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(SUGGESTION) improve AI managers and coaches responses

Bothan Spy

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I'm fed up with managers fobbing me off with a negative response when I've loaned them a youth player. I say to them that I don't think my player is getting enough playing time, and they almost always end the conversation with, "Yeah whatever, I need to get back to work now." It's just rude!

The other AI gripe I have is the coaches. When I suggest if a player a new trait, I'm sick of coaches saying, "i don't see Joe bloggs doing that." End of conversation. I want solutions not problems! I know they don't always say that, but I find it extremely annoying.

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My loaned manager response, "don't fob me off you idiot, I've loaned you that player in good faith! If that's your attitude then I'll take him back!"

My Coaches response, "i've employed you to do a job! Don't tell me what he can't do, tell me what he can do or your sacked!"

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