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[Suggestion] Transfer Clauses Formatting


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When you have quite a few players on the Transfer Centre > Clauses page, it kind of gets out of hand. In big clubs you can fairly easily build up 30+ players in the list (probably twice that if you're managing European giants) all sorted alphabetically and that means some scrolling down to see most of your players with transfer/signing clauses. And if at any point you click off that page (say if you have %age of next profit buyout option and want to double check how he's going to weigh up the potential money vs buyout situation) it resets back to the top of the list when you 'back to' or revisit the clauses page.



(1) We already have "All" "In" "Out" as filter options. Make a filter that is "Buyouts". Naturally it only shows you open buyouts.

(2) Maybe make the guys who have buyout clauses default to be listed first/top. Instead of sorting purely alphabetical, sort by [Sellable Clauses - green], [Buyable Clauses - red], [In - Green], [Out - red].



To be honest this page is a fairly poor use of space. The long players-with-clause list on the left scales the page and the text and player preview barely takes up much of the top of the frames on the right. 

I'd suggest the Clauses themselves go up the top, horizontally (over the two left frames that we have now) and the player profile stays on the right. Then below that you have a column for your "IN" and one for your "OUT" to select from. 



That's my example sketch. And I'm playing on windowed mode. Imagine how big, empty and ugly that space for "Before" is on full screen! It's about 70% of the entire screen!

The "After" sketch is good - it puts the clauses themselves and the highlighted player up the top and centre. Don't forget to default the buys and sells to the top of the scroll lists at the bottom and it would be far more functional and far easier to review.


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