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Lower league cohasion problem

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Can anyone advise me how to set up team training for a lower league team? I am finding it difficult to create a decent team cohasion in my FM17 lower league games. Even when I set up Team Cohasion with Very High intensity as general training I still have very low team cohasion (and in the first season also low tactical familarity), possibly because amateur and semi-pro teams only train twice per week. Is this a reason to NOT train Team Cohasion when you are the manager of a lower league team but only fitness, tactical, attacking, ball control (whatever the team needs)?

Any advice on improving team cohasion outside training is welcome. My players have decent morale. Is it for example better for the cohasion in a lower league team to have only 20 players (including a few in the U20 team)? Or is it better to keep the weaker players because releasing them hurts the cohasion? And do training workload and less suitable roles have any influence on cohasion?

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Team cohesion is one of those things that few seem to understand - me included!

If  I am honest, if  I was playing a LLM save, with part-time team, I wouldn't concern myself with the cohesion much, if at all. I think you nailed it wit h the 'only train twice a week' thing. Your players spend so little time together in  comparison to full-timers that cohesion will take a lot longer. 

Keep playing them, keep training them and cohesion will increase over time.


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I can't remember the differences in FM17, but I have no problem in FM18. Here's team cohesion in my current Darlington (VNN) save.


What works for me is using matchday training set to 'tactical familiarity' until it gets to fluid (usually around October) and then switch to 'teamwork' and leave it there for the rest of the season (unless I make radical changes to tactics, in which case rinse and repeat).

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I started playing FM17 again after not playing since the 2010 edition. I was worried that I did something wrong by picking up around 20 players (free transfers) and releasing most of the players from the original squad. I read that cohasion changed the game since 2010, but do I overestimate this change? I actually started the same way as in 2010, focussed on pace, stamina and strenght.

Still any advice to improve the cohasion in lower leagues besides putting general training on Match Cohasion? I have a feeling that the low cohasion had some impact in a few matches, especially early in the season (allthough results improved after that, but cohasion didn't).

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