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Player Career stats/history won't update!


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I'm having some problems. I have created a new league system for USA and I'm having some problems with the player career statistics. Even though I've played through the season and my players hade been in 30+ games and scored 20+ goals. It won't show up on their career statistics. For example, if one of my players plays in 33 games and scores 23 goals, it still says 0 played games and 0 scored goals in that players history. But if you look and the competition history, it's all there...

Here's a few images describing the problem. I have searched for other topics related to this but havn't found anything really. One suggested that it could be the anti virus software that automaticall deletes tempfiles with the statistic. But I have tried on three different computers with three different anti virus softwares. Also tried to turning the software off completely without any success.

If I remove all my custom editor files and just play the game I dont have any problems! So it must be somthing with my editor files causing this problem.

Any ideas?





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