 16 and going through each person one by one in the "Staff Search" area. I want an Assistant Manager with high attributes in Judging Player Ability, Determination, Discipline, Motivating, Man Management, and Tactical Knowledge. I'm trying to find out if there is a way to filter so that the person with the Highest Sum of those attributes comes up at the top of the list.

I'm aware of the fact that you can filter so that each category "Is at Least" a certain value, but that way I feel I'd miss out on a few people who might just be particularly weak in one area. 

Would love it if someone could help me out with this as it would save me a TON of time. If it's not already a feature I think it'd be a brilliant one to add.


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I think the only way of doing this would be to set each category by the "is at least" filter and the use the key combination Control+P to print the table to a web page which can then be manipulated in a spread sheet. If you think you miss out on people who are weak in one area then perhaps you could lower the value in the "is at least" filter but IMO it's probably best to get staff who are well rounded.

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 @Amorosinof If you've got a very long list of people it doesn't necessarily pick up everyone at the beginning. I've found that you need to start at the top of the list and then click down to the next page and click down again a couple of times until you reach the bottom of the list then when you Control+P it seems to show everyone in the exported list. Hope that makes sense.

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