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WWSM (STEAM) release date moved to Nov 17th?

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no offense but someone from SEGA was supposed to make AN ALREADY DELAYED announcement about steam and all this rubbish TODAY! maybe both SI and SEGA are too busy creating new bugs for the patch. Come on guys, after all they've got only 2 days and a billion bugs to create.

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I can't believe the amount of whining that goes on over 3 or 4 days delay. I personally laud SI for their efforts to make FM more user (read: dumbed down) friendly for all the bonks in NA.

it's all you ***** that give the NA crowd a bad name.

SI: KUTGW!!!!!!

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I can't believe the amount of whining that goes on over 3 or 4 days delay. I personally laud SI for their efforts to make FM more user (read: dumbed down) friendly for all the bonks in NA.

it's all you ***** that give the NA crowd a bad name.

SI: KUTGW!!!!!!

How is delaying the STEAM download to correlate with the boxed version US release an "effort to make FM more user friendly"?

And WWSM isn't "dumbed down" it's a name change and a language edition. If anything, it's smarter because it includes more words than the other releases ;)

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How is delaying the STEAM download to correlate with the boxed version US release an "effort to make FM more user friendly"?

And WWSM isn't "dumbed down" it's a name change and a language edition. If anything, it's smarter because it includes more words than the other releases ;)

LOL.....I was referring to the word change from football to soccer.

*sigh* Sarcasm doesn't do well on forums. LOL.

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Sad to report guys, but there is finally official word, as a side note in another communication (as if us US based folks would now expect anything less.........)

In this announcement


with later release dates such as the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia for Football Manager 2009 and Worldwide Soccer Manager in the USA will have servers turned active for midnight before their respective releases.


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ImaScottie - personally, I don't insist on anything.

As far as I recall, it's a long answer - however it was requested by US retail when we launched the product and we've kept it to this day as without it, we probably wouldn't convince US retailers to take the game at all.

I will speak to the American marketing and sales people and ask if they think it's still a legacy thing or if it still helps them get the game into the market - I'd assume WWSM was better than nothing at all?

I don't know if the majority of people dislike it or not - perhaps the majority of American customers registered on here do...

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Worth noting, I just got my confirmation email from STEAM support regarding my cancellation of WWSM09. I had read horror stories about STEAMs support on these forums recently, but there were zero issues in this instance.

Cancel request support ticket logged around 6pm last night, confirmed around noon today (times in EST). Basically ~4 hours of 'work time' and no hassle.

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keep wwsm all you want but if your going to make it available on a digital distribution like Steam you can easily make both the FM and WWSM available to the NA population. Let us decide. This will also give you an idea of what the NA group would prefer by simply tracking which of the 2 gets purchased more.

As for most of us prefering getting FM to WWSM i think you would find that the majority of us would prefer it.

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its true, most of the people who would buy wwsm are JUST people who happen to be in the US right now, and have to buy wwsm cuz fm is harder to find here.....there isnt much people who would buy wwsm blatantly just cuz they like "soccer"

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Maybe someone can explain a major difference between WWSM and FM. If it is just a language issue, that's an odd thing to get worked up about. I personally could care less if they call it soccer or football, as long as its 11 v 11 with a ball and 2 goals. If there is another major difference, then could someone let me know.

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You guys suck. Way to screw over North America again. Consider me a customer lost. You guys should be embarrassed to run a company this way. The lack of customer service is appaling. One day you fools will realize what true customer service is.

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i wouldve bought this game thursday at midnight. instead since you're screwing over NA players, what do you think your loyal fans are going to do? the ones that really want to play this game? sit on their thumbs and go to sleep?

**** no theyre going to pirate it

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My fellow Americans could also consider doing other constructive things with their time while waiting the extra few days. You could read (which I plan to do), watch actual football on TV or do something outside. I am not getting it until the 17th, but I am not going to go off the deep end. If you really need to pirate it, that's your choice, although I am not heartbroken about waiting 3 days and getting it about $20 dollars cheaper then my friends across the Atlantic are paying for the game. Although I will say it is a little odd that the delay is taking place on a digital download. It is one thing if we have to actually have the CD, but whatever, I would imagine this gets fixed in the future.

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This is getting really old. I am tired of the American release date put back each year for some reason or another. I will stick with WWSM this year but next year I will get FM from Europe. There is no reason we can't have the game the same day as others. I am sick of being treated as a second class customer over here in states. You say buy the game to help the American market then each year you delay the release...I've had it and will not buy WWSM after this year.

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Three days isn't going to kill anyone, but this is an absolute blunder.

A lot of us ordered through STEAM because SI stated it was their preferred way for digital distribution. When we preordered, we were promised a November 14th registration date by STEAM and SI. Now it has been moved back and there is no possible way, thanks to STEAM's customer service team (if there is one) being unreachable, to cancel my order so I can seek another way to get the game when it was promised to me without paying for it yet again.

This isn't about shafting North American players. This is about being lied to with no possible avenue toward reconciliation. I can't cancel. I can't play. I'm stuck waiting on an unfulfilled promise.

Sounds a bit harsh, but I think it's important for you (SI and SEGA) to know what's going through your customers' heads. Hopefully you can understand why a lot of us are frustrated. We handed you some cash and now we feel powerless.

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The fact that the release say is a Saturday is what the problem is. The fact that Amazon.com is the only retailer selling actual boxed units of WWSM and with the release on Saturday meant that they would have had to set up special delivery for everyone since Saturday isn't a normal delivery day. So obviously Amazon must have felt slighted based on an earlier release date for steam than what they were going to offer, that and the stupid idea that anything new has to come out on a Tuesday or not at all. If SI wants a worldwide distribution next time maybe that should be taken into account before hand. And it sure as hell is something that Sega should have known about.

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As far as I recall, it's a long answer - however it was requested by US retail when we launched the product and we've kept it to this day as without it, we probably wouldn't convince US retailers to take the game at all.

I will speak to the American marketing and sales people and ask if they think it's still a legacy thing or if it still helps them get the game into the market - I'd assume WWSM was better than nothing at all?

I don't know if the majority of people dislike it or not - perhaps the majority of American customers registered on here do...

"Requested by US retail", not US consumers. Although I have a good idea what most other Americans think, I speak only for myself. Forget WWSM and US retailers. We could buy the game from the UK or elsewhere. What's most frustrating is there is a perfectly good FM09 download going live on steam soon to all the world except US. How about a choice?

"I'd assume WWSM was better than nothing at all?" Um ... this makes no sense. Once again, FM09 ... to the world ... 14th. That's something we want too. How about a choice?

In conclusion, give Americans the option to download FM09 on the 14th and your problem is solved and, I think, everyone is happy. Since it has not been clarified, I will assume some "US retailer" is forcing this delay. Amazon.com calling the shots for you guys? :(

edit: Does anyone know how to get access to the FM09 download from the US?

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I'm glad I came upon this thread. I was going to buy FM this year, and as I'm now located in the USA, I was going to buy from Steam. Not anymore, I want the game on release day to get a good weekend playing it. There are usually other options to get the game on release day, so I will have to pursue these.

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This is getting really old. I am tired of the American release date put back each year for some reason or another. I will stick with WWSM this year but next year I will get FM from Europe. There is no reason we can't have the game the same day as others. I am sick of being treated as a second class customer over here in states. You say buy the game to help the American market then each year you delay the release...I've had it and will not buy WWSM after this year.

That's your decision. I can't change the games industry in America though - games ship on Tuesday there, and street on Friday here. That's the inconsistency, and it's not fixable. Most consumers the world over seem to be able to accept this.... sorry that it's such a specific problem for you.

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"I'd assume WWSM was better than nothing at all?" Um ... this makes no sense. Once again, FM09 ... to the world ... 14th. That's something we want too. How about a choice?

In conclusion, give Americans the option to download FM09 on the 14th and your problem is solved and, I think, everyone is happy. Since it has not been clarified, I will assume some "US retailer" is forcing this delay. Amazon.com calling the shots for you guys? :(

edit: Does anyone know how to get access to the FM09 download from the US?

The sales via retail outweigh previous downloads by a more than significant percentage. That's perfect sense from our point of view. If Amazon don't take the stock, less people will get to play - not everyone wants to download.

Amazon aren't calling the shots - as we've repeatedly explained, the download supports the retail release. That is unlikely to change - we need to work with all our retail partners, internationally, and this is the way we're doing it at present.

For next year - I'll ask our US colleagues if they think there's benefit in taking FM rather than WWSM. They may think its a possibility, some time has passed since that decision. I'll also investigate the opportunity to release on a worldwide date via digital, but I think that's less likely for reasons already explained.

Either way, I think it's fair for us to give you early transparency on the release dates which we didn't do across all releases this year so at least you'll be able to take your pick...

Hope that clarifies a little.



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Three days isn't going to kill anyone, but this is an absolute blunder.

A lot of us ordered through STEAM because SI stated it was their preferred way for digital distribution. When we preordered, we were promised a November 14th registration date by STEAM and SI. Now it has been moved back and there is no possible way, thanks to STEAM's customer service team (if there is one) being unreachable, to cancel my order so I can seek another way to get the game when it was promised to me without paying for it yet again.

This isn't about shafting North American players. This is about being lied to with no possible avenue toward reconciliation. I can't cancel. I can't play. I'm stuck waiting on an unfulfilled promise.

Sounds a bit harsh, but I think it's important for you (SI and SEGA) to know what's going through your customers' heads. Hopefully you can understand why a lot of us are frustrated. We handed you some cash and now we feel powerless.

That, I do buy. There was an error when the game was made available by Steam that said it would be on the 14th in North America. I can only apologise, that should have been clear from the start.

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Just like last year, a bunch of lies and total crap. I can only hope enough people get tired of being treated like this to hurt sales. I for one would be quite happy to find a cracked version of the game Friday night. I would download it and play it with out any remorse at all. Especiall the way we have been treated.

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Just for confirmation and clarity - WWSM via Amazon and Steam will be available from November 17th. Apologies for the confusion caused by the initial date listed on Steam - that was an error that was erctified as soon as it was discovered.

I hope you understand how disappointed we all were when this happened. We finally thought we were on even footing only to be put back in our place with one week to go. We did nothing wrong. As for me I followed links provided by Miles on SI's official website to a STEAM preorder that said release was Nov 14th. This error was found before Friday Nov 7th as that is when it was corrected. So probably sometime Thursday late or early Friday. Did anyone consider getting Amazon their disks sooner so they could move their release date up? Wouldn't that have been the better solution? Having Amazons customers saying "hey, look Amazon is getting us the game three days early. Cool, that gives me all weekend to play". Instead of long thread complaining about the issue?

ImaScottie - personally, I don't insist on anything.

As far as I recall, it's a long answer - however it was requested by US retail when we launched the product and we've kept it to this day as without it, we probably wouldn't convince US retailers to take the game at all.

I will speak to the American marketing and sales people and ask if they think it's still a legacy thing or if it still helps them get the game into the market - I'd assume WWSM was better than nothing at all?

I don't know if the majority of people dislike it or not - perhaps the majority of American customers registered on here do...

In hindsight probably better with nothing at all and just importing FM. Delayed patches, lack of mirror sites to d'load patches, issues of release dates like now. At least when the game came a few days later we knew it was dispatched at the same time as a UK player's game was. It was only late because of the time in transit.

It's consistent with the release date of the physical product.

But then let's say there was no WWSM this year and we in the States bought FM from STEAM. Wouldn't we still be region locked and not allowed to d'load the game anyway like the Poles? The problem is the way Sega USA, or whatever they are called releases the game.

Sega (the whole company US, Europe, Asia) needs to get on the same page with the release.

If you want a Friday release then make sure Amazon.US has their supply of disks in time to take care of their preorders. For God's sake man we love your game and want to play it. You'd think you guys would want to do everything in your (again Sega the whole company) power to make it happen. I mean it's a digital download age it's not like doing the D-Day invasion over again. Send Amazons disks out the same time you distribute to the European retailers. Fed Ex I'm sure could handle the job and get them there on time:)

If Sega USA is concerned about how many sales they can post they are going about it in the wrong way. Either go FM all the way of give us a choice. Then keep track of sales based on isp for digital downloaders and Amazon.US sales for disk versions. I'm sure if Amazon listed FM instead of WWSM they would see a huge increase in sales from those (I'm one of them now after this years issues) that won't touch WWSM with a ten foot pole.

Thanks for listening

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Just like last year, a bunch of lies and total crap. I can only hope enough people get tired of being treated like this to hurt sales. I for one would be quite happy to find a cracked version of the game Friday night. I would download it and play it with out any remorse at all. Especiall the way we have been treated.

I've apologised. I've not lied. I'd suggest there's no need for you to troll any more.

Thanks for listening

Understand the frustrations and as I said, I'm sorry. We definitely got the initial communication wrong.

There wasn't a way to get product out earlier - AMerican stock is manufactured in America to give it the best chance of being close to the FM release in terms of timing. Ironically, this is actually the closest to the FM release that WWSM has ever been.

There's no way for me to know what we'd have done if there was no WWSM physical release so I can't really suggest what the plan would have been...

We'll review for next year. I sent the first email in that process today.

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That's your decision. I can't change the games industry in America though - games ship on Tuesday there, and street on Friday here. That's the inconsistency, and it's not fixable.[b/] Most consumers the world over seem to be able to accept this.... sorry that it's such a specific problem for you.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here but this, at least from this example, isn't quite true (not accusing you of lying because most of the time it is). But I did find this website that shows release dates on the calender and here is Sega scheduled to releae "Sonic Unleashed" for the ps3 on Friday Dec 12th 2008.



Resident Evil 5 due for release on Friday the 13th, http://game-releases.net/2009/mar/ yes I get the significance. But it shows exceptions can and are made.

I don't do this to call you out but to hopefully give you ammunition when talking to the decision makers about next year:)

Again I appreciate you taking the time to at least listen.

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Waiting tell the US release date is fine with me. I have an exam anyway so I can study until the game comes (amazon says 20-21st). When I got WSM 07 from amazon, I chose overnight shipping and it was at my house before 5:00pm the next day.

Is there any big difference between WSM and FM besides the release date and "soccer" and "football"

Has anyone found WSM in the stores like Best Buy? I've never thought to look as I usually use Amazon.

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Like Matt has said, the real issue here is the US release date for new product. Video games, DVDs, Music cds etc. all usually release on a Tuesday or for some video games, a Wednesday. Anyone who has worked in retail selling these items over here knows this.

However, that doesn't explain why the date on steam was Nov 14th. That was their error, and it has been appologised for.

I guess I'd just hoped that the digital release wouldn't be confined by the regular process for releasing new entertainment media over here.

The options we have now are to get WWSM from steam, and recieve it on the 17th, or preorder it from somewhere like gogamer, get the FM version but wait another 2 days or so for delivery. I'm dissapointed but at this point in the game, I guess I understand.

I probably will get WWSM, however, the patches for this all seem to take longer to come out. That's the only thing stopping me from preordering WWSM from steam right now.

Oh well, we live and learn I guess.

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I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here but this, at least from this example, isn't quite true (not accusing you of lying because most of the time it is). But I did find this website that shows release dates on the calender and here is Sega scheduled to releae "Sonic Unleashed" for the ps3 on Friday Dec 12th 2008.



Resident Evil 5 due for release on Friday the 13th, http://game-releases.net/2009/mar/ yes I get the significance. But it shows exceptions can and are made.

I don't do this to call you out but to hopefully give you ammunition when talking to the decision makers about next year:)

Again I appreciate you taking the time to at least listen.

A lot of games actually "release" monday here but due to it taking a day or so to arrive in retail stores, the actual in store release is usually tuesday or wednesday. If you look at release dates at gamestop, most are listed for a day or so before they will actually be received in stores.

Like you say, exceptions are made but not often. It usually takes a huge game release (Like Res Evil 5) or the game producer pushing for a different release day. For example, Nintendo often releases a lot of its big games and its new systems on Sunday. They do have a lot of pull here though.

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Here's an idea. Next year release WWSM first, on the Tuesday before the rest of the world gets FM on Friday. The watch the howls and complaints from our friends in Europe. Then you'll understand why we complain.

I can't say that I'm surprised. This happens every year. SI and Sega want us to support the product, then mislead us, and change things at the last moment.

I wasn't sure whether to stay with FM08 or go to FM09. I think they just made my decision for me. Matt - take that to your superiors.

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WWSM cannot be patched with the FM patch? How long do we have to wait?

I truly hope this is not the case. I've almost come to terms with having WWSM forced on me, but having to wait more for a different patch would be too much. Hopefully, some variations in text would not mean a different patch.

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I live in the US and have been playing for many years now. I really do not know why but I have always preferred to having the FM version of the game. I have ordered every copy from gameplay and never have had any issues. When it was announced that Steam would be used this year, that option did nothing for me. I have had too many issues in the past with them to make me want to try now. I usually get the game with a few days of release. I think most people from the states should just order from the UK online. Having the boxed version plus having the patches available more freely is a better way to go, my opinion anyway.

I feel bad for those struggling with getting their copies. Sadly until when, and if, football(soccer) becomes more popular over here, the options will be limited.

My opinion only as always

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