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Created Logo Resolution Issue


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So I made a new logo for Blackpool FC and tried implementing it into the game. The big and medium sized .png pictures work and look fine but when I added the small one its not at all clear and really blurry as you can see in the picture I uploaded. In photoshop I made a 25x18 and simply dropped my logo in but I must be messing something up. Any ideas?


Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at 8.13.20 PM.png

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@Pattric_b If you are using one of the zoomed in text modes, you may need to create a different image - in the same folder you have the small logo in create a new folder and call it @2x then inside that folder place a 50x36 logo (basically double the dimensions of your initial image - though set the image height to 36 then expand the canvas width to 50 to fit it with the default ones) with the same name you used for the small logo and the game should then use that one instead of upscaling your small icon.

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